Business Developer is the most requested profession in 2024

April 2024
7 Min

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A few days ago, LinkedIn and Pôle Emploi published the results of a study on jobs and skills in France. It covers the profiles of over 17 million members.

The Business Developer, big winner

The professions of business development specialists, recruitment managers, and data scientists are the three most emerging professions

In detail, the profession of business development specialist (“Business Development Specialist” -> Business Developer) is the profession In addition to strong annual growth (+12%), in front of the recruitment specialists (+8%) and the Data analysts (+6%). News that we are delighted at Akimbo : we explained in our Manifesto that Sales had remained in the age of Minitel, that era will soon be over!

Le Business Developer, grand gagnant

The study also highlights the rise of companies whose business model is in SaaS (Software as a Service) to explain the recent “rise in positions related to business development and customer success.” This is excellent news for Akimbo students because it is precisely this new paradigm that they are being trained in. School partners such as Algolia, Payfit or Spendesk - to name just a few - are emblematic of these new “SaaS” startups.

A unique opportunity for future Business Developers

The study indicates that business demand for these profiles has increased sharply. This is also the observation that we share on a daily basis with sales managers of technology companies: candidates for these positions rarely master the fundamentals of sales and business development. A business school diploma does not guarantee knowledge of basic techniques such as qualifying prospects or mastering a sales methodology like Challenger Sales.

The consequence? For several years, there has been a shortage of nearly 100,000 B2B salespeople (study by the National Observatory of Commercial Managers of France) that companies are unable to recruit. This shortage is even greater in digital technology where businesses are more demanding. So there is a unprecedented opportunity for candidates who want to become experts in Sales & Business Development 👍.

It should also be remembered that sales and commercial development in digital technology is a different job from that of sales person in a traditional industry. This partly explains the shortage in question. If you are wondering about differences between a salesperson and a business developer, check our article on the subject: the product whose sales should be developed, the missions, the skills, the environment, the tools, the remuneration and the prospects for development are different.

To conclude, let's launch a call together on an ancillary but even more important subject: the Digital world lacks women because there are still barriers that make their integration and progress more difficult. But the disappearance of these barriers has accelerated in recent years: ladies, it's time to join us 🔥!

Do you want to know more about Sales & Business Development jobs?

Being Sales cannot be improvised. At Akimbo, we have therefore put together a set of articles for you to find out about Sales & Business Development jobs.

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