The Sales & Business Development 2024 job guide

April 2024
7 Min

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Welcome to our Sales & Business Development job guide. Here you will find all the information you need to understand all the nuances of Sales & Business Development positions.

The new jobs in Sales & Business Development

We are talking about new jobs because sales have been undergoing a revolution in recent years: increased use of data to better target prospects, automation of prospecting, role segmentation, sales by subscription (SaaS), etc.

The Sales & Business Development jobs described in this article describe the full range of specializations and skills needed to sell at each stage of the sales cycle. And to fully understand the difference between Sales & Business Development:

  • Business Development intervenes at an early stage to develop the positioning of an activity on the market, to initiate prospecting and to qualify the needs of prospects (Leads) in order to best meet demand;
  • Sales intervenes downstream, once the needs have been identified and the commercial strategy initiated. It therefore aims to convert commercial opportunities into customers through negotiation, until closing.

Business Developer (Bizdev):

The Business Developer, or development manager, occupies a position of general sales representative in start-ups in order to develop the company's turnover (turnover) and activity. He most often intervenes throughout the sales cycle through digital prospecting and commercial development missions, in order to increase the company's growth and its number of customers.

The Bizdev is therefore a complete generalist commercial position that is highly sought after and requires versatility and perfect knowledge of its market. It is at the heart of the company's business model, and contributes to its evolution. We also sometimes talk about Business Developer 360 to highlight its versatility.

Also note that a lot of recruiters talk about Sales to designate Business Developers.

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Sales Development Representative (SDR):

The Sales Development Representative occurs at the start of the sales cycle. It is a junior hunter position who creates and executes prospecting sequences, including sending emails, LinkedIn messages, and phone calls.

Theoretically, it focuses on qualifying prospects who have already shown an interest in a product or service. It is supposed to follow up on the work done by the Upstream Marketing department (Inbound strategy). In practice, for the majority of companies, he does prospecting (like a BDR).

However, the role of the SDR is to advance the relationship with the prospect (Lead) as the sales cycle progresses. Once the prospect skilled, the SDR transmits its contact to the Account Executives who will take care of the rest of the sales cycle. He can also participate sometimes, in particular on the first appointment resumed by the Account Executive.

Business Development Representative (BDR):

The Business Development Representative focuses its action on the prospecting of outbound prospects (leads) within startups. Its role is therefore identical to that of an SDR hunter, and the two positions are very often confused.

But when you find SDRs and BDRs in a sales team, the former take care of the leads Inbound (incoming requests), and the second ones from leads Outbound (via hunting)

The mission of the BDR is therefore quite classical: it intervenes at the beginning of the sales cycle to find prospects (Leads) and qualify them, in order to identify if they have a potential business interest. Then, it transfers these opportunities to Account Executives to turn them into customers.

Business Development Representative (BDR) :

Account Executive (AE):

The Account Executive, or account manager, is a salesperson specialized in Tech who intervenes after the action of SDRs and BDRs. Its role is to convert qualified opportunities into customers, in order to develop and continue the sales process.

That is to say, it establishes direct contact with the commercial opportunities identified beforehand: identification of needs, exchanges and negotiations until the sale is finalized (the Closing). It is a senior role, which is achieved after 1 to 3 years of experience.

Account Manager (AM):

The Account Manager is of course different from AE (which takes care of the acquisition of new accounts) because it is in charge of existing customers. The AM is therefore in charge of retaining and developing customer revenues once the 1st sale is made by the AE.

In other words, he intervenes later in the sales cycle and is responsible for maintaining commercial relationships and achieving business goals (turnover and customer satisfaction) over the long term. He is therefore in charge of the existing contract but feeds the customer relationship in order to renew the contract and commercial opportunities.

Key Account Manager (KAM):

The Key Account Manager has the same role as an Account Manager, but for customers with high added value (Key Accounts), which represent the largest part of the company's turnover (turnover). These accounts are likely to play a more important role for the company, as they are very profitable if the commercial relationship is successful.

