Business Development Representative - Definition

April 2024
7 Min

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The BDR conditions the development of the company and its turnover. Their qualification work feeds into all the rest of the customer base process to trigger negotiations.

To be Business Development Representative (BDR), it is to be the starting point of the sales cycle. This position of action and responsibility is more and more popular and valued, Startups are fighting for these lead hunters. Moreover, many Akimbers who participate in Bootcamp start with this role!

Definition of the Business Development Representative job

Sometimes confused with Sales Development Representative (SDR) or the Business Developer (BizDev), the Business Development Representative (BDR) is mainly responsible for outgoing leads. He breaks the ice of the first meetings and focuses on working on the evolution of the customer relationship.

What is the role of the Business Development Representative?

The BDR is the Very first contact of the company that appeals to the lead. It represents its expertise and its offer. Its action focuses on B2B prospects who are interested in the company but who have not yet established an explicit demand. It is therefore the BDR who intervenes and exchanges with him for determine your needs And him propose an adapted solution. It is a key role in building the company's customer portfolio and in achieving sales success.

What is the BDR job? Job description

The BDR is a salesperson responsible for prospecting new customers. It intervenes in everything Start of the sales cycle. It is a key position within a Business Development & Sales team. He is responsible for the development and implementation of the commercial strategy. It detects business opportunities, seeks to qualify then pass on these profiles to more experienced salespeople like Account Executives (AEs).

To be eligible for this type of job, the recruiter does not expect a specific academic background from the candidate but above all good skills useful in trade. The BDR must demonstrate a good communication (relational ease, negotiation), with a strong capacity toorganizing and of a large determination.

Qu’est-ce que le métier de BDR

What are the missions of a Business Development Representative?

  • Understand its offer and its positioning on the market

The main mission of the BDR is to develop a Business plan adapted both to the objectives of the startup but also to the prospects to whom these offers are addressed. To sell well, he needs to understand well. The BDR has a duty toparses And oflearning of the environment internal and external to the company. La knowledge of the product or service proposed allows him to talk about it in a convincing way and to have the answers to the questions of prospects. The competitive situation will sometimes require him toadapt your arguments and its strategy. It is a expert about it, but it also knows how to transmit it.

  • Know your target customer

Unlike SDRs, the BDR does not work directly with the Marketing department, it obtains its leads by his own research. The application of a Active listening of his prospect allows him toidentify your needs and to build its working base. With this information, he will personalize your approach and determine if this profile is relevant to qualify. The BDR therefore has a role of identification, interpretation but also of loyalty. The proximity created by exchanges favors a relationship of trust and leads more favorably to a vending.

les missions d’un Business Development Representative
  • Create and execute prospecting sequences

The BDR is responsible for the preparation and execution of negotiations. The aim is to develop and maintain a good customer relationship over time. This commercial prospecting is multichannel : email, cold calling, LinkedIn... All means of identification and communication are optimized to hope to qualify the greatest number of prospects. He will try to generate the maximum number of approaches to qualify the maximum number of leads.

  • Managing a portfolio of opportunities

To help him daily in his administrative and analytical tasks, the BDR masters business tools and techniques. The most important platform is The CRM. These working methods allow him to: centralize your data And of start automation sequences. It is a saving of time and work that counts enormously in his organizing. Equipped BDRs are efficient and productive BDRs.

  • Work with the rest of the sales team

The BDR provides the customer base, the working base for all lead cycle jobs. However, the action of the BDR stops at the Qualification of leads. He took care of all the previous identification and prospecting work. He makes the switch to Account Executives/Sales who will take care of the Negotiating the contract And this until Closing. He then transmits his contacts but does not lose the link. Depending on his workload and the prioritization of his missions, he may be required to assist in the organization of appointments and support customer loyalty.

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