Job description - Sales assistant

April 2024
7 Min

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Sales assistant is the ideal springboard to start within a sales team! He or she ensures the proper functioning of the team's processes: creation of commercial proposals and quotes, support for sales representatives, invoicing, customer follow-up...

Definition, missions and role

What is the role of a sales assistant?

The sales assistant, a key element of The sales team. It mainly intervenes in sales support and also often acts as an intermediary between customers and sales representatives. Often assigned to a sales team, he is required to work on almost all stages of a sales cycle, but without being formally responsible for them (such as a Business Developer for example).

Its role is to advance deals more quickly alongside sales representatives, monitor the relationship with customers to ensure that satisfaction remains optimal, or even monitor orders, stocks and delivery times if the company markets a physical product.

Beyond these missions, he is gradually required to play the role of “real” salesperson with prospecting and customer meetings.

Where does a sales assistant work?

To exercise his role, the sales assistant is attached to a team of sales representatives, from where he manages all of his missions. Most of the time, he benefits from the same teleworking policy as the other members of the team. His skills are in demand in almost all sectors of activity (startup, industry, retail, trade...).

What are the tasks and missions of a sales assistant?

Its main missions are to prepare for appointments of salespeople, respond to customer questions in the negotiation phase, manage the administrative follow-up of the deal (ex: contracts), do the link with the marketing team.

It also updates customer files, establishes quotes, manages orders and reminders when necessary, and participates in the monitoring of the customer portfolio. The sales assistant is also responsible for updating the various information by developing or updating Excel tables. However, in addition to this administrative aspect, the sales assistant sometimes has to advise products and services to customers during commercial promotion actions. He may also be required to participate in meetings and in the development of his company's offers.

The qualities of a good sales assistant

What is a good sales assistant?

A good sales assistant knows how to respond effectively and rigorously to requests made to him. Whether it is to answer customer questions or company requirements, he must be perfectly attentive in order to successfully complete contracts. To do this, he must have a perfect knowledge of the organization of work within his company as well as the products and services he offers. It will then be able to respond precisely to customer expectations.

Beyond this reactivity, the sales assistant must be equipped with a great capacity for adaptation and synthesis, which will be of invaluable assistance to him during negotiations with customers. So, above all, a good sales assistant must know how to communicate information quickly and effectively. Whether it's to customers or company teams: the smooth running of business depends largely on him.

How to be a good sales assistant?

To be a good sales assistant, alertness and autonomy are decisive assets. To make decisions quickly and to achieve clear goals, good stress resistance is also necessary. Likewise, a good sense of synthesis and writing skills will also be useful when preparing letters or drawing up estimates and invoices. The right assistant must be ready to train continuously to deal with changes in legislation, the arrival of new tools or even a change in the company's commercial policy.

In addition, a first experience as a sales representative in the field allows you to understand the issues surrounding the profession. Finally, a good sense of relationships is necessary, since the sales assistant is in direct contact with customers and service providers.

Définition, missions et rôle ?

How do I become a sales assistant?

The skills required

Among the skills to be mastered, there is the mastery of office tools (spreadsheets, Office pack, internet, email, commercial software, etc.). A good knowledge of communication networks can also be an asset in promoting your company's products and expanding the customer portfolio.

Likewise, a good command of English (or even another language) can be essential. Especially when international trade is concerned. On the other hand, knowledge of export rules and commercial procedures may be necessary.

The necessary diplomas, courses and studies

To become a sales assistant, it is advisable to follow an economic bachelor's degree or a professional business degree. Then, different paths can be followed. A BAC+2 or +3 level is generally required. The BTS SME-SMI Management Assistant, the BTS Manager Assistant, or the BTS Business Unit Management (MUC) can be alternatives.

Just like the DUT with the mention Administrative and Commercial Management of Organizations, or mention Marketing Techniques. Finally, you can consider a bachelor's degree in economics or business school to do this.

