How to create a sales funnel to quickly transform your prospects?

April 2024
7 Min

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Creating a sales funnel is an effective way to optimize salespeople's work and increase productivity. A prepared and relevant profile for sale has a better chance of leading to a deal.

To make the prospecting Commercial more efficient and profitable, the salesperson has work to do beforehand.

If the profile Is good targeted, negotiation is easier.

Preparing a sales funnel Allows you to list the conversion steps through which the prospect will evolve. These are the different phases that will Transform into a customer able to close a sale.

What is a sales funnel?

The term “sales funnel” may seem abstract but represents a customer journey concrete. It can be difficult to create links meaningful with prospects. The sales funnel allows intercept a large number of prospects and generate A maximum of commercial relationships.

Sales funnel - Definition

The sales funnel, sometimes called sales funnel or sales funnel, is a marketing strategy aimed at Filter the profiles of prospects ready to sell from those who are not.

Concretely, this means that among the Important number of Leads contacted by sales representatives during prospecting, only a few prospects will complete the process.

Commercial prospecting is a matter of quality, not just quantity. These individuals will be fewer in number than the original ones but they will be loans unto close a sale.

Prepare and apply a good methodology This sales funnel allows you to To form The future customers of the company. It's about those who will be interested in the offer and will reveal loyal to the company.

équipe de commerciaux en entreprise

How does a sales funnel work?

For a sales funnel to be efficient, the salesperson must prepare several conversion steps.

At first, the aim is toentice the Maximum number of prospects Through prospecting campaigns And of marketing. By capturing more individuals, there is a greater chance of getting interesting profiles.

Subsequently, the salesperson will have to arouse interest of those who have responded positively to the first calls. It must continue to converse with them, responder to their questions.

Those who are receptive will be offered first offers.

La negotiation continues until the remaining prospects decide topurchase the product or service.

Why set up a sales funnel?

A sales funnel is a modelled process In one go linear. In reality, the customer buying and selling journey is much more complex than this simplified diagram. If salespeople use this method, it is because it allows Follow the relationship And oforganize interactions.

What are the advantages of a tunnel?

  • Managing the various contact points

The sales funnel is a way of manage exchanges. The different interactions will allow the salesperson to determine the relevant offers to be presented to prospects. The aim is to achieve Hit the target At the moment optimum.

  • Manage the actions of the sales team

The purpose of the sales funnel is tooptimizing the work And the times of each person in order to obtain quick results and Relevant.

Each step should be clearly structured in order to make the sales process fluid, for salespeople as well as for customers.

  • Optimizing the work of the salesperson and the effectiveness of his actions

The salesperson is free to develop his own model of sales funnel. It is possible to perform modifications during the relationship in order to best match the needs of profile customer and his situation.

Optimize The sales funnel also allows the salesperson to focus their time on qualified prospects and not on any lead.

  • Easily follow the evolution of the prospect

This tool allows the salesperson to know its conversion rate. En portraying The results of each prospecting stage, it can assess theefficiency of its sales cycle.

Thanks to these observations, he follows the Typical course of a prospect and can adapt your approach according to needs.

étapes du tunnel de vente

What are the stages of the sales funnel?

The sales channel is defined by the succession of 4 steps Who score key interactions with prospects. The objective of these phases is to evolve the relationship from a simple meeting to the conclusion of a sale.

How do you build a sales funnel?

Building a sales tunnel requires a lot of investment. Sa origination but also her managerial (emailing, payment, delivery, customer service...) can be complex to follow. Today, the salesperson can find most of these tools in one online platform. These marketing tools facilitate the work of the salesperson but he must still personalize its process.

Building and optimizing a sales funnel is a job oforganizing And ofaccompanying. It is about setting up concrete measures And ofrefresh regularly the progress of tasks until purchase.

Some sites and software even offer processes.”ready-to-use”. But they will never be fully adapted. The salesperson must modify his model to suit his needs and objectives.

Step 1: Gain visibility

The first step is to Make yourself known of the general public.

The more people the salesperson manages to reach, the more he will be able to stoke its sales funnel and find sales opportunities. The aim is to encourage trafficking on the site.

It is therefore necessary to seek to acquire visibility about his brand and the business of his company.

For this, Marketing work is important. One media presence is often recognized as the fastest and most accessible way to reach a large audience. For example, it is a question of doing publicity On the social networks Or the websites. Thanks to a work of seo SEO and Multiplication of channels, the company will be able to make an impression.

Step 2: Stimulate curiosity and interest

Through the previous phase, the brand created the beginning ofinterest in the company. The prospect who joined theexistence of the company, he is already more suited to the recognize and to be interested in it. The aim is to encourage him to interact.

