Field prospecting - The complete guide for 2024

April 2024
7 Min

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Win customers through physical prospecting. This commercial technique makes it possible to find prospects in the field.

In the age of digital marketing, the prospecting is increasingly done on the internet, via social networks or by phone call, thus neglecting the face-to-face meeting with the customer. However, prospecting physics Has of numerous advantages To weave a relationship with the prospect. In this guide, discover our method and all the information for reach your sales goals and grow your business results.

What is land prospecting?

By definition, prospecting means seeking to develop its sales portfolio by using a commercial strategy allowing you to contact a prospect in order to make them a customer. This can therefore be done through several techniques, including Door-to-door which allows the salesperson to communicate directly with prospects.

Definition of field prospecting

This method, which consists of a physical meeting with potential customers, can be used in the case of a B2B or B2C sale. It gives salespeople the opportunity to enter direct contact with a target prospect to tell him about the company and its products, respond to any objections and to collect the data necessary for the progress of the purchasing cycle. While some consider this method obsolete, it is nevertheless one of the preferred prospecting techniques of 26% of salespeople, according to a Newdeal study.

Advantages of commercial prospecting in the field

This technique may present profits for both the salesperson and the prospect:

  • It allows the salesperson to acquire more experience and confidence in the way theyapproach potential target customers. A physical meeting is an opportunity to exchange more, to respond directly to objections and to collate more easily information and data to sign a sale at the end of the conversation. Also, few companies still use this way of prospecting, including in a sector such as real estate: it is therefore a good way to stand out from competitors.
  • For the Prospect, this physical encounter makes it possible to humanize the exchange and therefore to establish more easily and more quickly a relationship of trust.

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How to prospect in the field?

Prospecting does not take place without preparation: it is in fact necessary to develop a action plan to ensure the smooth running of the meeting with potential customers. Before trying to create contacts, it is necessary to define a marketing strategy and attach business goals.

What are the steps preceding prospecting?

To optimize the chances of success of this face-to-face exchange, it is important to implement the following actions:

  1. Define the target customer : understanding who you want to sell your product to allows you to determine who are the qualified prospects, and therefore to avoid wasting time and also wasting time for the interlocutor. In the context of a B2B sale, you can for example gather data on the company in advance that one wishes to contact, in order to ensure that it matches the criteria defined in the ICP.
  2. Preparing your commercial speech : take care of your sales pitch and adapt your offer to the prospect is an essential step for a successful meeting. You must therefore be able to Respond to his objections, to provide answers and to be dynamic in presenting products and services.
  3. Determining the best time to canvass: depending on the type of sale and the sector, the availability of individuals will not be the same. In the case of a real estate transaction, it will rather be necessary to approach the potential customer outside of their working hours or at the weekend, for example; while you can visit a company in the middle of the day, on one working day.

How to succeed in land prospecting?

The moment of the Face to face meeting with prospects can be daunting, especially for those who are trying this sales technique for the very first time. So here are some tips for successful prospecting:

  • Remember to bring the right tools : to combine mobility with efficiency, it is important to carry with you the tools necessary for the smooth running of the sale. It can be a product prototype that we are trying to sell, or a tablet with a CRM software which makes it easier to collect contacts, create quotes, access customer files or even place orders.
  • Be patient and attentive : prospecting must above all be a moment of exchange and dialogue, rather than a monologue. It is therefore crucial to know how to hear what the potential customer has to answer, and to encourage them to ask questions in order to be better. identify your needs and expectations. Preparing as many discussion scenarios as possible allows you to be prepared for an objection, but keep in mind that you may encounter a refusal — this should not be discouraging.
  • Smile and be kind : the first impression is generally decisive for create a relationship of trust with customers. Working on your charisma, being dynamic and enthusiastic is therefore necessary to arouse the interest of your interlocutor. To be effective, commercial action must also be concise and clear, so as not to create confusion among potential customers.

How to optimize land prospecting?