Adapted reconversion profiles

Different professional profiles have the possibility of converting into sales assistants. A career as a customer advisor, management assistant, or even a professional buyer could quite satisfy the requirements of this profession. In general, experience in the commercial field, in contact with customers or service providers, will be sought and welcomed. Likewise, a financial analyst profile, which is rarer, could also be suitable for the position of sales assistant.

If you have completed an education in economics or in the sales and trade sector, the profession of sales assistant may be suitable for any old profession.

What career developments are there for this position?

An experienced sales assistant can progress to a position of sales attaché, customer manager or sales manager. He can thus be assigned a geographical area or a particular field in which he will specialize. Depending on the size of the company, he can work in different departments such as sales administration, marketing or logistics.

Comment devenir assistant commercial ?

What is the salary for a sales assistant?

How much does a sales assistant earn?

The Salary of a sales assistant depends on the sector of activity in which he works. In a company's purchasing division, his salary is on a scale of 25,000 euros to 40,000 euros gross annually. For the banking sector, the sales assistant can receive between 25,000 and 35,000 euros annually. For several years, the salaries of sales assistants have been increasing. Thus, the purchasing department is recruiting more and more skills, even if the starting salary is quite low. It is worth €1600 net monthly, with the possibility of receiving bonuses according to its results.

The junior sales assistant

At the start of their career, sales assistants receive around €1300 per month.

The senior sales assistant

After 4 or 5 years of experience, the sales assistant is considered to be senior. Having full responsibility for his profession, he fully and controversially exercises the tasks assigned to him. In addition, it is not uncommon for him to be in charge of the training of junior sales assistants. He must then control their work, while advising and guiding them. He will receive around €3,000 per month.

The different Sales Assistant jobs

The job of sales assistant as described here is particularly broad and encompasses many aspects. Indeed, this profession comes under other names and other specialties, relating to specific fields.

Among these, for example, we will find the sales administration assistant, the export sales assistant or the customer assistant and the commercial secretary.

What is a Sales Administration Assistant?

The job of the sales administration assistant will consist in registering supplier orders, editing invoices and monitoring invoicing, and preparing delivery orders. He is responsible for the logistical follow-up of purchases and supplies and manages product safety data sheets. It tracks inventory and updates timelines and dashboards when needed. Finally, it fills in customer information requests, and it sometimes plays a support role in various situations.

What is an Export Sales Assistant?

Conversely, the export sales assistant intervenes once a contract is signed. He takes over by registering the order and then taking care of its follow-up. It has a look at the cost, sending, transporting and receiving goods. He keeps an eye on payments and takes care of reminders for unpaid invoices or disputes with customers. And it manages requests, by phone and email, from existing or future customers, as well as discounts and credit notes.

What is a commercial secretary?

The sales secretary, on the other hand, is the person who will support the entire sales team. Its role is to establish and guarantee the link between customers and sales representatives in order to facilitate and ensure commercial prospecting missions. This position is often found in private companies where the sale of products and services is necessary for development and growth.

Les différents métiers Assistant Commercial

Our tips for finding a job as a sales assistant

Sales assistant jobs are blossoming right now, so you'll find opportunities on various recruitment sites.

You can also integrate a Graduate program within a company that offers career development, by first applying for a position as a field salesperson and then moving on to a position as a sales assistant.

How do you recruit a good sales assistant?

To recruit a good sales assistant, you must ensure that he has key skills corresponding to the job.

Autonomy and the sense of organization

Indeed, as an intermediary between customers, management and field sales representatives and will have to ensure the smooth running of the commercial process.

The meaning of the relational

As a true relay of information, communication should not be an obstacle for talent. You have to make sure that he knows how to communicate both in writing and orally.

Proven responsiveness and efficiency

In charge of information relating to customers, orders and suppliers, the sales assistant must be able to quickly update the various announcements, so that the sales process content remains reliable.

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