For this, the mission of the salesperson is twofold.

He must be able to answer questions prospects but also from their provide a customer experience optimal.

That is, it must demonstrate that the company is positioned as expert in its field and that its products and services reflect this image.

For this, he feeds the site and social networks by the editorial staff ofitem Or of video focused on this sector while ensuring that the navigation And the understanding of the website or fluid.

The aim is for prospects to easily find their responses and that they haveclear information.

They must also be given a way to keep in touch via a registration form. THEemailing is a means of exchange by email (newsletter) that promotes a relationship with prospects.

Accompagner son prospect

Step 3: Support your prospect during decision making

At this stage, the prospect is sufficiently informed to do trust to the expertise of the company. But it is possible that he has doubts On his needs Or questions about products or services. So you have to Accompany him.

The commercial goes help with the decision to convince the customer to proceed with the purchase.

These demonstrations will result in different shapes depending on interrogations of the individual.

For example, commercial offers Will make the purchase more reachable and profitable in the eyes of the user. Of customer testimonials, of return policies And a customer service will reassure the prospect to take action without fear of regretting their choice.

Step 4: Push for action

Prospects who have Reached the end of the prospecting tunnel are loans unto finalize their purchase.

To ensure that everything goes perfectly, you must check that the process is fluid. An error at this point could jeopardizing all the work done.

The salesperson must ensure that the interface of the shopping cart And of ordering either unsophisticated to understand. The customer does not want To bother With too many steps. He wants conclude.

This stage also marks an important moment: that of retain the buyer For the next purchases. For this, the site can offer additional offers (cross selling, upselling, promo code...). It is always good to send a Summary email including a Thank you messageT and the possibility of Follow the progress of his order.

How to automate your sales funnel?

The possibility ofautomate the sales funnel process is a big advantage. Les operations Are more Accessible and rapids to be executed. All that is needed is for the salesperson to manage muster enough leads at the start of the process.

Afterwards, the automated sales funnel will Move forward the conversion of these individuals in an efficient and almost standalone.

To do this, you have to create a sales funnel with the corresponding pages at each stage. Each interface responds to a customer need. La capture page maketh Increase interest for the brand, the sales page Presents theoffering while the payment page allows the customer to Place order.

The salesperson must also think about additional content such as the upsell, downsell, thank you, after-sales and member area pages.

Once these interfaces are created, theknuckle between pages is automatically generated. Often, a autoresponder is a tool included in automation in order to perform regular reminders.

Optimizing sales funnel automation therefore focuses on navigation Internet users (display speed, simplification of procedures...) but also on its contents In order to target profiles more accurate. customise his approach, even in a computer way, can reassure prospects and upgrade customer experience.

équipe automatise tunnel de vente

FAQ: Sales funnel

What is the best sales channel?

Regardless of the platform used, the steps for creating a sales funnel are generally alike. The best software will be the one that brings together the mostmarketing and commercial tools useful for your sale.

The most important thing is that the personalizing At target audience and at theOffer presented is felt through the layout of the site. The latter must be easy to use (not requiring prior training) and functional for all web marketing development. is the Saas software most regularly cited as having functionalities pluses Complete.

Why is a sales channel much more powerful than a traditional website?

The sales funnel distinguishes The different moments that make up the customer journey.

It identifies the interactions to be put in place to respond to needs of users. This tool is also particularly attentive tofluid joint and logical of these various stages. The objective is to get the most sales funnel Efficient possible. It must be pleasurable for the customer and profitable for the commercial.

Les websites are generally less personal and fun.

Sales funnels are designed for not only notify but also Guide the customer. Visitors experience a shopping experience which is similar to physical sales.

What is a buying funnel?

One Shopping tunnel Is the consumer journey Of thearrival on the site from the brand to the validation of your purchase order.

This term is used in particular in e-commerce. Where the sales channel is mainly about Felt from the prospect to the offer, the purchase tunnel analyzes the various interactions that he asks before making a purchase.

That is, it focuses more on the requests (calls, emails) from the perspective of the prospect on his purchase. Selling refers more to commercial process.

How to improve your online sales funnel?

The customer needsinteractions to make a decision. When the sales representative is not available, the sales channel can offer to talk to a Callbot.

It is a software designed in order to animate in Online chat whom responds live to the prospect's questions. It uses a language and a script dynamics very similar to humans.

Adding a Callbot in your sales funnel interface allows you toengage directly with the customer. This AI parses, performer and guidebook the customer. Although it is not a substitute for human interaction and its responses may be limited, this smart tool provides a customer experience swift and precious.

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