Business Engineer Salary - Average Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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In France, on average, a business engineer receives a gross annual salary of €50,000. At the end of the career, this salary exceeds €100,000.

One business engineer sets up the business processes necessary for the successful execution of a project. It must also ensure that business goals are achieved, risks are controlled, and costs are under control. Many Akimbers become XXXXX after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

What is the salary of a business engineer?

Junior Business Engineer Salary

At the beginning of a career, a business engineer will earn between 32K € and €40K per year.

Business engineer salary

After gaining experience, a business engineer will earn on average €50K per year.

Senior Business Engineer Salary

A senior business engineer can, on the other hand, get a salary of more than 100 K€ per year.

Quel est le salaire d’un ingénieur d’affaires ?

What are the career opportunities for a business engineer?

The business engineer can progress and evolve into a position of sales manager, sales director or marketing director.

How to become a business engineer?

Business engineer is a generic term for an engineering professional who specializes in business. These professionals put their engineering skills at the service of businesses to help them achieve their business goals. Business engineers often work for engineering firms or engineering consulting firms. They can also work as freelancers or open their own businesses.

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