The OKRs method applied to Business Developers

Sales accelerations
April 2024
7 Minus
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In an ever-changing business environment, Business Developers need to be more agile and successful than ever. That's where OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) come in.

What do the giants Google, Facebook, Back Market and Veepee have in common?

It's the OKR method.

👉 O for Objectives

👉 KR for Key Results

Invented in the 1950s and popularized at the dawn of the 2000s by Google, this method became the GPS of most tech organizations.

It consists in setting and achieving macro goals for the company through hierarchical indicators. Les Key Results then make it possible to monitor the progress towards the achievement of these objectives.

Having become essential, the OKRs method has a direct impact on the work of Business Developers. CEO meetings at Desk from Business Developers, we explain to you in this new episode its power and impact.

Happy reading!


What is the OKRs method? 🧐

The idea behind this method is to set ambitious goals whose achievement is based on a pyramid strategy.

To do this, we first define a global objective for the company, which is itself part of a strategy and a large-scale vision to move the whole company forward in the same direction.

Management then details the strategy in sub-parts, each involving the different entities or Business units of the company.

To successfully follow these different sub-parts, we will then follow the progress of our strategy by dissecting the objectives:

  • Each subpart should have its own goals,
  • Each objective is monitored using corresponding data.

Once goals are set, teams are empowered by letting them determine how they will achieve the goal.

Business Developers trained by Akimbo in 2023

Why it is essential for Sales 💪

1 ️. Set clear goals

If Business Developers are there to generate growth, they need to be managed to achieve goals. That make sense and are part of the overall strategy.

To ensure this consistency, managers set goals that combine their resources with the company's macro goals. In other words, the sub-objectives to be achieved by the OKRs method will make it possible to formalize the quantitative objectives to be achieved by Sales.

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2 ️. Add projects” Build via initiatives

For those who don't know the expression” Build ”, it is to be understood in opposition to the expression” Run ”.

The Build refers to any approach to building and structuring a business. The Run concerns the management of the existing system through the monitoring of the data and indicators put in place.

In contrast to Run, the Build focuses less on data than on projects. Thus, the OKRs method will be the ideal opportunity to structure the sales team by creating processes and implementing tools.

3 ️. Align Sales team goals with other teams

Finally, the OKRs method will ensure continuity in the processes and work of the company's various teams.

For example, we often see a disconnection between Sales and Marketing teams, or even between Sales and Ops, especially in consulting companies.

example : Marketing at odds with the strategy with Sales in relation to the actions of prospecting Outbound, tools and processes put in place by Ops that are not adapted to the needs of Sales... 🤯

Thanks to OKRs, the different teams will be forced to work hand in hand to achieve a common goal. This reduces disagreements between teams, and the work of some teams clearly benefits others 😮 ‍ 💨!

An Akimbo member during a prospecting call

Situation: an example of OKR for a Sales team 🚀

Account : Tartempion 🤓 Company

What are the Tartempion Company's Objectives in 2022?

(1) Reach 1 million euros in ARR (annual recurring income)

(2) Creating a differentiating and exceptional commercial approach for Tartempion's customers: in other words, a unique customer experience

What Key Results do you need to achieve these goals?

(1) Generate 1000 qualified leads by the end of the year, and convert 50% of validated business opportunities

(2) Achieve an NPS greater than 80 for new customers and reach 20% of new customers through word-of-mouth (Referral)

What initiatives should be put in place to obtain these Key Results?

(1) Implement a new Sales Engagement Platforms (SEVEN)

(2) Refondre le Playbook Sales

(3) Organiser 3 évènements de team building au premier trimestre


Les plus et les moins de la méthode

👍 La cohésion des équipes

Avoir des objectifs communs va permettre de rassembler autour d’une cause commune, de maintenir les troupes motivées et de consolider la cohésion au sein de l’entreprise.

👍 Une machine plus efficace

Grâce à la méthode des OKR, on va pouvoir coordonner l’ensemble des process et des équipes de l’entreprise. En d’autres termes, on aura une machine où les rouages s’imbriquent mieux et où les équipes gagneront en performance !

⚠️ Le risque des objectifs trop ambitieux

Attention cependant aux objectifs non réalistes ! Trop élevés, les objectifs peuvent être source de pression chez les employés et mener à l’augmentation du turnover.

Pour toutes vos questions sur Akimbo et pour un accompagnement axé sur l'accélération commerciale, notre Sales Leader Alexandre Laurent se rend disponible pour vous. Et bien sûr, nous vous accompagnons sur l'optimisation de votre machine et la mise en place de vos OKR.

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