The customer profiles addressed by KAMs are a plus: the KAM spends time developing a specific approach to each client in the portfolio in order to advise and promote a privileged commercial relationship over the long term.

Key Account Manager (KAM) :

Sales Operations (Sales Ops):

Sales Operations is an internal consultant position that helps Sales & Business Developers be more effective and achieve their business goals.

Its role is to assess and recommend sales techniques or SaaS tools to optimize sales processes, gain efficiency and maximize results. Beyond KPI and financial analyses, they are able to use this data for strategic purposes in order to facilitate and focus the work of the Sales team.

Sales Operations Manager (SOM):

The Sales Operations Manager is a more senior Sales Operations, with a management component. He can thus manage several Sales Ops who work on optimizing sales and managing tasks.

He ensures the smooth running of operations and the presence of results that meet growth objectives, results that he then communicates to the organization.

Business Development Manager (BDM):

The Business Development Manager is more found in service companies than SaaS startups. He plays the role of a traditional Business Developer, therefore an intermediary between the company he represents and the customers. He is responsible for developing the company's sales, especially in service businesses.

He has a global vision of the commercial plan, whose profitability and competitiveness he seeks to optimize, while supporting and adapting his actions to the profiles encountered and to the context.

If his role is similar to the Business Developer, it is because he relies on the same tools and uses his network to set goals, determine growth levers and train the sales team.

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Business manager:

The Business Manager is a key position that is responsible for managing the company's commercial operations. He is responsible for all aspects related to business development, risk management and performance analysis.

This position is highly varied and requires a strong knowledge of operational areas and business processes. The Business Manager is responsible for implementing business strategies in order to achieve business goals.

Customer Success Manager (CSM):

The Customer Success Manager, or customer manager, is responsible for the good commercial relationships of a portfolio of customers.

In 50% of cases, his role is similar to that of an Account Manager, so it consists in retaining existing customers while seeking to develop them. In the remaining 50%, it does not play a commercial role, and is close to customer service.

Thus, he advises, analyzes and identifies a strategy in order to meet needs and offer sustainable support. He is the direct contact of customers in case of satisfaction, but also in case of complaint. If he is required to sell, he must therefore be attentive throughout the sales cycle because his intervention occurs after the closing and is intended to be sustainable.

Customer Success Manager :

Sales Manager (SM):

The Sales Manager Also called Sales Advisor or Sales Team Leader The main objective is to reach the sales goals set in order to maximize the company's revenues. Generally leading a team of salespeople, he oversees the commercial strategy in a designated region.

It monitors its performance through data analysis, as well as the training and supervision of the Sales team. It provides the tools and methods necessary to ensure the smooth running of the sales process and its favorable outcome for both parties and to help the Marketing department understand their customers and target their campaigns.

His role can be confused with that of a Business Developer or an Account Executive, to which a management component would be added.

CRM Manager

The CRM manager or CRM manager is an expert in customer relationships. Its main objective is to improve customer satisfaction and retention rates. It sets up numerous marketing strategies and tools to optimize conversions and customer satisfaction.

The CRM manager sets up the tool for monitoring and maintaining customer loyalty: CRM (Customer Relationship Management). The latter brings together 3 key types of information: commercial contacts, associated target companies and deals (ongoing, won, lost).

Head of Sales:

The Head of Sales Also called Chief Sales Officer or Sales Director sets up the sales strategy that Sales Managers, Business Developers, Account Executives and Account Managers will subsequently apply.

He is responsible for one or more profiles, the business model that they will apply and the development of sales in territories or activities under his direction, which he will have to manage and communicate.

A sales manager oversees the creation and implementation of their strategic vision. It is involved in recruitment but also in team management. Its action focuses on the sales force in order to achieve the overall growth of the company.

He is often in charge of a geographical area such as a country.

VP of Sales:

The VP of Sales is the line manager of the Head of Sales, i.e. he directs the overall strategy of the company by delegating sales strategies through segmentation.