An effective prospecting plan is recognized thanks to actions carried out after the physical encounter with prospects. Indeed, to optimize your marketing strategy and refine your approach technique, it is important to:

  • Create a lead file bringing together the contacts of potential target customers. It will also allow them to keep an eye on the progress of their purchases and to keep valuable data used to adjust the offer and keep them loyal.
  • Analyze the results, both in quantitative terms (by calculating the conversion rate, for example), and in qualitative terms (by measuring the quality of exchanges). To do this, it is possible in particular to use CRM software that make it possible to evaluate performances and to give some tips for achieving more easily each purpose.
  • Relaunch the prospect : it often happens that a potential customer is not in a position to respond positively immediately, but that they remain interested in the salesperson's speech. So we can keep your contact information and relaunch it a bit later.

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What are the mistakes not to make when prospecting for land?

Do some physical prospecting is not innate, and it is quite common to make mistakes when starting to use this commercial technique. So here are some tips from mistakes to avoid when you start reaching out to new prospects:

  • Starting without a commercial action plan : it would be like driving without plotting a route. The risk is to waste time and energy, with no concrete results. It is therefore important to Set a goal (or several!) and to determine the means to be used to reach it.
  • Starting without having defined your ICP : to make sales, you must first make sure you know who you are talking to, and determine which segments you want to target. This will allow, again, to find the right contact person and to avoid approaching individuals who will not become customers.
  • Standardize your offer : as with any sale, it is important to be able to offer personalized offers to everyone. Indeed, not all individuals (in a B2C framework) and all companies (in a B2B framework) have the same expectations, and give them the opportunity to modulate products or services according to their needs can be a real argument in your favor.
  • Monopolize the word: again, listening is a central element in the smooth running of the exchange with the customer. Encouraging dialogue is therefore essential for the success of door-to-door meetings.

What are the alternative methods to field prospecting?

Door-to-door prospecting is obviously not not the only commercial technique to attract new customers. The arrival of the telephone and then of the Internet saw the emergence of other techniques that are just as effective. Today, we thus find more digital methods, such as:

  • Prospecting by email with the use of newsletters or cold emailing, or the use of social networks such as LinkedIn
  • The cold call, or cold calling
  • The meeting during events or trade shows
  • Indirect prospecting, which consists, for example, in creating qualitative content on the Internet and in ensuring a strong online presence, encouraging prospects to contact businesses on their own to find out more about the products and services sold.

Of course, each salesperson approaches in their own way, and everyone can have their preferences in terms of techniques used. However, the main thing remains to Vary the marketing channels to be able to reach a wider clientele.

How to use digital technology to contribute to field prospecting?

If prospecting in the field is in essence a physical commercial activity and not online, it is entirely possible to Use digital marketing to boost its efficiency.

We can in fact use the social networks, in particular LinkedIn, or the website of a brand for identify a potential buyer in a B2B framework. Inquiring in advance will actually make it possible to better adapt your commercial pitch subsequently, and potentially, to have a contract signed at the end of the meeting.

Collect email addresses is also essential for building a solid relationship with potential buyers: they can thus be contacted as part of Of a relaunch and communicate with them over the long term to retain them.

Finally, the CRM tools are particularly useful for facilitate these post-meeting exchanges or to simply find an interesting contact by using the LinkedIn algorithm.

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FAQ - Field Prospecting

Why is prospecting difficult?

If canvassing is not always an easy task, it is because it Ask for time, energy and investment, especially in the context of a face-to-face meeting. It happens frequently to sellers to receive several consecutive rejections andAnd to get discouraged. If that's the case for you, just try To take a step back on the situation by making some corrections to your attitude or your arguments, and by re-evaluating your performance.

What are the limits of prospecting?

Finally, keep in mind that even the best salesperson in the world will never have a 100% success rate, for the simple and good reason. That there is no infallible process. If prospecting is a good way to expand your customer base, its results have limitations. 

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