Commercial Diagnosis: the tool to maximize your commercial success

April 2024
7 Min

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Commercial maturity, a key indicator of sales management expertise, encompasses a variety of areas. Learn more about its usefulness and importance.

The objective of the Commercial Diagnosis is to understand the commercial maturity of a company and is defined as the state of development, of sophistication And of skill achieved by a company in managing its sales activities. It encompasses a multitude of areas such as:

  • Sales management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Management of distribution channels
  • The pricing strategy

In short, it is a Measuring the efficiency and competence of businesses in carrying out their activities.

diagnostic commercial
The Sales Services Director of Akimbo who shows the diagnosis created internally

A mature sales team is distinguished by its ability to:

  • Anticipate
  • Conduct an audit of your processes
  • Responding effectively to changing market needs
  • Develop strong and lasting customer relationships
  • Maximize your income while minimizing your costs
  • Align your sales strategy with long-term KPIs

This maturity is the result of a continuous effort to improve:

  • Sales people's practices
  • The results
  • Corporate culture
  • The ability to innovate
Performance equipe commerciale

Importance of the commercial maturity diagnosis for a company

The diagnosis of commercial maturity is not a simple formality, but rather a crucial step for all companies that want stay competitive and thrive.

The importance of evaluating business efficiency because it provides an objective overview of how an organization manages its dirty activities, identifying both strengths and weaknesses. Here are a few reasons why this work is critical:

Identifying improvement opportunities

The diagnosis makes it possible to identify areas where improvements are needed due to:

  • Inefficient processes
  • Deficiencies in customer relationship management
  • Supply chain issues

Optimization of resources and internal solutions

A well-structured sales team activity leads to better resource management, thus maximizing financial performance and results. The software used by the various services is better chosen.

Informed decision making

It provides tangible data to guide strategic decision-making, whether to develop new markets in France, adjust pricing, or invest in emerging technologies.

Improving competitiveness

Organizational structures that are best positioned to remain competitive in the long term are capable of:

  • Do a precise analysis of their market
  • Adapt quickly to changes in the sector
  • Meeting customer expectations
Diagnostic commercial d'une organisation

The advantages of a commercial maturity diagnosis

The diagnosis of commercial maturity is not limited to a simple measurement of the current state of your company. The main ones advantages of a commercial diagnosis are:

- That it contributes to its growth

- That it increases its prosperity

In this section, we will explore in detail the multiple benefits to be gained from this extensive research.

Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the company

One of the main benefits is the ability to accurately identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business. This knowledge is valuable because it provides objective insight into overall performance.

Identifying assets to better assess your efforts

By identifying the strengths of your business, you can capitalize and strengthen them. This may include high-performing sales teams, an excellent reputation for customer service, or effective internal processes.

Identifying performance weaknesses

Discovering weaknesses gives you the opportunity to correct them. Maybe your sales processes are too slow, your marketing strategy isn't reaching its target, or customer relationship management is lacking. Once identified, these weaknesses can be transformed into opportunities for improvement. In this case, you must find support to have a optimized sales machine and verified commercial data to achieve your goals.

Aligning business activities with strategic goals

The business maturity diagnosis helps to ensure that your company's Sales activities are in line with your long-term strategic decisions.

diagnostic commercial définition
A sales team that carries out the diagnosis

Too often, businesses can get lost and engage in activities that don't contribute to the achievement of their overall goals. With this device, you can:

Setting priorities

You can identify the activities that have the greatest impact on achieving your strategic goals and prioritize them.

Eliminate distractions

By assessing business maturity, you can also identify activities that are becoming strategic missions and that can be abandoned or reoriented.

Optimizing resources

The alignment of activities with strategic actions makes it possible to optimize the allocation of resources and to maximize operational efficiency.

Improving decision making

One of the great benefits of this audit is its ability to provide tangible data and accurate information. This information is essential for informed decision making. With a thorough understanding of how the business is performing, managers can rely on real data rather than on intuition to guide their strategic choices.

diagnostic commercial entreprise
A Sales Manager who assesses the effectiveness of his sales force

Identifying weaknesses and gaps before they become critical makes it possible to minimize potential risks.

Instead of reacting to problems as they arise, you can anticipate potential challenges and develop action plans to deal with them by taking a proactive approach.

Measuring competitiveness in the market

Finally, the commercial maturity diagnosis allows you to measure your competitiveness on the market. By evaluating your business against competitors or industry standards, you:

  • Find out where you stand compared to the competition
  • Identify opportunities to differentiate yourself and strengthen your position.

Measuring your competitiveness helps you remain responsive to changes in the sector and the changing expectations of prospects.

diagnostic maturité commerciale
A Sales Director who assesses the effectiveness of the processes followed internally

When you can demonstrate that you are in a position to compete successfully, that strengthens the trust of investors, partners, customers and your salespeople too.

In conclusion, the commercial maturity diagnosis brings a series of advantages that go beyond simply evaluating your business.

It allows you to:

  • To identify the positive aspects
  • To correct the less positive aspects
  • To align activities with your missions
  • To improve decision making
  • To measure your competitiveness on the market

It's a powerful study to guide your business toward long-term success. In the following sections of this article, we'll explore the steps to carry out a commercial diagnosis and how to get the most out of it.

How to carry out a diagnosis of your commercial organization?

Conducting a commercial maturity analysis is a strategic support approach that can transform your business.

This allows you to make informed decisions about which tools to use and maximize your performance and competitiveness in the market.

Our Akimbo team has designed the best tool to allow as many people as possible to quickly have ideas for business acceleration.

It is a completely free online solution, designed based on the support of +250 B2B customers.

Start this diagnosis now to identify concrete levers for improving your Sales team. Receive the results of your diagnosis by email in the form of a personalized report among the +500K possible combinations of recommendations.

Optimize the performance of your sales teams today with tips from evaluating your sales force. Discover opportunities for improvement and ways to explore to reach new heights of success with our article” How to carry out a diagnosis of its commercial organization?

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