He is the guarantor of the coordination of Sales actions and builds an action plan based on the growth objectives given by the company, then adapts it for the Heads of Sales. He defines the commercial strategy, deploys the sales force that he will supervise remotely, and ensures reporting.

deux commerciaux en pleine discussion

Chief Revenue Officer (CRO):

In a large organization, it is the most senior sales position. The Chief Revenue Officer is in charge of all the analysis, management, integration and distribution of a company's income.

This position connects different sectors such as marketing, customer relations, and sales to determine the best allocation of resources.

Its mission is both strategic and managerial. It aims to optimize the growth and profitability of the business in the long term. It is a real guide that will provide teams with the tools (financial, communication, etc.) and sales techniques that will allow them to achieve their common goals in a fundable and viable way.

Sales coordinator:

The Sales Coordinator is a specialized position within a company that involves coordinating and managing sales activities. It is a support role that involves various tasks such as supporting sales activities, managing order and delivery processes, as well as providing information about products and services.

They are responsible for developing and implementing effective and innovative sales strategies, taking into account business goals and market requirements.

Sales engineer:

The Sales Engineer is a professional specialized in the sale of complex technological products and services. As such, he is an expert in presenting and negotiating with clients.

It helps customers find technological solutions adapted to their needs and budgets. He is familiar with the products and services he sells and understands how they work. He is able to describe and present the technical characteristics of the products and services he sells.

Business Unit Manager:

The Business Unit Manager is a strategic position. He contributes to the profitability of a company and to its growth because he manages and supervises a business unit or a production unit.

He is a specialist in management and finance. It defines goals and action plans to achieve goals with a long-term vision. It manages staff and budgets and ensures that activities are carried out efficiently and cost-effectively.

- Business Unit Manager

Independent sales representative

The Independent Sales Representative is an entrepreneur who offers products or services to individuals or businesses. He is in charge of all stages of the sales process, from prospecting to negotiation and completing the transaction.

Ce Freelance salesman must be creative and have good communication and negotiation skills. He is able to find innovative solutions and be organized to manage multiple customers and monitor sales progress. He is comfortable using technology and digital marketing tools to promote his products and services.

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Commercial Strategy Consultant:

The profession of commercial strategy consultant is a highly sought-after position in the business world. It's about providing advice to businesses on how to increase sales and profits, by meeting a variety of needs.

As sales consultant, you will need to be able to identify business opportunities for a business and design strategies to exploit them. One Sales Consultant is in a position to understand market dynamics and develop marketing and communication plans and programs tailored to each business

Sales coach:

The Business Coach is a sales professional. He supports salespeople and managers in the development of their skills and efficiency.

With his knowledge and expertise, he helps them improve their performance, find innovative solutions and implement strategies. Ce commercial trainer supports sales teams in their projects and analyzes the results. He is in a position to train them in sales techniques and to give them advice to develop their relationships with their customers.

Commercial B to C:

The profession of B2C sales is required to prospect and sell products and/or services to individuals.

It listens to the needs of its customers in order to offer them the most suitable offers and the best solutions. He is responsive and comfortable in communication and teamwork.

B to B commercial:

The B2B salesperson represents a company or a product to professional customers. He demonstrates persuasion, precision and initiative in order to develop the customer portfolio and sales.

Ce commercial framework must be able to understand customer needs and find solutions. He follows the trends and presents offers adapted to each customer. He is able to manage relationships with customers and answer their questions.

Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

The “old” jobs in Business Development

These new jobs have their origins in so-called traditional jobs. If they are changing names and missions today, it is because organizations are segmenting activities to specialize their services: depending on the structure and the recruiter, the role may vary. The old jobs have therefore not disappeared, but have been transformed to meet new needs.


The profession of vendor is very varied. A salesperson can simultaneously welcome, advise customers, process payments and place products on the shelves. A good salesperson must listen to customers in order to fully understand their needs and offer them adapted products.

The quality of the welcome and the ability to listen is essential, because it determines the customer experience. But we must not forget rigor and organization, because the seller must also ensure the presence and good distribution of products on the shelves.


