60,000 jobs are available in the Tech sector. This is the consequence of the explosion in the amounts raised by startups in France (x4 between 2013 and 2017, x2 in 2019 compared to 2018). The Business Developer profession is one of the most requested jobs in 2020!
Tech startups are booming
Who says fundraiser says Business Plan With goals to be met.
It is then necessary to:
- strengthen the Tech team (developers) to develop new features
- strengthen sales teams: recruit a VP/Head of Sales who will have to recruit a bunch of Sales himself, Business Developers and Account Managers. Not to mention the support functions...
A fundraising of one million euros is potentially between 5 and 10 new startup job offers on Welcome to The Jungle! And that's just as many future Business Developers who are then interested in Akimbo Bootcamp.
Finding the right channels to relay these offers is an essential step for anyone who wants to join Tech. But how do you go about it? Even if the ecosystem has become professional in recent years, the players are changing and we quickly let a golden offer pass... Especially since the recruitment market is very opaque: some offers are present on sites that are not very busy and not elsewhere. They are the most difficult to find but also the most interesting because they attract fewer candidates.
Varied channels for finding a job
There are 5 channels overall online to receive startup job offers:
- Tech job boards:

- Traditional job boards:

- Social networks (professional):

- Specialized recruiters:

- The Apps:

It's up to you to establish a routine to consult these specialized startup sites every day. You can also track your applications via Trello or Streak CRM, which connects to Gmail email boxes (extremely practical). Also subscribe to email alerts to receive new offers. Of course, there are other best practices to follow for Optimize your application.
It is also time to Useful scroll : search for posts on Linkedin related to your future job and comment on them to start a discussion. Linkedin is the #1 instrument used by sales teams, you will find all the contacts you are interested in. It's up to you to prepare inMessages that will generate the most positive feedback.
Finally, don't overlook Tech fairs: this is an opportunity to meet your future colleagues in person.
A word about the ads of Fundraising : it is an excellent signal to try a spontaneous application and a perfect hook when you contact us.
Good luck!