The success of a customer appointment lies in its preparation. Make sure you know your interlocutor, your market and your business well. Prepare your offer and arguments so you are never caught off guard and stay in control of the meeting.
Ah, the customer appointment! It is at the heart of B2B sales, and therefore Bootcamp from Akimbo to become a Business Developer as well as of our coaching offers for businesses.
How do you make an appointment properly?
Making an appointment with the customer is crucial in the sales process. Prepare your commercial speech, find out about your interlocutors and define in advance the customer segment (s) you want to target. Of course, you will then have to choose your prospecting channels...
What are the preparations before contacting customers?
Before reaching out to customers, be sure to contact the right targets. And to do this, take over existing customers, think about the target that most corresponds to the product or service you offer.
To avoid being caught off guard when you first contact your prospect, try to find out as much as possible about them, especially by consulting their website or even their LinkedIn profile. The more information you have about your interlocutor, The more professional you are and the more you stand out to your customer. Once this information is collected, make sure you have the right materials such as brochures or customer testimonials in order to advance the business process.
One last step is important before contacting a customer: preparing your commercial speech. Start by thinking about your hook. This will be decisive for the rest of your call. If you don't Do not immediately arouse curiosity of your interlocutor, it is highly likely that the latter will quickly put an end to your discussion. Afterwards, prepare your overall content to get a good sales pitch.
What is a customer file?
In marketing, a customer file represents a database cataloging all the information about a company's customers. Among the information found, there is for example their coordinates or The history of their interactions with the company. In this file, you can also sometimes find the potential customers of a company. This commercial file makes it possible to maintain commercial relationships with customers in the long term.
How do I offer an appointment to a customer?
When making contact with a customer, it is essential to focus on their satisfaction and needs. So let's be “customer-centric” that is to say customer-focused. From the start of your dialogue, identify the prospect's problem and dig in that direction.
After detecting this problem, provide him with the proposals that are most suited to his situation. Offer them compelling details and use positive referrals to facilitate consumer decision-making. Don't go into too much detail. Just be specific while being concise. As a value proposition, you can for example highlight a gain in speed and sales. It is through the seducing your customer that you will get an appointment. So showinsurance And of benevolence in front of your interlocutor!
Differentiate yourself! Highlight the advantages of your offer and its uniqueness. “We are the only company offering this or that solution and our customers have been able to see the difference.”
How to prepare your customer appointment
To prepare your appointment, it is necessary to find out about your prospect before agreeing on a commercial interview with the latter. Listen to him and identify his needs using active listening techniques.
Look for the hidden context behind your customer's needs
Each of your customers has different needs. Listen to them and find their problems to solve it. Do not hesitate to ask them several times about their needs in order to identify their buying motives and to engage with more ease The sales process. If you encounter difficulties in this search for needs, do not hesitate to rephrase so that the prospect understands you more easily. Be sure that you have covered all of its challenges. A B2B customer buys a solution to an existing need and not to a possible future need.
Preparing your offer, arguments and alternatives
In order to enable a sale with the customer, it is essential that you know your offer like the back of your hand, that is, that you have a perfect knowledge of the company in which you work and the product you sell. Be prepared for possible objections of your customers concerning in particular the price of your products. Good foresight will allow you to find the right sales arguments in the face of the objections of your prospects.
It is also essential that you find out as much as possible about the offers offered by your competitors. This will allow you to anticipate possible blockages on the part of your interlocutors. Show precision And of clearness. Your interlocutor must instantly understand the advantages and benefits provided by your product or service. Make it clear to him why consumers should buy it.
Your commercial speech must be concise and clear. Your prospect must understand what your offer will bring him and how it differs from the competition. Prepare in advance the documents that will be useful to you during your sales appointment. A good commercial speech will only be possible after following all these steps.
Establishing the structure of the customer appointment
To successfully complete your customer appointment, it is important that you structure it by establishing a common thread that will serve as a guide throughout this appointment. Show the main parts of the latter to offer a stable framework for your commercial maintenance. This stability will be of great use to convince your customer to buy your product or service.
Your prospect must speak 80% of the time and you only 20% to guide the meeting and ask for explanations. From the start of your interview, ask your prospect what they expect from your meeting. At the end of the interview, ask the interviewer what the next steps are. By doing this, you show your interlocutor that he is a decision-maker and that his word counts in your business relationship.
What are the best practices during the sales meeting?
During a commercial meeting, smile! Be confident and show your customer that you want to show them your product. Don't neglect your clothes and above all be relaxed!