The commercial is a salesperson within the company, he is responsible for finding prospects, advising them and transforming them so that they reach his customers. While he must respect the defined commercial policy and encourage sales, the salesperson advises and develops his customer portfolio through prospecting techniques.

This function is a key role that offers very diversified projects in customer relationships over the long term.

Technico Commercial

The technical sales person is both the company's representative and its technical expert. Its mission is to promote the company's products and services and to advise customers on their potential for use and their implementation.

He listens to customers. He is able to identify their needs and offer them adapted solutions. He is able to understand and present the characteristics and benefits of the company's products and services. This sales representative answers technical questions and negotiates prices and conditions of sale.

Commercial Secretary:

The commercial secretary assists a business manager or sales manager in their daily administrative tasks. The commercial secretary is in charge of preparing commercial documents and contracts, writing reports, managing databases and contacting customers.

She must be organized and have communication and time management skills. The sales secretary is comfortable with computer tools and current software such as the Microsoft Office suite. She must be able to work independently and be able to take initiatives.

deux commerciaux préparant le spitch pour leur équipe

Sales assistant:

The Sales Assistant intervenes in support of salespeople: while its missions can be closer over time to those of salespeople (prospecting, ensuring the satisfaction and smooth running of the sales process), it acts more in order to simplify and help their work.

Thus, he prepares and anticipates appointments, administrative tasks, and internal order management to allow the salesperson to have an organized and up-to-date work base. However, it is not excluded that he will also be required to participate in the active negotiation and exchange phases during the preparation of the sale.

Sales Administration Assistant:

The post ofSales Administration Assistant consists in providing administrative and logistical support to the sales department. Key responsibilities include processing orders and invoices, tracking deliveries, managing inventory, preparing reports, and resolving issues and complaints.

A sales administration assistant should be organized and well-informed. She should have a thorough knowledge of products and services and be able to communicate clearly with customers and sales department staff.

Administrative and Commercial Assistant:

The post ofAdministrative and Commercial Assistant ensures the smooth running of administrative and commercial operations. She manages customer files, records orders, writes quotes and invoices, and monitors payments.

She is responsible for responding to customer requests and managing their complaints. It ensures customer satisfaction and the improvement of the quality of products and services. She is in charge of stock management and the organization of deliveries.

Business Development Manager:

The Business Development Manager is a key position in the company. He is responsible for implementing growth and marketing strategies to boost sales and the reputation of the company.

The Commercial developer must analyze the market and competitors, and develop action plans in order to achieve the business goals set. It should also assess business performance and implement ways to improve it. He is in a position to negotiate contracts and rates with customers. Finally, he is responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and managing complaints.

Chargé de developpement commercial en action

Commercial negotiator:

The Commercial Negotiator has the role of developing and consolidating commercial relationships with customers. He is in charge of negotiating the conditions and prices of products and services with customers.

Ce negotiator specializes in the analysis of offers, demands and markets. He must be able to understand the needs, expectations and goals of his customers and to find solutions to meet them. It adapts to a number of situations and makes quick decisions. He knows how to work under pressure and manage his time and resources effectively.

Technical Commercial Negotiator:

The Technical Commercial Negotiator is a very versatile position. He must be an excellent communicator, an excellent negotiator and a good advisor at the same time. Its main missions are to prospect new customers, to negotiate contracts with them, to offer them excellent service and to support them throughout their commercial relationship.

In this position, the person develops negotiation and sales strategies, collects and analyzes information provided by customers, and assesses business risks and opportunities. He works closely with marketing and sales teams to achieve company goals.

International negotiator:

The International Negotiator is a professional responsible for conducting commercial and financial negotiations with international partners. It should resolve conflicts and help the parties reach common goals.

The International Negotiator works closely with people around the world. He has a solid knowledge of different cultures and local and international laws. An excellent ability to communicate and work in a team is essential, as well as proficiency in several foreign languages.

Real Estate Negotiator:

The Real Estate Negotiator is a key profession in the real estate sector. He is responsible for finding the best deal between sellers and buyers. His work includes an in-depth analysis of real estate market information, the development of a business strategy, and the negotiation of prices and sales conditions.

