What is the opinion of Closer's job?

April 2024
7 Min

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Give yourself an opinion on Closer's job: discover the advantages and disadvantages of this profession as well as the skills it requires.

We hear a lot about Closer's job, especially in the world of online sales. This work consists of Close a sale with hot prospects. That is, people who have shown an interest in what is being sold as a result of a marketing campaign. The aim of a Closer is to convince these people to buy a product or service.

Closer's job: understanding the fundamentals

To form an opinion on Closer's job, it is important to fully understand the basics of this job.

What is a Closer?

In the retail sector, a Closer embodies the supreme expertise of persuasion. He is in charge of close a large number of sales on behalf of an agency or as a self-employed person. When Closers work on their own account, they collaborate with infopreneurs or entrepreneurs who mostly sell training or coaching.

closer métier avis
A person who works as a Closer

The essential role of a Closer is to persuade the prospect that now is the ideal time to buy with confidence. This means considering the needs and concerns of the prospect, even remotely, as Closers don't usually meet prospects in person. This ability to establish a relationship of trust by telephone is crucial in encouraging the prospect to become a customer.

Importance of Closer in sales

The role of the Closer is of great importance in selling to individuals. Many people need a helping hand to make the purchase, despite a strong interest in a product or service. Without a competent Closer, many entrepreneurs and infopreneurs would run into difficulties.

What are the core competencies of a Closer?

Two skills stand out in particular:

1. Communication mastery

Effective communication is the cornerstone of success as a Closer. It's not just about speaking using the right words, butlisten actively to the prospect. To deal with your objections effectively, it is important to have fully understood your needs and concerns. The ability to articulate persuasive arguments while maintaining a relationship of trust that guides the customer towards the purchase decision is based on good quality listening.

2. Negotiation capacity

Negotiation is a skill that distinguishes an accomplished Closer from one that is less successful. A good Closer is able to navigate discussions skillfully to reach a mutually beneficial agreement.

What are the positive opinions on Closer's job?

Despite the differing opinions on Closer's profession, many professionals derive significant benefits from it:

Possibility of being trained and recruited by an agency

One of the most attractive aspects of Closer's job is the ability to start by being trained and recruited by a specialized agency on sale. This first step can be critical for anyone who wants to embark on this career.

Sales agencies are often well equipped to provide comprehensive training for beginning Closers.

devenir closer avis
Closers who work in agencies

These courses go well beyond the simple basics of sales, they also include:

  • Advanced persuasion techniques,
  • In-depth knowledge of the products or services to be sold
  • Essential skills for dealing with customer objections.

For many professionals, this type of initial training serves as solid base for their future success as Closers.

Opportunity to become an entrepreneur and work from home

Another attractive advantage of Closer's job is the possibility of become an independent contractor.

This transition to self-employment offers flexibility that many people like. Independent Closers have the freedom to decide where and when they work if they have established a good network. In this case, working from home or from any location with an Internet connection becomes a reality.

closer avis
An independent Closer

Finally, as an independent contractor, you have the opportunity to set your own rates and have a bit more control over your income and career.

What are the negative opinions on Le Métier de Closer?

However, Closer's job also has its share of disadvantages:

False promises about high incomes

One of the notable disadvantages of Closer's job lies in false promises that may surround this area.

It is not uncommon to find attractive job offers that guarantee astronomical monthly earnings, sometimes up to 10,000 euros or more. However, the reality is often different.

While being a Closer can be lucrative for some, it's important to remember that quick successes and high earnings are by no means guaranteed.

Achieving a level of competence and confidence to generate such income requires time, perseverance and experience. People who are drawn to these exaggerated promises may find themselves disappointed and disillusioned when the results don't match their initial expectations.

Difficulties in starting as a freelancer without a pre-existing network

Another major challenge in Closer's job is the transition to freelance status, especially if you don't already have a network of potential customer contacts.

avis sur le métier de Closer
A Closer who makes a call with an entrepreneur and another Closer

Working as a freelance Closer can offer a great deal of freedom, but it can also be hard to start without established customers. Finding new customers can be challenging at first, as you need to establish your reputation and credibility as a sales professional.

Building and developing a network of contacts are essential steps to succeed as a freelance Closer, but it can take considerable time and effort.

How do you know if it's a job for you?

Before engaging in the Closer business, it is essential to think about a few key points:

Take stock of the type of activity that motivates you

Being a Closer requires a high level of motivation, as it can be demanding. Before embarking on this career, it is important to think about how attractive you are in the sales field.

Ask yourself questions about your interest in persuasion and your ability to maintain long-term motivation. Being a Closer often requires perseverance to manage the inevitable rejections and moments of discouragement.

If you want to help a large number of people solve a similar problem with a product or service and have the determination to overcome obstacles, sales jobs like Closer's are probably right for you. You might also like being a Business Developer if these are the reasons why you consider being a Closer. Discover our Bootcamp to become a Business Developer here.

Take stock of your skills

Assessing your current skills is an important step in determining if Closer is a good fit for you. As a Closer, you will need to have a effective communication, persuasion and negotiation skills.

Reflect on your abilities in these areas and your desire to develop them further. If you already have communication, persuasion, and negotiation skills, that can set you up for success as a Closer. However, be prepared to invest time and effort in improving these skills if needed.

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