Job Description - Sales Administration Manager (ADV)

April 2024
7 Min

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Any business with significant commercial activity should have a Sales Administration manager. The specificities and challenges of the business make it indispensable at the heart of this type of firm.

Training, salaries, salaries or even skills, this job sheet on the ADV manager should answer all the questions you have about this position and its role in a sales team.

The essentials about being an ADV manager

Several missions are assigned to the ADV manager in the exercise of his duties. Between the orders to manage and the members of his team to manage, he finds himself at the heart of the company's organization.

Sales manager: what is it?

The sales manager directs everything related to a firm's sales department. Whether it is the organization of various administrative tasks, or any other sales operation, he is mainly the decision-maker.

In order to ensure the smooth running of the entire sales process, this professional intervenes from the reception of the order to its delivery to the customer. Some businesses also refer to the sales administration manager as the customer service manager.

According to the hierarchical order generally established in companies, this position is under the auspices of the administrative and financial director (CFO) or the managing director. The bulk of the command, management as well as control, is taken care of by the incumbent of the position. The latter ensures that the pricing policy established in a company is perfectly applied.

The availability of stock and the respect of deliveries are also incumbent on it in the realization of its missions. In addition to these previous tasks, billing monitoring is added. Often also called commercial management manager, this specialist is also responsible for reminding you in the event of unpaid invoices.

It is the ADV manager who takes care of the management of disputes when the company is faced with such situations. It is important to specify that it is with the help of a team, the ADV team, that the various missions are carried out. Another task that is in fact incumbent on the customer service manager is to ensure the management of this group.

L’essentiel sur le métier de responsable ADV

What is the daily mission of an ADV manager?

The implications of being an ADV manager in a business unit result in certain missions that are important to list. The realization of these requires that he be gifted in commerce, logistics and accounting. To do so, he must:

· Manage orders;

· Maintain stocks well;

· Follow up with customers;

· Take care of commercial forecasting;

· Optimize the company's customer service;

· Negotiate and conclude sales contracts.

It is essentially only the commercial sector of the firm that concerns the sales administration manager. Indeed, this implies that he only intervenes in the context of the sale of services or products on behalf of the company.

Not only does he interact with the firm's various clients, but he is also in contact with some of the firm's collaborators. Thus, ADV managers also collaborate with the marketing manager or even the company's sales director.

However, he may have to interact externally with targets other than customers. In carrying out its various missions, it can call on external partners, including suppliers.

mission quotidienne du responsable ADV

What is the salary for a sales administration manager?

Before giving any figures, it is important to note that the remuneration of a customer service manager takes into account several criteria. That said, its fee schedule is based on its responsibilities and the size of the company.

On average, the monthly gross salary of an ADV manager varies between 2,500 and 5,000 euros. When he is still just starting out, his gross salary can be around €30,000 per year. As for a senior, the salary can be estimated at €60K per year. However, he is expected to have a minimum of five years of experience in the same type of position.

The atypical career path of an ADV manager

Like many other professions, the job of sales administration manager requires certain assets.

What skills are the responsibility of an ADV manager?

One of the first skills a customer service manager should have is the ability to reach out to the customer and negotiate under different conditions. He is also called upon to use leadership, especially in taking decisive initiatives. In addition to being disciplined and dynamic, he must also:

· Have relatively advanced notions in logistics and accounting;

· Be gifted with knowledge of financial markets and commercial law;

· Master management software.

In order to ensure a good organization of customer service, the sales manager must be able to take proactive steps. He must also be analytical and ensure that customers are satisfied.

responsable ADV

What are the qualities that an ADV manager should have?

Apart from the technical skills available to the customer service manager, some personality traits will be very useful to him. One of the first qualities that must be found in this professional is none other than managerial capacity. Faced with managing teams and, sometimes, large groups, the ADV manager is supposed to be a good supervisor.

Teamwork involves finding the right balance between the imperatives of some members and the requirements of others. Thus, a sense of compromise and diplomacy must be among the strengths of this professional. He is also supposed to be good at negotiations. This characteristic is needed not only externally with suppliers and customers, but also internally with company departments.

Headlining the company among customers, good communication skills are also the responsibility of the sales manager. This position, in view of management responsibilities, requires a person who is rigorous and reliable. Proficiency in one or more foreign languages can be a major asset for the customer service manager.

What diplomas to become an ADV manager?

Unlike professional positions that do not require a diploma, the job of ADV manager is only accessible through certification training. The minimum for this purpose for such a profile is a BAC+2 or a BAC+3.

Certain courses should be preferred for anyone aspiring to this profession. These are basically the specialties of management, business and accounting. Employers are more likely to value a DUT or a BTS obtained in these fields.

These following degrees are likely to promote a good career in this profession:

· BTS in operational commercial management;

· DUT in business and administration management;

· Master in accounting and management.

To follow these courses and obtain these diplomas, it is essential to go to an engineering or business school. The integration of a specialized university would also be a formality to complete.

It should also be noted that the accessibility of the position of ADV manager within a company is subject to a certain condition. Indeed, a valued experience of three to five years in the sales administration sector is required from the candidate.

Quels diplômes pour devenir responsable ADV ?

The development prospects of the ADV manager

The least we can say about the job of sales manager is that there is no shortage of opportunities. Indeed, many other interesting professions await ADV managers looking for career opportunities. To do this, they must ensure that they acquire the experience required to evolve into professions such as:

· Management controller;

· Logistics manager;

· Store or agency manager;

· Financial and administrative manager;

· Sales manager.

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