Négociateur commercial faisant rire

Sales manager:

The Commercial Director is a strategic position. He is responsible for implementing and managing business strategies in order to achieve revenue and profit goals.

The Sales manager is responsible for the coordination and implementation of all business activities of the organization, including market research, marketing campaigns, relationships with customers and business partners.

Sales manager, he is also responsible for managing and developing sales teams, developing plans and implementing new strategies. In addition, he is responsible for the production of reports and analyses in order to monitor the company's commercial performance.

Commercial Inspector:

THECommercial Inspector is a very common profession in the sales and trade sector. Commercial inspectors are responsible for monitoring and controlling the activities of businesses to ensure that they comply with the rules and standards of the profession.

These sales inspectors are responsible for verifying the quality and conformity of the products and services offered by businesses. They are responsible for implementing business control plans and bringing them into compliance with laws and regulations. They also investigate customer complaints and ensure that business processes and procedures are properly followed.

Sales manager:

The Sales Manager manages a company's sales department and ensures that it meets its goals. The Sales Manager must develop strategies to achieve business goals, and will also need to develop action plans and training programs for team members.

The Sales Manager oversees performance and provides the tools and resources needed to achieve goals. It follows market trends and sales results in order to make the right decisions.

Discussion avec le manager des ventes

Sales Administration Manager:

The Sales Administration Manager is an expert in business processes. Its main mission is to maintain and improve processes related to sales management and product delivery.

He ensures that all logistics and administrative documents related to a sale are properly handled. Finally, he is responsible for managing and coordinating the activities of the sales, service and billing departments.

Sales Promotion Manager:

Sales Promotion Managers are responsible for developing and implementing promotional strategies to attract new customers and increase sales. They also assess the performance of promotional campaigns and analyze data to optimize results.

They are responsible for the design and planning of advertising campaigns, special offers and product presentations. They work closely with marketing and sales departments to ensure sales goals are met.

Business Development Manager:

The Business Development Manager promotes the company's products and services to customers. It identifies and analyzes opportunities and risks, and develops strategies to boost sales.

The main skills required for this position are dynamism, a good knowledge of sales tools and a strong ability to communicate with customers.

The Sales manager is responsible for the coordination and implementation of promotional and advertising campaigns. It assesses the performance of the department and ensures that sales goals are met.

Technical-Commercial Manager

The post of Technical-Commercial Manager requires a combination of technical and commercial skills. Indeed, this manager must understand the technologies and products he is in charge of, sell them effectively to customers.

The Technical Sales Manager is in charge of sales management and business development, and must work closely with the entire sales team for profitable growth. He is responsible for commercial relationships with suppliers and negotiations with customers.

Discussion sur les objectifs de vente

Sales manager:

The main functions of a Commercial manager consist in maximizing sales and making a profit. It manages all stages of the commercial chain, from sales forecasts to customer relationships. To do this, he must listen to the needs of the market and implement strategies in order to develop sales.

He is in charge of managing the customer portfolio, drawing up offers and contracts as well as looking for new markets. It also ensures the quality of the service provided. The sales manager is thus a multitasking manager with commercial, marketing and administrative skills.

Sales engineer:

The sales engineer, or business engineer, is a commercial expert on a type of product and service offering (or on a particular region). He shares the same objective of developing the company's turnover, but he focuses on sales and customer relationships in a sector that is assigned to him, a field in which he is an expert.

His technical knowledge and expertise is an added value for the growth of the company but also for the customers who will benefit from it.

Business engineer:

There is almost no difference with the previous role: The Business Engineer is the privileged interlocutor between the targeted customers and the company.

He is responsible for certain projects, monitoring the smooth running of the commercial relationship very closely and transmitting their progress and results to the sales director and his hierarchy. As a specialist in his activity, he is the most suitable profile to monitor and supervise projects in a sustainable manner.

Pre-Sales Engineer Assistant:

The pre-sales engineer is a highly qualified professional. He participates in the research and development of the company's products and services. He assesses the needs and requirements of customers and designs technical solutions to meet their expectations.

