Closing a new job: what the best Closers have in common

April 2024
7 Min

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Closers must seize the opportunity and see it through. But it is not enough to be content with nice words and resourcefulness. Discover the practices that lead to success.

The definition of closing in sales vs the job of Closer or Closeuse

In general, the word closing refers to the final phase of the sales process. This is the decisive moment when the prospect will choose to make a purchase.

We find this phase both in the new business of Closer (B2C sales) and in that of B2B salesperson. Learn more about closing in B2B sales in our article dedicated to closing definitions and the best sales techniques to excel in the closing phase.

As for Closer's job, several companies and entrepreneurs use their services because they are experts in the art of negotiation.

These professionals then have the mission of supporting the prospects of the people who call on them in their transaction.

They will communicate with potential customers until the conclusion of the sale. They will seek to convince them and start a positive business relationship using persuasion techniques.

The Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer also attracts a number of apprentice Closers. With good understanding...

What is a great Closer?

exceller en closing B2B
  • An excellent Closer must want to support customers

A good Closer should know persuasion techniques and understand the feelings of their prospect. Each individual has levers and obstacles to buying. He should know influence intelligently and positively the decision of his prospect by listening to him and advising him.

  • An excellent Closer likes to challenge and challenge himself.

The Closer is required to manage the objections of reluctant prospects. Faced with this, he must not lose hope but on the contrary be Strength of proposal. He must try to convince prospects with an argumentation method adapted to the situation.

  • An excellent Closer is a good communicator

In the exercise of his profession, the Closer must know how to express himself clearly. Son Speech should be concise and impactful if he wants to convince his prospect. He must show an image of confidence and confidence, in person but also on the telephone. He must be able to explain the advantages and characteristics of his offer and to transmit his optimism to the customer.

  • An excellent Closer is organized and thorough 

Closer's job requires a lot of preparation beforehand. There is a work of listening and argumentation. He must know how to adapt to sales situations and the specific needs of customers. The Closer should always remain calm. Her organization and her self-control are essential for her image and the practice of her activity. He must manage your reputation if he wants to maximize his chances of getting contracts and closing sales.

What the best salespeople do to prepare for their closing

préparer son travail en tant que closer

Depending on the person in front of him and his case, the Closer can take different approaches. Closing includes many steps and issues that the best salespeople take into account as soon as they are prepared.

Preparing a closing with a prospect

  • Identify the needs of the prospect

The prospect is new to the business sales process. The Closer doesn't know him or his buying habits. He must discover his profile in order to prepare convincing arguments. For this, he Review all past conversations to find clues about the needs or desires of the prospect.

With this information, he will be able to work on his closing so that the support and the offer correspond to his profile. This identification work adds value to the process.

  • Preparing responses to objections

The prospect is not yet committed to the company's offer. He may still be reluctant. The Closer anticipates objections by preparing solid answer arguments. It may be required to provide concrete examples, demonstrations or customer testimonials. He must be ready to do anything to reassure and convince the prospect.

  • Establishing a clear and personalized action plan

Based on the specific needs and characteristics of the prospect, Closer prepares a personalized offer. It highlights the most relevant elements of the product or service in relation to the prospect's requests.

The Closer carefully prepares the steps to follow for the closing to take place without problems.

Preparing a closing with a client

  • Reviewing customer needs

A customer is known to the company. In your customer file, it is possible to review the interactions and contracts concluded. It is therefore easier to find information on your preferences or purchasing habits. However, a good Closer will still take the time to consult the customer for questioning. Over time, new needs may emerge.

  • Identify potential resistance points

Generally, a customer has the same concerns and questions from transaction to transaction. Based on past discussions, the Closer can anticipate objections and responses to overcome them. It can gather arguments or evidence of positive results in advance to strengthen customer confidence in the offer.

  • Preparing for negotiation

The customer may have certain expectations. If he is a loyal customer, he may have to ask for commercial actions. To maintain a positive and lasting business relationship, Closer must be ready to negotiate terms and conditions of the transaction. Upstream, he identifies his room for manoeuvre in order to reach a compromise satisfactory to both parties.

  • Provide a clear and personalized action plan

The Closer gathers all the information needed to create a proposal that meets the needs and expectations of the client. This tailor-made offer is the result of a open communication. The Closer constitutes this proposal in several stages. The closing calendar follows the needs of the client and its evolutions.

What the best salespeople do to successfully close

réussir dans le métier de closer

The best salespeople have learned their trade through training and practice. However, there are techniques, tools, and qualities that help to fulfill this role. By combining these elements, the chances of success at the end of the closing are high.

How do they influence decision making?

