A customer cannot be taken for granted until it has been closed! Throughout the sales cycle, prospects will formulate their questions. While some points are trivial and can be resolved quickly, others can block the smooth running of the sale.
Some reactions from prospects translate a rejection. This means that the current situation and the offer as presented do not suit them. One objection is a signal for the commercial. The latter must learn to listen to them and to find a solution to the problem mentioned by his interlocutor. Some sales techniques come to the aid of salespeople facing this situation.
The classic CRAC method taught on the Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer.
Sales objections: how to deal with them?
A customer in a state of stress will formulate objections, barriers that attack the company and the offer. Beyond the appearance of aggressiveness, they often arouse an underlying psychological need. Dealing with commercial objections is exploring personal needs before operational needs.
What is a customer objection?
A customer objection Is a reaction to a commercial offer in the context of a sales situation. It expresses a rejection, a fear Or a querying when faced with the proposal of a product or service. It can occur at any point in the buying process. When formulated, it Block the transaction for a while. The salesperson then has the role of finding the origin of this objection and dealing with it in order to resume the smooth running of the agreement.
The importance of objections in the sales process
An objection is not a refusal. This is proof that the buyer is interested in the offer but that he does not yet feel convinced and decided to act on it.
The salesperson can find themselves paralyzed by this obstacle and feel powerless. In reality, he is precisely trained to answer these questions. Facing the objection is a very formative experience for a salesperson and his company.
Objections teach him to empathize, he will have to Put yourself in the customer's shoes and look for what his organization is doing better. For the reassure, the interlocutor will take the time to get to know him better and to better present the offer to him.
Most contracts do not succeed from the first exchange, it is a process that requires times. It is the objections that constitute the topics for thought. It is by understanding and interpreting them that the seller will compose the offer that will best meet the consumer expectations. A salesperson who takes the time to listen and not make judgments establishes a relationship based on trust and mutual respect. Once the The crux of the problem identified and resolved, the evolution of the process can resume on a better basis.
What is the CRAC method?
The CRAC method is a acronym signifying Digging - Reformulating - Arguing - Controlling.
It describes and details a chaining simple methods intended to Respond to customer objections. Before any answer, the salesperson will try to understand the subject and the reasons for this discrepancy Before Suggest a solution. It is an argumentation model that helps salespeople dealing with this type of situation. The CRAC method guides the action of the salesperson who may be in a bad position and helps him to calmly formulate his feedback.
It was determined to be applied during physical or video appointments because it requires a direct and visual confrontation with the customer. For a phone call, the Rebound method will be preferred.
In theory, the sequence and application of these 4 steps would eventually lead to the optimal solution. In practice, defining and running these tools can be a bit more complicated. It may happen that the salesperson must go back to a later stage if he is missing information. He may have to do several proposals, some may not work.
The fact remains that with patience, method and empathy, this technique greatly increases the chances of finally Close a contract.
Step 1: Excavate objections to understand your prospect
The salesperson cannot think of an answer if he does not have all the information that makes up the request. He must first understand In more detail the customer position. This step corresponds to the processing of the objection in order to understand the reasons for it.
Encourage your prospect to explain their needs and constraints
- Seek to understand the expectations of the prospect
Each prospect comes with different needs and constraints. The solution mentioned by the salesperson often makes it possible to meet several quite different needs. This stage of the CRAC method seeks to identify and refine the commercial strategy. All Business Developers tend to underestimate this aspect.
- (!) Never stop at the first level of response from a prospect
The natural reflex is to seek absolutely Counter-argue. Indeed, an objection can be experienced as a affront. The salesperson is directly attacked on his ability to convince. However, he must keep your cool and wonder if there isn't one additional information Or a undertone to look beyond the prospect's first response.
Ask relevant questions
- Take the time to agree
This series of questions must be transformed into productive exchange Until that Reaches the crux of the problem. The potential customer has their say and develops their problem. However, the interlocutor has an interest in Acknowledge regularly. By a movement of the head or by a “Very good” “I hear”, he shows that he is still Listening And that he shows up gracious.
- Start with open questions, then switch between open and closed questions
This moment is when the customer delivers, he Monopolize speech but the salesperson must stay in control so as not to get lost. The questions asked are at choose carefully so as not to stray from the subject. The aim is to Understand the reality of the prospect while encouraging a relationship based on trust and listening.
Empathize with your prospect
Any objection is based on A belief, a past experience or Aprioris. It is The origin of this blockage that you should look for. Do not make the customer feel that their reaction is illegitimate and absurd. On the contrary, you have to tidy up With him. The salesperson must make the effort to agree, invite him to explain the reason for this objection. This exchange must overcoming an apparent conflict of interest.
Step 2: Reformulate your client's objection
Reformulate The words of your prospect is a quick but necessary step in order to continue the process. Once the salesperson understands the customer's objection, he must know how to make appear the underlying need and highlight it.
Validate the objection - “That's a great question!”
Even once the origin of the problem is understood, the salesperson continues to legitimizing the objection. The prospect must not feel wrong for having thought or acted in this way. This contributes to the further development of a caring and trusting relationship. The prospect should be reassured that their objection and the ensuing exchange served to improve the situation. Both parties don't get out of it anymore Informed, plus reassured and above all Motivated to continue the collaboration.
Understand the reason for this objection
Rephrasing allows you to present the subject in a form Different. It is this formulation that sometimes unlocks the crux of the problem. This proves that we have understood the origin of the discord and that the objective now is to Take it into account. The salesman now understands why he should complete its basic offer. He may also start to think about how to do it.
Step 3: Argue to value and reassure your customer
After listening and identifying the needs of the customer, the goal of the salesperson is to offer them custom adjustmentss. These additional arguments to the offer are there for respond to his reticence.
Use the CAP method (Characteristics, Benefits, Proofs)
- specifications
It's the description sober and factual of technical or aesthetic characteristics of the product or service. Generally, this is an argument that salespeople master. This speech is not intended to seduce the customer On his heartstrings but from him clearly state the offer.
- Benefits
Operation seduction starts here. The salesperson will describe the beneficial elements that the user can derive from using the product or service. It's about convincing him that this purchase will bring him something beneficial.
This step shows that there is a before and after in the user's daily life, that it can change the way you do or think.
Here it is interesting to know What matters for the customer (ease of use, time savings). The argument must responder aux psychological and operational needs that seem important to him.
- Proofs
Some customers are not convinced by nice words and want concrete. To reassure them and prove the veracity of these words, the salesperson may have to make a demonstration or to bring various supports. They can take the form of testimonies, statistics, or official documents.
It is also a good way to To put in confidence the customer for the rest of the commercial relationship. He doesn't feel cheated or mocked. These are the arguments that will convince the client to welcome the proposal.
Step 4: Check that your prospect is reassured
After putting time and energy into agreeing on a solution, it is in the best interests of both parties to Make sure That the past agreement is suitable for everyone. It would be a shame to rush this stage and encounter a new difficulty later.
Ask for validation from your prospect
Control is a simple step of reformulation. It is a way to be sure that the customer has understood and validated the deal.
Through simple questions, the salesperson will challenge the customer to make sure that everything is clear, such as “Is this suitable for you?” It's the last moment to ask questions and talk about terms before moving on to the next step.
Once the exchange is over and the deal is complete, the Sales cycle resumes.