Closing training: our advice for choosing it

April 2024
7 Min

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In the competitive sales arena, continuing education sets winning teams apart from the rest. As a Sales Manager, save time in your search for the right program with our advice.

Leading a prospect to the signing of a contract requires methodical preparation prior to closing. Each of the phases, from the establishment of a relationship of trust to the final negotiation, has a direct impact on the performances and results obtained.

Several steps in the commercial process can therefore be refined, such as:

  • How to start a conversation.
  • Skillful handling of objections.
  • The use of tools to assess performance.

The Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer also attracts a number of apprentice Closers. With good understanding...

But with the multitude of training options available, it can be difficult to single out which path is the most promising. Moreover, in the frenetic world of commercial management, time is often precious.

This article acts as a beacon, illuminating your path to quickly select the training that will propel your teams to new heights.

Differentiate Closer courses and B2B closing courses

Some closing training courses should be ruled out depending on whether you want to develop the skills of a sales team or Becoming Closer.

Training courses for Closer to work in the new profession of Closer

Closing is also the core business of Closers. Professionals in this activity do B2C sales and work exclusively by telephone for auto-entrepreneurs or agencies. If you hear about closing mastery, know thatThis is not a training course for sales teams.

B2B closing courses

Several types of training make it possible to develop the closing skills of a sales team. To support your sales group, you can choose between:

Personalized corporate training

Despite the challenges associated with coordinating schedules, these programs adapt harmoniously to the specific needs of your company.

This flexibility is a major advantage, as these courses can even be adjusted to align with the internal culture.

To increase your chances of shortening the sales cycle, opt for a training that customizes each module according to your market and your objectives. This approach also reinforces the commitment of participants, as they directly observe the application of the lessons in their professional context.

Hybrid training

These courses rely less on technological stability than fully online training because they include face-to-face sessions. At Akimbo, we talk about synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Sales representatives are free to complete certain modules remotely and benefit from practical sessions to be coached and ask questions.

Corporate coaching sessions

Focused on practice, some of this coaching helps your salespeople progress by getting them to work on real business opportunities. Organizations are even adding individual sessions in addition to group modules to meet the specific needs of each salesperson.

In addition, entrust the coaching of your team to a coach external to the company revitalizes the daily routine while promoting skills development. It is also a great way to prepare for customer appointments by implementing actions to ensure that salespeople are in the best possible position.

Continuing education programs

Continuing education programs are ideal for supporting your sales team over the long term.

This approach allows for an iIn-depth integration of the desired changes. New sales techniques and methods are assimilated more easily, and the regular evaluation of progress makes it possible to adapt training according to constantly changing needs.

Evaluate the needs of your sales team to choose the best training

To choose the most suitable closing training, start by assessing the specific needs of the group to be trained.

Aspects such as the internal culture, the current skill level of your team, and the particular challenges they face should be taken into account.

Formalize an optimal sales method

If you manage multiple sales teams across multiple territories, aligning their practices can be complex. This is where a formalized sales method comes into play. At Akimbo, we see selling as a science based on predictable strategies.

Formalize a sales method:

  • Enables each team member to understand the steps and best practices to follow.
  • This promotes collaboration.
  • Ensures a consistent approach to customers.
  • Strengthens the credibility of your business and the trust of customers.
  • Facilitates accurate performance measurement and analysis, allowing strategies to be adjusted based on real results.
  • Simplifies the training of new team members, allowing them to learn more quickly and integrate more effectively through a structured and documented process.

Mastering digital tools to start closing online

Advances in artificial intelligence have created a variety of tools designed to make life easier for salespeople and improve their performance. Modjo For example, analyze conversations with prospects to refine the sales approach.

Several courses include a Productivity gain module in their program, thus saving you the confusion of the multitude of tools available.

The trainers rely on their expertise to guide you towards the solutions that best fit your business model and teach you how make the most of the data generated.

Akimbo's commercial acceleration programs systematically incorporate a digital dimension. Each training course starts with a in-depth diagnosis of the commercial maturity of the group to be formed, which leads to theoretical courses and tailor-made practical sessions, perfectly meeting the needs of the sales team.

Better prepare for negotiations

Relevant training should take into account the descriptions of your ideal client companies and personas.

Understanding their needs and priorities guides how you build a relationship and take action to convert them.

Knowing the ideal customer is essential for effective sales. Avoid courses that overlook this fundamental aspect.

Better detect and neutralize objections

Appropriate training includes Methods to identify and neutralize objections.

Active listening, prepared responses, and a deep understanding of the prospect's concerns are necessary to defuse them.

Choose a course that equips your team with these skills to counter doubts and resistance.

Discover other techniques and methods of influence

A study by the Harvard Business Review reveals that only a third of salespeople succeed in maintaining consistent performance.

In addition to supporting your team with regular coaching sessions and training, you can: participate in seminars and conferences. This makes it possible to stay up to date with new trends and strengthens the group's competitive position.

Gather reviews

Customer cases

Examine the results of other similar businesses to better assess the results achieved. Compare them to your own goals for identify relevant training modules.

Google reviews

Feel free to explore online reviews, especially those from industry professionals.


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