Direct sales training to sell from home

April 2024
7 Min

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Learn more about direct sales training to sell from home and get self-employed.

What professional career path to follow, which training should be preferred according to your level, which diploma to practice, what skills to have...? We answer all of your questions in this article. Who knows, maybe this article will inspire you to then join the Sales & Business Development jobs ?

What is direct home sales?

Although this profession is far from being new in the field of sales, it is still quite unknown to the general public. This job, also called “door to door”, consists of approach the customer directly at home For him sell a product immediately or even present him with a service and do sign a sales contract over the long term. Selling is called “direct” because it does not take place in store, but at the customers' premises, thus requiring the movement of salespeople on a predefined sector.

Direct sales jobs

Beyond simple home sales, it actually exists several direct sales professions. Among the most famous are:

  • The job of direct sales consultant, which is based on the presentation and sales advice on products and services. This professional is in direct contact with the customer.
  • The job of team leader, based more on the management of a team of salespeople.
  • The job of sales manager, also having this management dimension but being more focused on performance and the achievement of a sales objective.

Who can sell directly?

Direct selling can be for everyone in that it does not require a specific diploma, training or career path. Job offers are thus accessible to students, employees already on the job market or individuals in the midst of a professional retraining. If there are training adapted to each level to learn more about direct sales and management techniques, and to develop the qualities of good salespeople, no specific qualifications is not necessary to work in a direct sales company.

How do you get started in direct selling?

Depending on the objective and desires of each person, Start selling directly can be done in several ways:

  • When you have a particular product to sell and/or the Desire to start your own business, it is recommended to follow a training to become a VDI (independent home seller) and to take the necessary steps to create your company. La VDI training is not essential buts is rather recommended to refine its prospecting methods and its approach to the buyer, and thus boost its turnover.
  • If you prefer to work for companies that already exist, you will have to contact a company to apply for a job offer. To boost your application, it is advisable to follow a direct sales training to develop skills and obtain certification - if certification is not mandatory, it is highly valued by companies. When you are already in office, you can also take advantage of a in-house training, thanks to the company, if it is a partner of training centers, for Follow the latest sales techniques and continue to train regularly.

What are the types of professional sales training to become a VDI?

It exists several courses offering different levels, based on the experience of each individual and their prospects for development in this commercial activity. If this activity is, usually a part-time and a cEarnings supplement at the beginning, we can then Becoming a full-time VDI if the opportunity arises and you want to devote yourself fully to it.

We can thus follow a training course allowing to develop the skills you want to focus on (in product animation and advice or management, for example), but also choose your training pace : if some will prefer to train in Face-to-face, it is also more convenient for others to take courses remotely, especially if they do not live near VDI training organizations.

What are the best direct selling courses?

Today, there are some courses in France that are renowned for their quality and effectiveness. Created in collaboration with the Federation of Direct Selling (or FVD), they train salespeople (in business or self-employed) to enable them to obtain a certification valued on the labor market, and to develop skills that make it easier for them to reach their professional goals. We thus find the distance learning of the Academy Direct Sale, which can in particular be monitored internally from the company if it is a member of the FVD, or even the Captain Tortue Academy, ideal for acquire the knowledge and qualities of a good VDI. 

What are the qualities required to be a great VDI?

To be a Great VDI, it is important to have a certain Know how to be and know how to do:

  • Know how to be at theListening and caring with the buyer, but also encourage exchanges with its customers to create a relationship of trust
  • Know how to build a solid business case and be able to respond to customer objections
  • Know how to be creative and flexible to be able to react and adapt to each situation and each type of clientele
  • Know be resilient and ambitious to learn from your failures and to constantly improve in your activity.

How do you discover companies that recruit through direct sales?

To find companies recruiting in direct sales, several methods are possible:

  • Consult the job offer platforms
  • Get closer to training organizations and the list of brands adhering to the FVD
  • Take a look at VDI business directories upon or
  • Use your network and word of mouth for information on companies not listed on such sites

What do you need to know about being a VDI consultant?

Before starting a VDI business, it is important to have in mind a few key points specific to this status:

  • There is no real fixed salary schedule. Generally, remuneration is based on a commission, and therefore on a turnover generated from one month to the next. This can therefore constitute an additional income like a nice monthly sum, depending on the percentage awarded, the result obtained, and the type of contract.
  • It's a pretty solitary job - while they can occasionally have a meeting with a team leader when working for a particular brand, salespeople are in reality often alone in the field and when they travel.

Before exercising, you must obtain your self-employed status and create a company. Indeed, since the VDI is not an employee like the others, it will be imperative that he take the steps to create a self-employed business in order to work legally.

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