Job description - Business engineer: salary & missions

April 2024
7 Min

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A multi-faceted salesperson, the business engineer works on sales that are more complex than a simple salesperson. Listening to his interlocutors, curious and organized, he finds the most profitable commercial agreements for his company and his customers.

In the galaxy of Sales & Business Development jobs, the Business Engineer is a BtoB salesperson dealing with key development projects. He looks for new prospects, identifies their needs and converts them into customers. To achieve this, he carries out both commercial prospecting campaigns and targeted marketing actions.

It is often confused with the Business Developer, even if the Business Engineer is more involved in service companies (e.g. consulting) and on more complex projects.

Business engineer - Definition

What is the role of a Business Engineer?

The business engineer plays several roles: in addition to having technical skills in a specific field (e.g. cloud, cybersecurity, logistics), he is in charge of all stages of the sale, up to customer relationship. Close to management, he is often called upon to play an important role in the choice of business strategy or in the presentation of the results.

What does a Business Engineer do?

A business engineer is the essential point of contact between the company and the customers. For example, if other parties are involved (technicians, purchases...), he will supervise the exchanges. The position of business engineer has an important decision-making dimension, insofar as it is not a junior position. The business engineer will carry out:

  • In the majority of cases, prospecting in order to discover opportunities;
  • The various customer appointments until closing;
  • Support during the implementation of the project, and loyalty.

However, prospecting in the hard way will not take up most of his time, as it is reserved for more junior profiles. He is therefore responsible for the projects put in place between customers and the company. To offer adapted solutions to his various interlocutors, he listens to their expectations And their needs.

And what exactly is Business Engineering?

Business engineering represents a commercial function which brings together multiple missions such as prospecting with companies, responding to calls for tenders or even the production of specifications based on customer expectations. The aim: to provide technical added value for meet customer needs.

Why be a Business Engineer?

The position of business engineer allows you to develop highly sought-after skills. It therefore offers beautiful prospects for development - professionally or in relation to the expected salary. One diversity of missions with great responsibilities are proposed, which makes it possible to respond to the curiosity and dynamism of everyone.

In addition, a business engineer is always at the heart of sales. He has a Overview of the process of the latter, which allows him to constantly have a active role.

What sector does a Business Engineer work in?

Business engineers can work in many fields, but they remain more present in predominantly technical sectors (cybersecurity, aeronautics, IT, IT, nuclear, nuclear, automotive, logistics, etc.).

Quel est le rôle d'un Ingénieur d'affaires ?

Main missions of the Business Engineer

  • Optimizing business development

The success of this mission shows the efficiency and performance of the business engineer. To optimize the commercial development of his company, the latter develops and manages the client portfolio, organizes its commercial affairs in an optimal way. If he is successful during this mission, he will allow the company to directly increase its turnover.

  • Business Management and Management

The business engineer will sell his products and create quality relationships with its customers in order to increase the profitability and competitiveness of its business.

  • Acquisition of profitable trade agreements

Once his sales strategy is in place, the business engineer proposes an offer to his customers and negotiates with them in order to close a sale.

  • Internal team management

A business engineer informs the actors of his company about the businesses he manages, via monthly reports and points. He adopts leadership behavior in order to convince them of the profitability of his current and future projects.

Ingénieur d'affaires - Définition

What are the 3 qualities of a good Business Engineer?

  • Excellent interpersonal skills

A good business engineer has excellent relationships because most of his work consists in developing and maintaining good commercial relationships, especially with his customers.

  • A great sense of listening

To be able to sell and negotiate effectively with his customers, it is necessary for the business engineer to listen to the needs and expectations of his interlocutors.

  • A good sense of organization

A business engineer has heavy responsibilities. To be able to manage them successfully, he gets organized and learns to manage his stress.

How to be a good Business Engineer?

A good business engineer is stringent. He does not let chance and the vagaries of the job guide him. It relies on his organizing to carry out its missions on time. Her experience allows her to be effective. It is by accumulatingexperiment that he learns to organize himself, to manage his time and his stress.

It also provides him with knowledge that will allow him to be more and more efficient in his work. Son empathy allows it to listen to its customers, to put itself in their shoes and therefore to identify their needs.

The advantages and disadvantages of being a business engineer

The position of business engineer can make many people dream, especially for its attractive salary, the diversity of the missions it offers and the responsibilities associated with them. However, great responsibilities also go hand in hand with stress And a pressure to get good results every monthS.

The advantages:

  • An attractive salary;
  • Great responsibilities that bring a certain value to the company;
  • A diversity of missions;
  • Great prospects for development.

The disadvantages:

  • Great responsibilities that bring stress, pressure and annoyance;
  • Quantified goals and deadlines that bring additional workload and stress;
  • A difficulty in separating personal and professional life: overtime and frequent trips.

Missions principales de l’Ingénieur d'affaires

How do I become a Business Engineer?

Skills needed to become a Business Engineer

  • Mastery of commercial techniques
  • Managerial skills
  • Sense of listening and organization
  • Great rigor
  • Good creativity
  • A good command of English is highly recommended
  • Autonomy
  • Great relational ease
  • Dynamism
  • Perseverance

How to train to become a Business Engineer?

To become a business engineer, you can join a business or engineering school. You can also do ongoing training.

Akimbo you allows you to integrate training Named Bootcamps. These courses prepare you for commercial jobs: salesperson, business engineer (business developer) in start-ups.

