Knowing how to identify the priority in terms of increasing the skills of sales teams is not always easy. In this article, discover the elements to take into account when choosing your sales force training.
To achieve the goals set by the company, the sales force must be up to date On the trends of the market and the work tools that make it possible to sell better. To do this, she can follow a commercial training. This course will make it possible for salespeople to gain efficiency and productivity.
At Akimbo, our Performance offer aims precisely to offer sales teams support that generates performance.
Why train the sales force?
Sales force is a term that includes all professions in sales and business development activities. It can also refer to marketing activities.
The skills of these professionals are decisive for the success of the company in the business world. It must therefore train the sales force in order to optimize it.
The effectiveness of the sales force
It is in the interests of the company, its results and its services, to train its sales force. By improving their skills, the sales force can better understand and communicate with customer needs. One better organization and team management Sales makes it possible to improve the productivity of salespeople by allowing them to close more sales.
Sales force assessment
Evaluating your sales force is a essential step. This makes it possible to measure the performance of the team and to identify potentials. areas for improvement.
There are numerous assessment tools that allow quantify everyone's productivity (sales results, performance indicators, customer satisfaction...).
Beyond these software, the most important thing is to have a common frame of reference between the evaluator and the sales representatives evaluated. Relying on objective assessment grids composed of different levels will allow both parties to speak the same language.
Apart from knowledge tests and skills completed for the training, it will be necessary analyze strengths and weaknesses of the team to choose the right training. Is the education in question adapted to his needs?
In addition to the skills of salespeople, it will also be necessary to evaluate the training provided. The idea will be to measure the evolution of the team that we can hope to achieve with the various formations.
How do I select the course?
- Based on business goals
Setting clear goals will allow measure the return on investment in sales force training. The lessons that the training should include will then be better targeted and more effective, and its content adapted to the needs of the company. For example, the objectives may relate to:
- An increase in the number of current accounts or the average size of sales;
- Improving the personal success rate or the adoption rate of a CRM;
- Acquiring new customers. Not to mention the reduction of customer acquisition costs, the acceleration of the sales cycle and the improvement of the productivity of the sales team. The right training will be the one that is most in line with the company's priorities.
- Depending on the duration and format of the training
According to the size and sector of the company, and therefore of the group that will take part in the training, some formats will be preferred. The training will be different depending on the constraints of time, budget as well as the issues addressed. It must also be adapted to the level of the participants. Businesses may have the choice to organize sessions in Face-to-face or at distance, in a way optional or obligatory.
- Depending on the training method
The evaluation of the method used is used to measure the impact that the training will have on the company. It is therefore important to take the time to choose a course whose quality is recognized (e.g.: Qualiopi certification). Its speakers must also be trained for their pedagogy and their ability to adapt to the needs of learners.
What are the different types of sales training?

There are a lot of courses in the sale. These different courses are organized differently in order to cover most needs. These courses may vary in duration, in the content taught or in the methodology adopted.
Dual sales force training
These courses are often initial courses Post-bac. That is, for individuals who are starting out or want to join the sales industry (BTS, university...) to become a Manager. In addition to theoretical studies, these students enrich their career with field experience throughout the duration of their training. They learn and apply sales and management principles directly.
Short sales force training courses
This type of training covers specific modules such as telephone prospecting and other topics useful to the sales force.
For example, the sales team may be composed of people who are experienced in sales but not entirely familiar with digital innovations in the sector. One training that addresses new technologies will then be welcome.
The acquisition of new soft-skills is also an interesting aspect for the effectiveness of salespeople.
Finally, these courses can combine synchronous coaching, content in elearning And animations (seminars).
The average duration of these courses is 4 to 20 hours.
E-learning courses (ex: Unow/Udemy)
E-learning courses have the advantage of allowing individuals to learn independently. Delivered via online learning platforms (such as Udemy or Unow), distance courses can be taken at any time and from any location.
Generally, participants have been taking courses for interactive modules (videos, concrete cases) and are evaluated via remote quizzes. At the end of this course, they can obtain a certification attesting to their assiduity.
Specialized training organizations
Many organizations offer career paths.
For example, Akimbo Propose a Performance offer which allows sales teams to assess their sales force and prioritize areas of reinforcement.
Independent coaches
Several sales experts choose to offer Sales Operations Consulting Or of Coaching after several years of experience. Most of them offer their services to people in their network.
This choice will be adapted to small start-ups because independent Coaches cannot form large sales teams and are very generally specialists in a particular subject.
Akimbo has also established a network of Sales Coaches who are experts on various topics.
The must have of a sales and commerce training
There are numerous sales/e-commerce courses. They can be Generals or specialized. Their structure can sometimes vary from one program to another. But there are still hathkey learnings that any training must offer to its sales force.
The training covers sales techniques
It is essential to address the various sales techniques during a training course. It may be the Phoning, of Mailing, of face-to-face dating, of the online sale, of Social Selling etc...
The aim is to train the sales force so that they are more effective in their industry. Preparation, adaptability and negotiation are key skills for successful sales.
The training includes the sales force manager
Integrate the manager into the training Motivates salespeople more of the team and increases their level of involvement. The management of the sales force and its increase in skills will then be facilitated.
Other training courses can be taken in parallel by the manager on topics such as recruitment, performance management, leadership and organization, to help him in his role.
The content of the best sales force training programs
A good sales/e-commerce training course includes theoretical case studies as well as Situations and practical exercises in order to make participants' learning a reality.
The objective is to transmit the skills and knowledge necessary for their missions.
This concerns the sale but also the whole management around business practice (strategy, prospecting, communication, negotiation, negotiation, customer relationship, time and team management...).
What are the best tools for a sales force?
There are several tools that are essential for the missions of the sales force. These software make sales teams more productive. They facilitate the management of the sales cycle and increase efficiency.
- CRM software
To manage the follow-up of customer files, store their information as well as interactions. For example: Hubspot, Salesforces, Pipedrive, Zoho
- Task management tools
To help sales forces organize their daily tasks and their progress. For example: Notion, Todoist, Evernote
- Presentation tools
To build a sales medium in order to present products and services in order to convince potential customers. For example: Google Slides, Powerpoint, Canva
- Data analysis software
To understand results, sales team performance, market trends, and identify sales opportunities. For example: Table, Google Data Studio now LookerStudio.
The ideal sales force training plan
The ideal sales force training plan depends on the needs and goals of the business. The training structure must integrate the various skills useful to the sales force such as:
- Market knowledge
- Sales techniques
- Customer relationship management
It must be a continuous process in order to adapt to changes in the business environment.
The smooth running of the training and its application should be monitored. Les scores must be measured and analyzed progressively in order to assess the effectiveness of the training. It may be possible to improve it depending on the areas in difficulty identified. It is also interesting to gather the opinions of the participants.