He is responsible for the planning and preparation of product and service presentations to customers. It provides accurate and up-to-date technical information to customers and prospects. It adapts to new technologies and to understand market trends. Finally, it ensures that products and services comply with customer requirements.

Ingénieur d’affaires

Commercial agent:

The Commercial Agent is a particular legal status as a commercial intermediary, that is to say that he works for one or more customers. He works at the heart of the sales process to conclude contracts on behalf of these customers. As an agent, he sometimes manages several projects at the same time for different customers throughout the sales process.

A Commercial Agent can choose to carry out his profession in a self-employed manner and then becomes a Commercial agent in micro-enterprises. He will then carry out the same missions but independently.

Commercial Attaché:

The Commercial Attaché has a portfolio of products in his charge that he must promote. He embodies the company he represents and seeks to detect new business opportunities to seize while maintaining existing relationships. He advises and employs his sales force to fill out his order book, he is attentive to changing needs in order to adapt his offer.

Sales representative:

The Sales Representative is an industry professional who specializes in developing business relationships with customers and suppliers. He is responsible for the acquisition of new customers, the preservation and development of existing business relationships, and the negotiation and conclusion of contracts.

Commercial delegate:

The Commercial Delegate is a professional who plays a critical role in managing a company's sales and marketing. He is responsible for promoting and selling the company's products and services to existing and potential customers.

He must be able to clearly identify the needs and expectations of customers and to satisfy them. He must also be able to develop strategies to improve sales and present products in a professional manner. The sales delegate must also be able to manage their own customer portfolio, develop commercial relationships and perform administrative tasks related to sales. Finally, the sales representative must monitor sales progress and present the reports to the marketing department.

Commercial Animator:

The Commercial Animator is responsible for promoting a company's products and services. He has an excellent knowledge of the products and services he offers and is able to present them to customers.

He must be dynamic and know sales techniques. It communicates with customers and convincing them of the usefulness of the products and services offered. Finally, he knows how to maintain a good relationship with customers and suppliers to ensure the development of the business.

Animateur commercial faisant son travail

VRP (Traveller Representing Placier):

The sales representative is responsible for canvassing the customers of the company for which he works, in a traditional company. With a perfect knowledge of offers and a sense of listening, he maintains good commercial relationships with existing customers (companies or individuals) and also seeks to expand this base in order to multiply sales.

The particularity of VRP (Traveller Representing Placier) is its mobility. It is a field agent who goes as close as possible to the applicants. This training requires a taste for action: he prospects, argues and advises. As the physical representative of the company, he must give a good image, convincing arguments and constructive feedback.

Itinerant salesman

The profession of Itinerant Commercial consists of prospecting new customers, advising and training staff and customers in the use of products and services. He negotiates rates and contracts, presents special offers, and organizes demonstrations and seminars.

This sales representative is responsible for managing stocks, organizing deliveries and tracking orders. He kept up to date with trends and developments in products and services and, where appropriate, proposed improvements. Traveling salespeople are organized and know how to communicate with people from all walks of life.

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Sedentary commercial

The Sedentary Commercial is responsible for developing and managing business relationships with businesses. He is responsible for maintaining relationships with existing customers and developing new business opportunities.

Ce sedentary salesman has excellent knowledge of the products and services he sells, and communication, negotiation and sales skills. He must also listen to customers and ensure that they are satisfied with the products or services he provides them. Data analysis and processing skills are required.

Home Seller (VDI):

The Home Seller (VDI) As its name suggests, this seller intervenes on the part of a company at the very home of individuals in order to offer their range of services or products. This physical prospecting can take the form of door-to-door or meetings organized on an ad hoc basis.

Although, like the VRP, it takes orders on behalf of an external organization, it often takes care of the post-sale process, namely collection and delivery. He organizes himself independently in order to meet his customers and advise them, hoping to lead to a sale and take advantage of the associated financial advantages.

