Commercial training to develop skills

April 2024
7 Min

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Whether you are a novice looking to enter the job market or an experienced professional looking to refine your skills, sales training is an essential way to remain competitive in a constantly changing world.

Sales training can be defined as a structured process for developing the skills needed to achieve business goals. It represents the essential base upon which success in the business world is based.

It includes:

- The set of knowledge, skills and techniques necessary to excel in the commercial field.

- A range of topics ranging from understanding principles sales fundamentals to the mastery of interpersonal skills crucial for building strong relationships with customers.

At Akimbo, our Performance training offer allows sales teams to increase their skills to increase their performance tenfold.

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The Akimbers of session 24 in training

Business education provides a breeding ground for acquiring in-depth knowledge and applying effective techniques to thrive in the business world.

In the modern professional context, commercial skills occupy a predominant position. THErapid evolution of markets, changes in consumer buying behaviors and the advent of advanced technologies have significantly transformed the nature Even from trade.

Today, well beyond the simple transaction, selling has become an experience where the relational aspect and the understanding of the customer's needs play a central role.

Thus, negotiating, communicating effectively, and understanding market mechanisms are all crucial skills that make sales training a lever major For success professional.

In this sense, this article explores in depth the foundations of commercial training, by shedding light on its growing importance at a time when agility and adaptability are essential assets to thrive in today's dynamic business world.

The fundamentals of business training

The fundamentals of business training are essential to build competent and successful professionals in the field of trade.

These fundamental principles encompass a set of knowledge, skills and techniques which form the very basis for all success in the business world. Explore the main aspects of business education fundamentals:

Understand the basics of business

1. The basic principles of selling

In the complex trading arena, the basic principles of sales play a decisive role. It all starts with a thorough understanding of needs and desires customers. The ability to listen actively, ask relevant questions, and anticipate expectations makes it possible to personalize the sales approach.

formation commerciale
Akimbers from session 24 in training

Transparency, integrity and the establishment of a relationship of trust are key elements in guiding the customer through the buying process.

Closing the sale also requires the ability to effectively manage objections, to dispel concerns and to highlight the unique value of the proposal.

2. Effective communication in a commercial context

Effective communication is the glue that strengthens successful business relationships. It goes beyond the simple transmission of information. La clarity and conciseness in communication are essential to convey the value proposition of a product or service in an effective way.

Adaptability is a valuable skill, allowing personalize communication depending on the target audience. In addition, non-verbal communication, including body language and body language, plays a major role in establishing an authentic connection with the interlocutors.

Interpersonal skills

Develop strong relationships with customers

Building strong relationships with customers is at the heart of business success. It starts with creating a positive customer experience, where the satisfaction And the loyalty are priority.

Interpersonal skills involve understanding individual needs, personalizing interactions, and solving problems effectively. A trained professional knows how to build a long-term relationship by Exceeding expectations and by showing a genuine commitment to customer satisfaction.

Objection Management and Negotiation

Handling objections and negotiating are crucial skills for any trade professional. The ability to anticipate, understand and overcoming the objections constructively is essential to keep the sales process on track.

Formations commerciales
An Akimbers who reviews her notes to prepare a sales call

La negotiation, on the other hand, requires a subtle balance between seeking a mutually beneficial agreement and maintaining the value of the product or service.

Extensive training in these areas allows professionals to:

  • To refine their skills
  • To turn challenges into opportunities
  • To conclude agreements that are profitable for all stakeholders

In conclusion, the fundamentals of business education are not only limited to sales principles and effective communication, but also encompass the development of interpersonal skills that are essential for building lasting relationships and succeeding in the commercial field.

The types of commercial training

Face-to-face sales training

Face-to-face sales training remains a powerful and traditional method for developing the skills of professionals in the field of commerce.

It offers a immersive and interactive experience which goes beyond theoretical aspects, allowing participants to acquire practical skills while benefiting from direct interaction with trainers and peers. Explore the key aspects of face-to-face sales training:

Workshops and seminars

The workshops allow participants to put the concepts learned into practice, thus strengthening their understanding.

Real case studies

The use of real case studies provides a concrete immersion in business challenges encountered in the real world.

Individual coaching with personalized feedback

Coaching sessions offer individualized feedback, allowing participants to understand their strengths and areas for improvement.


Mentors share expertise and advice, guiding participants through their professional development.

Real-time interaction: direct exchanges

Participants have the opportunity to interact directly with trainers and other participants, promoting the sharing of experiences and best practices.

Real-time interaction: debates and discussions

Interactive sessions encourage stimulating debates, offering a diverse perspective on business challenges.

In summary, face-to-face sales training offers an immersive and personalized experience that promotes the holistic development of business skills. It remains an essential option for those looking for in-depth, interactive training adapted to their specific needs.

Online sales training

The rise of technology has revolutionized the way business training is delivered, and online training has become a popular option. However, like any pedagogical approach, it has its pros and cons.

Benefits of distance sales training

Increased accessibility

The main strength of online training lies in its temporal and geographical flexibility. Learners can access content from anywhere, anytime, making continuous learning easy for busy professionals.

Reduced costs

Online training often eliminates the costs associated with travel, accommodation, and logistics. This makes it more economical for both learners and businesses.


Online platforms allow for increased content personalization, allowing learners to take modules tailored to their specific needs, thus speeding up the learning process.

Disadvantages of online training

Lack of face-to-face interaction

The lack of physical contact and human interaction can be a challenge for those who don't benefit from collaborative learning.

Self-discipline required

Online training requires great autonomy and discipline on the part of learners. Some may find it difficult to stay motivated without a traditional classroom structure.

Technical issues

Technical issues, such as unstable internet connections or software compatibility issues, can hamper the online learning experience.

In conclusion, online training offers unprecedented flexibility, but it is crucial to choose the right platform for specific business training needs, while recognizing the potential challenges associated with this approach.

The benefits of commercial training

Increase in sales

Sales training is a powerful weapon to boost sales performance. Trained professionals have a thorough understanding of sales techniques, persuasion methods, and objection management.

This increased expertise is directly translated into increase in sales, because salespeople are better equipped to identify opportunities, adapt their approaches according to customer needs, and close deals more effectively.

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Business developers trained by Akimbo

A trained sales team is able to create stronger customer relationships, retain existing customers, and attract new customers, all contributing to significant revenue growth.

Improving customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of any successful business, and sales training plays a crucial role in this dimension. Trained professionals better understand the needs and expectations of customers, which allows them to provide a more personalized and adapted service.

Effective communication, learned during the training, contributes to the establishment of lasting relationships based on trust and transparency.

Skillful problem solving, a skill often taught in training programs, ensures that customer concerns are addressed in a timely and satisfactory manner.

As a result, satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal to a business and recommend its products or services to others, creating a virtuous circle of growth.

Personal and professional development

Sales training is not only focused on professional skills, it extends equally to personal development individuals.

Training programs often focus on:

  • The strengthening of self-confidence
  • Improving time management
  • The development of interpersonal skills

These elements contribute not only to professional success but also toblossoming staff.

Trained professionals are better able to:

  • Addressing challenges
  • Adapting to changes
  • Maintaining a positive attitude even in difficult situations

Personal development goes hand in hand with professional development, creating individuals who are better equipped to excel in their careers and contribute significantly to the success of their business.

In short, commercial training offers a array of advantages, ranging from increasing sales to improving customer satisfaction, while promoting the personal and professional development of individuals.

These benefits position business training as a strategic investment for businesses seeking to thrive in a competitive business environment.

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