How do I start a customer appointment?
Prepare a catchphrase to arouse the interest of your prospect from the start of your appointment. This is an essential point to break the ice and start a business relationship with peace of mind. Once this “Ice-breaker” done, introduce yourself and ask the prospect for expectations What he got from this meeting. Once you fully understand their needs, you can introduce the business and explain what you can do for them.
How to convince a customer during a customer appointment?
To convince a customer during a sales meeting, it is imperative that you listen to them and that you Ask the right questions. This will allow you to understand its challenges, to show your expertise and to know its expectations for your meeting. Look for identify your buying motivations and to identify your needs. You will then be in a position to counter his objections and convince him more easily. The more information you have about your prospect, the more you can talk to them and push them to buy your product or service. By actively listening to your prospect, you will be able to convert their problems into needs andprovide adapted solutions. By providing solutions, your prospect will be more interested in your offer and will be in a better position to make a purchase. To convince your interlocutor definitively, Be confident to comfort him in his choice. Your offer must be concise, clear, and precise for your prospect to be genuinely interested in it.
The steps of the customer appointment
A customer appointment requires following a very specific process. From the introduction to validating the next step, every detail counts.
- Introduction : Start your customer appointment with a powerful catchphrase adapted to the needs of the customer. Be concise while providing key information in order to get their attention immediately.
- Qualifying customer needs : Identify your prospect's problem in order to convert it into a need. Through this conversion, you will be in a position to provide him with an adapted and personalized solution.
- Present your offer : Present the advantages and the key points of your offer to your customer. Give a quick but accurate presentation about your business, your product, and yourself. Demonstrate the value of your offer and consider customizing it according to the customer.
- Get ready to respond to your prospect's objections : Use the CRAC method. This method is based on four steps: digging, reformulating, arguing, and controlling. With this method, you can more easily respond to the objections of your prospects.
- Validate the next step: Always remember to end an appointment by agreeing with your client on the next steps. Engage your prospect in this process so that they feel involved and want to continue the business relationship you have just created.
Reminder: 4 tips to prepare and succeed
To successfully conduct a customer appointment, it is essential that you prepare it in advance and that you find out about your prospect in advance. That's why, follow these tips to make your sales interview a success!
Tip 1: Find out about your prospect in advance
Inquiring about your prospect in advance is essential for identify your needs and motivations for buying. Gather as much information about him as you can. Each data counts and it is during the commercial interview that you will realize it! Do not hesitate to consult his LinkedIn profile, to consult his website. It is through this intense research that you will be in a position to allow a real commercial dialogue with him.
Tip 2: Prepare your arguments in advance
Anticipate potential customer objections by preparing convincing and appropriate sales arguments. To prepare these in advance, it is essential that you know your offer inside out. Thanks to the preparation of your sales speech, you will be in a position to successfully complete the sales process. Indeed, this preparation will allow you to offer a clear and precise speech to your interlocutor.
Tip 3: Define an appointment structure
It is imperative that you can schedule your appointment. Bring out the big parts of your commercial speech For a common thread emerges. This common thread will serve as a guide during your customer appointment. Be sure to leave room for your prospect to speak so that they can express themselves and provide you with a decision as to the rest of your business relationship at the end of your appointment.
Tip 4: Be prepared for all eventualities
Be confident but be ready to meet a few objections on the part of your prospect and therefore some failures during your customer appointment. Be prepared for different types of situations. It is through this preparation that you will be able to successfully complete your customer appointment by convincing your prospect in particular of the importance of your offer.
How do I conclude a customer appointment?
Before concluding a customer appointment, be sure to think about the next step. Not having prospects for the future between the customer and the seller can only be a bad sign so always make sure to plan future appointments with your customers. Agree with your prospect on the steps to follow and commit each other to specific actions. It is through this commitment that potential customers will feel involved and that they will feel more confident in the sales process.
Quickly, with the agreement of your prospect, build a retroplanning, that is to say a tool that allows you to set up your project. By carrying out this retroplanning, you will be in a position to help your client as a consultant. By bringing your expertise, you will allow him to have a real action plan. Take the approach of Mutual Success Plan.
Namely: The approach Mutual Success Plan consists in relying on the results expected by your customers in establishing your action plan. First you have to identify goals and the expectations of your customer. Then you go Establishing an agenda actions to follow based on specific dates. Assign a responsible for each action carried out. Be sure to set up Precise deadlines so that each action is carried out on time. Finally, identify the results expected by your customer but also by yourself.