Brainstorming sur les prochains process commerciaux

Commercial Land:

The Commercial Land has an essential role in the commercial activity of a company. He is in charge of prospecting new customers and retaining existing customers. He is required to travel to meet customers, present their products and services to them and identify their needs.

This salesperson actively participate in the development of strategies and the implementation of business operations. He is responsible for updating customer data and must write reports of his visits.

Sales employee in store:

One Sales employee in store consists in welcoming customers, advising them and guiding them in their choices. THECommercial employee must ensure the organization and presentation of products in order to give a good image of the brand.

He carries out cash transactions and carries out regular inventories. The quality of service and the achievement of sales objectives are the main evaluation criteria. Sales employees in stores must therefore have good commercial sense and the ability to adapt. A good presentation and a taste for customer contact are essential qualities for this position.

Versatile seller:

The Multi-Purpose Dealer sells and advises a wide range of products and services in a store. It welcomes customers and supports them in their choices, by offering them products and services adapted to their needs.

In addition, it ensures the promotion of products, the management of stocks and online orders, and the processing of customer complaints. He is responsible for maintaining cash registers, restoring shelves and preparing orders.

He shows a great ability to adapt and be available to customers. It thus contributes to the achievement of commercial objectives and to the improvement of the brand's image and reputation.

Vendeur à Domicile (VDI)

Account manager:

The Account Manager manages a portfolio of specific customers that it will develop and maintain. It ensures the continuity of exchanges and the satisfaction of the after-sales service, while seeking to make more sales. He is dedicated to serving the profiles that have been entrusted to him with dynamism and empathy.

- Personal customer manager

Customer manager:

The Customer Manager, manages and maintains a portfolio of customers. This requires communication skills, negotiation skills and good listening skills. Its mission is to satisfy customers and ensure their loyalty. He provides them with personalized service and advice adapted to their needs.

The Customer relationship manager is also responsible for following up on orders and taking into account customer comments and complaints. He works in collaboration with all of the company's departments to ensure the smooth running of operations.

Customer manager:

The Customer Director is responsible for the management and development of customer relationships. It plays a critical role in managing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

This director develops and implements strategic plans to improve the quality of services, build customer loyalty and develop turnover. He researches to find solutions to customer problems, oversees staff and their activities, and organizes seminars and conferences to strengthen customer relationships.

Market manager:

The Market Manager is a responsible position that involves managing the development and expansion of a company's commercial activities. It monitors changing market trends, develops new strategies, and manages the allocated budget, resources, and personnel.

The Market Manager listens to customers, ensures that they are satisfied and that the products and services offered are suitable for them. He must also be able to develop new promotion and marketing strategies, set up advertising campaigns, and participate in trade shows and conferences.

Réunion avec un responsable marché

Business manager:

The Business Manager under his responsibility a customer base that his mission is to manage. He takes care of existing profiles by ensuring continuity with established commercial agreements but is also responsible for advising and developing other products or services to offer. His goal is to make more sales and more results while continuing to match his current business plan.

Commercial advisor:

The Commercial Counsellor as its name suggests, advises customers and provides them with complete and accurate information on the products and services offered by the company. It helps customers find solutions to their problems and make informed decisions.

The Sales Consultant must have an excellent sense of relationships, in-depth product and market knowledge, and the ability to communicate clearly. Ce Seller Advisor must also be able to handle objections and manage customer expectations. He must be skilled at negotiation and persuasion in order to successfully carry out his missions.

Commercial Key Accounts:

The Commercial Key Accounts develops commercial relationships with major accounts and major customers. Its main mission is to define and implement a sales and negotiation strategy for these customers.

This sales representative will ensure customer satisfaction and contract retention. It provides technical and commercial assistance and manages disputes.

Key Account Manager:

The Key Account Manager is a business professional whose mission is to manage the best interests of the company's largest customers. This manager must maintain and develop the relationship between the company and its most important customers. The Key Account Manager is an expert in sales, negotiations and customer relationships. He is responsible for identifying the needs of major accounts and offering them solutions and services adapted to their expectations.