From the start of these courses, Akimbo brings you skills by offering you preparation for interviews and by putting you in contact with its 250+ partner startups. Thanks to this Sales Academy, the job of business engineer will no longer hold any secrets for you.

What career developments are there for this position?

A business engineer can move on to numerous positions after a few years of experience. Sa commercial technique, his skills and his flexibility And his adaptability are highly sought after. So, after a few years of experience, a business engineer can become customer manager, project manager, consulting etc.

Comment devenir Ingénieur d'affaires ?

What is the salary of a Business Engineer?

How much does a Business Engineer earn?

The Salary of a business engineer is on average of 51 K€ annual gross, of which 13 K€ of variable.

Junior Business Engineer Salary

The average salary for a junior business engineer in France is €40K per year but it can go up to €60K per year.

Senior Business Engineer Salary

A senior business engineer can earn between €50K and €80K per year.

Quel est le salaire d'un Ingénieur d'affaires ?

The different jobs in business engineering

Jobs associated with business engineering

- Industrial business engineer

- International business engineer

- Business Developer

- Business engineer

- Business manager

- Account Executive

- Sales Development Representative

- Business Development Representative

What is an Industrial Business Engineer?

Within industrial companies or service companies, industrial business engineers are in constant contact with their customers, multiple services and stakeholders such as production offices, sales representatives or even suppliers. He is in charge of the managerial And of tracking Of businesses with high technical and financial value such as products, equipment, installations and services.

Again, it represents the point of contact between the customer and the company's departments. He can manage a team of engineers, industrial project managers.

What is an International Business Engineer?

The international business engineer creates the bridge between a company and its customers all over the world. Its role is to develop the company's activity internationally. It is present throughout the process of marketing a product. It identifies the needs of customers and offers them tailor-made solutions, adapted to their expectations.

What is a Business Developer?

A Business Developer (BD) plays the same role as a Business Engineer but he markets less complex or technical solutions. From prospecting to the development of his company's client portfolio, his role is also essentially commercial. Both profiles are based on new sales techniques and the new digital tools.

Both are”entrepreneurs“internally, often with a great deal of freedom of action.

Qu'est-ce qu'un Business Developer ?

Our advice for entering the right job offer

Finding the job offer that's right for you can seem particularly difficult. What is that, don't take your job search lightly. First of all, start by focusing your search on verified sites such as JobTeaser, LinkedIn or Welcome To The Jungle. This will prevent you from wasting time with offers that are not reliable.

What are your motivations? What do you expect from your position, from your company? What are your soft skills, qualities and expectations? : Here are some questions to ask yourself before applying for a job.

A job offer, in order for it to deserve your attention, must contain several pieces of information, be clear and precise, and include a minimum of care in its presentation. Don't just rely on what the company is selling you in their job offer. Check out reviews and experiences so you're not baffled on your first day at work.

When you consult a job offer, you need to find certain information:

  • the sector of activity;
  • company culture and size;
  • the location of the post;
  • missions;
  • the skills required;
  • the type of contract and its duration.

How to recruit a business engineer?

Before recruiting your new business engineer, it is essential that you ensure that your candidate is qualified for this position. In particular, he must have technical and commercial skills but also that he is creative. To check if he is capable of it, you can have him do Situations Or case studies. Conduct several types of interviews to be sure that your candidate is suitable for the position.

Be sure to check that the candidate has the following characteristics during the interview:

  • Experience in management and sales
  • A great sense of listening and good organization
  • Relational ease

However, it should be remembered that skills and experience are not everything. To find out if a candidate will represent a beneficial element for your company, it is possible to challenge him with different tests such as a group interview and introduce him to the team he will work with in the future if selected.

Comment recruter un ingénieur d'affaires ?

FAQ: Becoming a Business Engineer

What studies to become a business engineer?

A business engineer generally comes from a business school, Of a TECHNICAL MARKETING PURPOSE Or of a Engineering school with commercial or technical specialization. To access this position, it is also possible to complete a university education with this same specialization.

Reminder : Akimbo can provide you with the necessary training so that you can access this position relatively quickly.

What degrees to become a business engineer?

To become a business engineer, it is generally necessary to have a degree in Bac + 5 level.

Which baccalaureate to be a business engineer?

There is no sacred path to becoming a business engineer. Several bachelor's degrees can allow access to this position. However, the general baccalaureate is strongly recommended in order to be able to integrate more easily into a business school or an engineering school.

Which BTS to become a business engineer?

The position of business engineer may be available after a BTS NDRC Or a Bachelor sales and commercial negotiation. However, completing these courses with a master's degree in business, computer science or management with a business engineer background is recommended.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

There is no typical profile but having a first experience in a technical or commercial sector may be required.

How do I find a work-study program?

Finding an apprenticeship may seem complicated or even impossible. However, with a good resume and a successful cover letter, it's always easier. These two tools will guide recruiters on your skills and qualities.

Numerous sites like Job center or offer many apprenticeship offers so do not hesitate to take a look at them.

To avoid wasting time and sending applications for nothing, you need to follow a specific schedule and goals. Start the process as quickly as possible. The search for a work-study program is almost similar to the procedures for obtaining a traditional employment contract. So, there's no question of improvising! Do not hesitate to send spontaneous applications. It works a lot more than you think!

Finally, remember to adapt your arguments to each company.

FAQ : Devenir Ingénieur d'affaires
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