Although versatile, a salesperson cannot manage perfectly all the missions associated with him. So he works with a Sales Assistant. This support allows him to be more productive.
Key player of the sales department of a company, theSales assistant Is a genuine Swiss Army Knife. Far from being a simple relay, it is themiddleman privileged between patrons And thesales team. This position requires a lot of skills in customer management/sales And in communication. For this, different trainings allow you to acquire all the qualities and acquaintances required for this commercial position very diversified and requested By the major groups.
What are the missions of a Sales Assistant?
One Sales assistant manages daily The different responsibilities related to customer relationship And at the vending. These include administrative missions (file management) but also operational (organization of commercial activities).
This post comes from supportive throughout the sales process. A Sales Assistant may be required to do commercial prospecting To find new customers While according to the file Of existing customers.
This position requires a knowledge Particular ofventure in internally As in external. Indeed, this profession includes internal coordination missions between the various departments of the company. To serve business goals, the Sales Assistant must also monitor the market and its trends.
What are the tasks of a Sales Assistant?
Les common tasks assigned to a Sales Assistant are the administrative management. They are particularly assets On the monitoring of commercial files And the internal coordination of the company. Sales Assistants are in sales support And Commercials. They can also help organize entertainment commercial via the Making an appointment, the stakeholder management And the Course of the event.
What are the skills to be acquired?
The job of Sales Assistant has many facets. Therefore, this post requires several skills.
The different skill blocks
The professional title Sales Assistant, includes skill blocks related to missions of the post. There are main blocks essentials in practice (CCP professional skills certificates) but also Complementary (CCS complementary specialization certificates).
For the Sales Assistant, the national directories of professional certifications French foresees two blocks :
- “Manage sales and monitor the supply chain”
Skills : manage and monitor sales administration, monitor supply chain operations, monitor customer relationships
- “Contribute to the deployment of the company's commercial strategy”
Skills : know how to design commercial communication materials as well as dashboards, organize and monitor commercial action, ensure the reception and support of the conduct of a commercial action
What are the training options to become a Sales Assistant?
The job of Sales Assistant is accessible by numerous routes, in initial training or in redevelopment. A candidate for this position must be up to date on the Proficiency in foreign languages but also commercial techniques. So he must To be formed.
The commercial assistant professional title
The Professional title Commercial Assistant is issued and recognized By theState via the Ministry of Labor. This continuing education allows access to the job of Sales Assistant. After following this course, the individual has a titre RNCP of Level 5 equivalent to one Bac +2 diploma.
Learning remotely
Several organisms, private or public (Pôle Emploi), offer training courses remotely. These platforms form online, sometimes 100% in autonomy, in order to adapt to all types of profiles. Several times ofswaps can be organized in order to guarantee the best follow-up up toobtaining the certificate.
The real estate sector
The real estate sector is a very vibrant in terms of employment. Becoming a Sales Assistant through the real estate sector is a way to professionalize quickly. Multipurpose, the Real Estate Assistant is required to carry out commercial operations OfWelcome, ofvaluation but also of prospecting.
It is an optimal choice of redevelopment And ofbouts to the commercial sector.
To become a Sales Assistant, a experiment as an Assistant in theimport-export can be rewarding. It is a profession wholemeal Who manages the administrative operations and logistics from start to finish. The aspect intl can also be a plus because the job of Sales Assistant requires the knowledge And the mastery of Foreign languages. Knowing the market is also a plus.
What are the evolutions of the Sales Assistant job?
The Sales Assistant can be used in almost all sectors of activity and makes this job a Professional springboard which leads to numerous opportunities.
Thanks to its ability to manage a Large number of customer accounts, the Sales Assistant can take responsibilities and become Key Account Manager Assistant.
Thanks to his Knowledge of the environment developed during the years spent on the position, he can also choose to become Commercial.
What are the financing options?
Se To form Where reorienting is often perceived as a heavy investment of time and money. For individuals who want evolve professionally, it is possible to finance a portion See the totality of his training.
The Employment Center
Pôle Emploi is a French organization offering services For the jobseekers, in particular the training funding. All you have to do is Contact one counselor in order to establish a quote for the desired training. Depending on eligibility criteria And of the motivation presented in the folder, the individual can qualify for funding.
The ROME Commercial Assistant Code
The Code ROME Sales Assistant Is a code that designates the profession. The code D1401 Corresponds to a fiche Sales Assistant who gives all the informations on the job. Each Job center offer includes the ROME code corresponding to the offer in order to make match job seekers and job providers.
The cpf
It is possible to finance totally or partially his training as a Sales Assistant via the personal training account (CPF). The advantage of this financing arrangement is that it is enabled From theentering the market of work. This contribution is workable Until the superannuation For the individual follow a training in order to develop professionally. These courses are recognized by the State.
How do I get recruited as a Sales Assistant?
- Highlight skills relevant to the position
It is necessary to highlight the key competencies wanted for the position of Sales Assistant on the RESUME Or the motivation letter. The recruiter must feel not only a keen interest in the company's mission but also a relevance between the missions mentioned in the offer and the candidate's abilities.
- Enrich your CV with professional experiences
By some internships, of temporary assignments Or of volunteerism, it is possible to createexperiment And of Strengthen your resume. The position of Sales Assistant being dense, the candidate must be able to prove your motivation and its versatility.
- Use your network and apply for job offers
The position of Sales Assistant is common in large groups. It is possible to access numerous propositions via the hiring sites. It may also be relevant toActivate your network looking for job opportunities
What salary for a Sales Assistant?
On average in France, Sales Assistants earn between 24K € and €40K gross per year.
These salaries are variables depending on the sector and location. Experience and various bonuses can also be added to this salary.
What jobs are associated with this position?
Les associated trades At the post ofSales assistant Are the ones strongly related to customer relationships such as that of account manager.
But by his commercial actions, we can alsoassociate At Sales representative, at Commercial Counsellor, at Sales Support and even to a Marketing assistant.
These jobs are often linked to sales team support in various businesses and industries. These various jobs include missions of management of commercial activities, of prospecting, of sales coordination And of relationship with customers.