Chargé d'affaires

To go further: other commercial jobs

Luxury sales consultant:

A Luxury Sales Consultant is a professional who specializes in the sale of luxury products. He works for renowned brands and luxury boutiques, offering advice and assistance to wealthy clients.

This Advisor must be comfortable in high-end environments and attentive to customers. Its mission is to understand the needs of its customers and to offer them personalized service. He is in a position to make suggestions and present the products in a professional and convincing manner.

Commercial sport:

The job of a Sports Commercial of course sells sports products and services. He develops relationships with customers and sponsors, and ensures that products are well presented and sold.

He sets sales goals and stays up to date with new trends and technologies. He prepares presentations, promotional materials, and business proposals. He manages relationships with suppliers and other business partners.

Commercial renewable energies:

The Renewable Energy Sales Representative is a very stimulating job that is aimed at those who want to actively contribute to the energy transition. It consists of promoting renewable energy products and services to consumers and businesses.

IT salesperson:

The IT salesman is a very sought-after profession today. He is a specialist who knows computer products and services perfectly and who knows how to sell and promote them. It offers solutions to its customers and to support them in their projects.

The IT salesperson must be creative and persistent. He knows the latest technologies and knows how to explain them to prospects. He devotes a lot of his time to market analysis and finding new customers.

Réunion commerciale

Commercial construction:

The construction sales representative is a professional who is at the heart of construction and real estate. Its main mission is to develop the business and sales of companies in the sector. To do this, construction salespeople stay up to date with trends and innovations in the sector, and be able to negotiate with customers and suppliers. It monitors new laws and regulations that apply to construction.

Commercial vefa:

The Commercial Vefa can work both as a salesperson and in the field of management and administration. The main objective of a Vefa Commercial is to promote the company's products and services to customers using marketing techniques and advertising tools. It carries out research and analysis in order to know the demand and the trends in the market.

Head of the CHR sector:

The Head of the CHR Sector is a position that is responsible for a sales team in a given geographic area. He must oversee the performance of team members, set sales goals, and evaluate and manage business activities.

He develops sales and marketing strategies and ensures the development of relationships with customers.

The CHR Sector Manager may be required to manage inventory, develop budgets, research development opportunities and ensure that business goals are met. He manages customer complaints, and ensures that sales team staff follow company policies and procedures.

Commercial stopover agent:

The Commercial Staging Agent is an essential professional for airlines and airports. He manages and coordinates ground handling operations and ensures that all necessary procedures are followed. It ensures that all luggage and passengers are properly loaded and unloaded.

He is also responsible for managing commercial operations at the airport, including coordinating and overseeing customer service activities and passenger safety.

meeting commercial


As the name suggests, The buyer makes purchases on behalf of his company or his customers. He must find the best quality/price ratio, by selecting the best products and services for his customers.

He follows market trends and builds relationships with suppliers in order to negotiate the best rates and maximize savings.

The buyer ensures that the products and services purchased are delivered in a timely manner and in accordance with the requested specifications. It develops purchasing strategies based on the needs of the company and the requirements of its customers.

International buyer:

The International Buyer must find and buy products abroad under optimal conditions. He listens to international markets and develops purchasing strategies in order to find products at competitive prices.

He has extensive knowledge of international products, standards, and regulations. This buyer negotiates with suppliers and assesses their offers to ensure that they meet the needs and requirements of customers.

Real estate agent:

The Real Estate Agent occupies a commercial function in an environment that is specific to him: accommodation. In addition to prospecting its customers and negotiating contracts, its mission requires property valuation work, visits and professional advice. The real estate agent shares his action on the various stages of the sale and should therefore not neglect any level, from preparation to the closing of the contract.

Online seller:

The online seller is responsible for promoting and selling products and services online. He needs to be comfortable with digital technologies and know how to communicate with customers remotely.

The digital salesperson manages relationships with customers and ensures that products and services are delivered on time. He is setting up advertising campaigns and using digital marketing tools to reach new customers and develop relationships with existing customers. In addition, he is comfortable using analytical tools to assess the success of campaigns and products.

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