Account Manager Salary - Average Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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The average gross salary of a Customer Manager in France is €42,000 per year. A junior will get an average salary of around €20K and go up to over €60K by becoming a senior.

The account manager is in charge of the relationship with the company's customers. He is therefore responsible for maintaining its loyalty. To do this, he deals in particular with the processing of complaints and requests.

Many account managers become Business Developers after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

What is the salary for a Customer Service Manager?

Intern or work-study customer manager salary

In general, a company will pay between 600€ and 1200€ per month to a trainee Account Manager.

Junior Customer Manager Salary

A junior account manager salary is generally between €18K and €20K per year.

Customer manager salary

On average, a Customer Manager can earn between €30K and 45 K€ per month.

Senior Customer Manager Salary

In France, a Senior Account Manager receives a salary of up to €60K gross per year.

Quel est le salaire d’un Chargé Clientèle ?

What are the career opportunities for a Customer Manager?

An Account Manager can evolve into the position of Sector Manager or Customer Manager. He can also continue his career in the sales department of a company.

What factors influence the salary of a Customer Manager?

The best account managers are patient and know how to listen actively. They are able to manage conflicts and make decisions. They have a sense of responsibility and interpersonal relationships. They know how to communicate clearly and concisely.

How do I become a Customer Manager?

To become a customer manager, you generally need to have a BAC or a BAC+2 (BTS type), have good relational and commercial skills, as well as fluency in speaking and writing.

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