You can learn to be a salesperson! To become an ace salesperson, there are several types of distance sales training: Bootcamps, Coachings and an e-learning platform.
For To form its sales team, it is possible to use external organizations. These new tools, both online and in person, are an effective way to provide a personalized coaching and adapted to needs of the company. There are two types of distance business training : the Bootcamps (Like that of Akimbo), the Coaching offers See the e-learning platforms.
What distance learning to be a salesperson?
Depending on expectations, a platform may prove more Relevant than another. THEaccompanying And the contents may differ between the two formats. Bootcamps train salespeople to master new skills In a way Concrete while the platforms are more focused on theory. So you have to choose the best option.
Bootcamp distance training - The Akimbo case
Bootcamp is a excellent training to access the professions of Business Development & Sales.
This is a service over a defined period of time. Support is in Complete immersion. On line suchlike in person, this training allows the individual to learn quickly. This course is supervised by experts that insure a professional coaching and individualized of the participants.
Accessible for all types of profiles, the Bootcamp takes place in two months. However, this type of training remains Selective. Those interested should apply and then participate in a selection interview and a business game.
- Follow intensive and concrete teaching
During these few weeks, candidates will learn the best B2B sales techniques in Tech. Unlike most commercial training courses, some Bootcamps provide a tracking until obtaining a CDI.
- Be part of a national Sales Tech network
Bootcamps bring together a community of Start-up partners everywhere in France. Throughout the training, candidates are coached to find their career path through individual and group interviews but also case studies real.
At the end of these interventions, the trainees are part of the Akimbo network and can benefit from its advantages.
Training and coaching by an organization
These organizations, such as Akimbo, allow your sales team to be coached on B2B sales skills: creation of prospecting sequences, cold calling to prospect, customer appointments, discovering needs, closing techniques, negotiation, etc.
Different formats exist and organizations adapt both to your available time, but also to the challenges of your market.
You can opt for support from a few days to several months, for 1 to 10 hours per week.
Training on an e-learning platform
Training via a Saas platform is a platform on which the candidate connects and follows the course at his rhythm. It is a way to be trained in sales tools and techniques, the whole remotely.
This approach may seem more impersonal. Indeed, learners are not in contact with sales experts. They only take their “courses.”
The syllabus must be chosen and worked on beforehand in order to correspond to needs.
The content of this type of format is intended adaptable and affordable, often available for a limited time. The objective of this support is to define the right ones objectives and to reach them. It is an apprenticeship whose good use of the lessons depends on the will of the individual.
- Save time and energy
When the commercial paucity of time, Saas sales training courses are effective for structuring and homogenize the practices of all teams.
The trained Choose their organization. They can choose to watch the theory videos and to practice but theenforcement practice depends only on them.
- Have an outside look at your practices
As an external service provider, the Saas sales organization provides New feedback and individualized on sales techniques for sales teams.
However, keep in mind that this option is not a Miracle solution. You have to accept that work is long and that the team is ready to Engage and to make changes. Distance learning Saas courses do not verify theassiduity And thelearning of the content offered.
Why do commercial training?
Commercial training combines theory and practice. Mixing personalized coaching and intensive practice, these courses are open to all.
Candidates learn from experiments of the speakers and their tips through the platform. These courses pave the way for professional opportunities.
Apprenticeships during the two-month Akimbo Bootcamp
In just two months, the Akimbo Bootcamp brings a 360° vision of Business Development & Sales.
Through 4 steps, candidates acquire real skills. They evolve in an environment gracious and Challenging.
The aim is for them to succeed in put into practice their acquaintances And that theyIntegrate At professional world thanks to the intervention of partner startups.
Onboarding Sales - One week
During the first week, the speakers Present To the candidates theorganizing of the training, its responders And its educational resources.
They will later discover the bases of Business Development & Sales. This introduction is an opportunity to test the level of each participant andevaluate their skills. IF the individual is eligible, the work of the following weeks will be based on the state of his knowledge and his results.
The objective of this first step is to their Give me the keys success, for the rest of the training as well as for their career. Bootcamp teaches them how to expand their autonomy, their organization but also to understand the Tech and startup world (its codes, its language, its tools...).
Learn to sell yourself in 3 weeks
Three weeks of training are dedicated to readiness Of sound professional project. From the first interview to the signing of the permanent offer, the Bootcamp covers everything recruitment process.
First of all, the speakers organize individual sessions aimed at pinpoint the profile of the participant (strengths, motivations, areas for improvement...).
This psychological approach is complemented by a technical preparation. The candidate is observed and trained on negotiation situations And ofcold calls.
These various exercises constitute the many obstacles that an applicant can face. The aim is to succeed in selling and to reverse the balance of power with the recruiter.
Learn Business Development in 3 weeks
A major block of training is the mastery of commercial development. To do this, three chapters are covered so that participants understand the tools of Business Development.
This sector is complex. It includes concepts of marketing, of Sales, of communication, of team management, of commercial strategy And ofcustomer support.
The Bootcamp covers the whole process of Lead Generation. The first objective is to teach them how to pinpoint the right prospects (their needs, their motivations...). This step is used to power the second one: the Pitch. We teach them how to use commercial data and to create automated prospecting sequencess. This chapter also focuses on cold calls.
Prospecting like the top 2% Sales - 3 weeks
The Bootcamp encourages the”Learning by doing”. In order to fully integrate the profession, the trainees follow advanced training on prospecting.
In digital as well as in person, participants learn to exploit the needs of prospects to sell better. Different methods are taught so that they succeed in present their offer and Anticipate objections. Thanks to all these skills, they will know how to master all the sales cycle within their future employment.
The objective is to succeed in converting all opportunities into customers and build a lasting relationship with them.