Closers use different persuasion techniques to influence the prospect's choice. These various psychological levers aim to convince him to accept the offer.

These strategies include:

  • La creating a sense of urgency to speed up decision-making (time-limited offers, temporary benefits...)
  • La scarcity to increase interest (exclusive, limited offers)
  • La social proof to prove the credibility of the offer (testimonies of satisfied customers, statistics, concrete examples...)
  • La trust to get closer to the prospect. The Closer is understanding of his situation and seeks to provide him with appropriate proposals. By creating a relationship of trust, the prospect is more likely to follow the advice of the interlocutor (active listening, patience, empathy, etc.)
  • La personalization of the offer so that the prospect feels understood (identification of customer needs, expertise, management of objections, adapted solution...)

How did they become very successful?

The closing as we know it today is quite recent, even more so in France!

So recently, businesses recognized the need to use Closers in their sales process. While only a few individuals stood out during the rise of the discipline, today thousands of Closers are available on the territory, both physically and remotely. How do you stand out from the crowd and become more efficient?

  • By following new courses

To remain competitive, Closers can follow specialized training courses. Of different durations and intensities, there are numerous formats. Participants can sign up for discover the profession or to deepen their knowledge (sales technique, objection management, communication...).

  • By practicing the profession

Closers gain experience by taking courses but especially by interacting with prospects. They become efficient by practicing in different sales situations.

  • By mastering new marketing tools, skills, and strategies

Good Closers are motivated to learn and serve the customer. To do this, they must be good listeners (active listening, identifying needs, positivity...). They must also be up to date in the use of sales tools or techniques that could make them more productive. Closers are always looking for ways to improve.

  • By standing out

THEadaptability is a key skill in closing. Closers must adapt to the characteristic needs of prospects but also to businesses. The best elements are full of proposals. They have to be able to change sales style according to constraints and propose adapted solutions. They also pay attention to their reputation, which must always remain professional, and to the image of the expertise they serve.

What do they do to close their sale?

Before being able to close a sale, the Closer must be able to decipher buying signals. That is, in the last interactions:

  • A relationship of trust must have been established
  • All commercial objections must have been addressed
  • The prospect must have mentioned the desire to buy and be aware of the value of the property
  • The prospect must have all the information concerning the offer
  • The prospect must be able to close the sale

So the Closer must be very attentive. The best Closers immediately recognize when the time is right to close the sale. Poor timing can jeopardize the process.

To complete the closing, professionals know different commercial techniques that they know how to use depending on the affinities and the situation of the prospect.


How to quickly become excellent at closing?

exceller rapidement en tant que closer

Becoming a great Closer is a process that requires time and motivation. Young learner profiles should practice regularly but above all be open to learning. Even if you are trained in closing, there are always methods to master or perfect in order to achieve excellence in this field.

Commercial closing training

Commercial closing courses help sales professionals develop the skills to close more deals. During these courses, participants participate in Classes And workshops of persuasion, of negotiation And of strategy.

These techniques will allow them to better dealing with objections and better understand the closing process. They learn to develop arguments to influence the prospect's decision.

The courses combine theory and practice via Role-playing, of simulations Or case studies. Participants are accompanied and advised throughout the cycle.

They can be of different intensities, formats or durations. In the end, Closers have the keys in hand to improve their performance in terms of conversion and sales.

Methods and techniques books

There are numerous books dedicated to closing methods and techniques. Some books are particularly popular such as”Influence and Manipulation” by Robert CIALDINI.

These books explore the psychological principles of persuasion but also the strategies to master to close sales. It's a convenient format for professionals who want to learn and improve their sales skills.

These books are learning tools but also work tools. They are full of techniques and case studies that can inspire readers. They will then be able to apply these lessons and obtain better results in their business (better conversion rate for example).

Recorded calls

Recorded calls are audios that are available to listen to for sales professionals. It's aboutreal interactions between Closers and their customers.

These recordings provide concrete examples of techniques for closure, persuasion but also for managing objections.

They are valuable learning resources. They can be listened to freely and as many times as necessary so that the learner can be inspired by best practices. Apprentice Closers can analyze exchanges to better understand them. This tool allows you to perfect your preparation and your closing speech.

The digital content of independent coaches (social networks)

There are many independent closing coaches who offer their support online. Generally present on social networks, especially Linkedin, they engage their audience by publishing content such as articles, videos, case studies, tips, or practical advice on closing techniques.

Thanks to this activity, some manage to bring together a community of young Closers who want to learn. These Coaches can organize live sessions or even physical encounters with their subscribers to discuss the subject.

This content allows members to actively share ideas and learn from others. These are generally dynamic platforms and accounts that offer a collaborative learning experience.

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