SIMAC method: selling in 5 steps - Definition

April 2024
7 Min

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Particularly used in sales, the SIMAC method makes it possible to frame the commercial approach. Divided into five phases, this method offers the keys to improving your arguments and convincing your prospects.

Definition - What is the SIMAC method?

What is the SIMAC method for sale?

For sale, the SIMAC method is one of sales techniques the most popular for structuring your sales pitch And of convince its potential customers. It is made up of five steps: the situation, the idea, the mechanism, the advantages and the conclusion. By using this method, you will be able to accurately frame your sales cycle and be more efficient as a salesperson.

It is a classic taught on the Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer.

Why use the SIMAC method to trade 

By using the SIMAC method, you will be able to capture Attention potential customers and to push them to realize the act of purchase. This method is framework The sales pitch and makes it possible to directly create a link between supply and demand.

SIMAC helps you to arouse the curiosity of the prospect and allows you to better deliver your commercial message. The SIMAC method also makes it possible to make your sales pitch more gravitational and to create a bigger vicinity between the customer and the seller. You will take into account the expectations of the prospect and your offer will appear more adapted and more credible.

Negotiation: how to build a sales argument?

Building a sales pitch requires some thoroughness. First, start by involving all the parties who have a direct relationship with your prospect. Be precise but also concise. Don't test your prospect's patience, get to the point quickly!

Be thorough and clear in what you say. Your potential customer must immediately understand what your product or service will bring them. Explain to him clearly your customer segment usual and why your prospects should buy it. With your sales pitch, your customer must understand what your offer will bring.

You must show that your offer solves one of its issues or respond to his needs. Do not hesitate to expose the pros of your offer, whether on a small or large scale.

Définition - Qu'est-ce que la méthode SIMAC ?

What questions should you ask your prospects to qualify them?

La qualification of a prospect is very important. It allows you to quickly know if your potential customer is worth your effort and time. The first three qualifying questions —” Who ? ”,” Where ? ”,” why ? ” — will show you how to find quality leads by qualifying them as and when. The” When ? ” can save you time and optimize your performance in the qualification process. Ask questions corresponding to stage of the commercial relationship with your prospect. Avoid a series of questions. Sort out the questions that will really serve you and don't fall into a cold environment like an interview.

Your questions should allow you to identify the types of commercial relationship What does your interlocutor want to set up. You can ask the following questions to accurately frame your customer relationship:

  • What results do you expect from this collaboration?
  • What is your main expectation?
  • What are your goals?
  • Who plays a role in decision making?
  • Etc.

How to use the SIMAC method for sale?

La SIMAC method is composed of the five essential steps to bring your prospect topurchase. Transitioning from the first phase “situation” To the last “conclusion”, this sales technique has already made it possible to improve performances thousands of salespeople.

Comment utiliser la méthode SIMAC en vente ?

What are the 5 stages of selling?

SIMAC - S for Situation of your prospect

This first step aims to take stock of the situation of your potential customer. You will therefore try to understand as precisely as possible, the context, competitors or even the challenges of your prospect. With all the information collected, you can then establish a report on his situation. To get an accurate and accurate account, it's necessary to ask the right questions. By dint of meeting prospects, you will be able to identify the most relevant ones.

Active listening will allow you to identify the expectations and needs of your prospects and will therefore lead you to define an outline of solutions to provide. Clearly state your prospect's situation and accurately summarize what the prospect is looking for.

SIMAC - I for Idea, arouse interest

During this second step, you must arouse interest of your prospect by developing an idea that intrigued and questioned him. You need to show potential customers that the product or service offered will meet their needs.

With phrases concise and Impactful, show your customer the benefits of your offer. Use the first step of the SIMAC method to offer your prospect a personalized sales pitch. To avoid losing your customer right from the start of your sales pitch, focus on a central idea and make the most of it.

Example of an argument that will interest your prospect:

“Our company has been working in [field] for X years. We noticed that businesses like yours are always facing the same problems: [bread]. We decided to create a product that exclusively corresponds to businesses in your field because [advantages]. Our first customers like [customer 1] and [customer 2] achieved a production increase of [...%]. Are you tempted to know how?

Quelles sont les 5 étapes de la vente ?

SIMAC - M for Mechanism (CQQCOQP)

In this third step, you show your prospect The effectiveness of the solution that you offer him. And to argue your speech, you are essentially using the CQQCOQP method. This method is based on 7 questions: How, who, what, how much, where, when, why. Here are some sample questions for each stage:

  • how? : how do you want to achieve your goals? What tools are you going to promote?
  • Who? : What is your main target?
  • What? : What are the advantages and characteristics of your offer?
  • How many : What price do you offer?
  • Where? : Where will your product be displayed? What will be your means of communication?
  • When ? : What is the best date to offer your product or service?
  • why ? : Why should your prospect buy your product?

By answering all these questions, you will be in a position to suggest accurate and personalized answers to your various customers. Be professional. Show him that each of his questions counts and that you will be able to answer each of them! This phase also gives you an overview of the potential obstacles to buying of your customer. So do not hesitate to invite him to act and to Close the sale !

SIMAC - The advantages of your solution

During this fourth stage, the salesperson sets out all the pros of its product. It is mainly during this phase that the product offered must be perceived as THE solution to the customer problem. Show your prospect the strengths of your offer and Do you differentiate pcompared to your competitors! It is during this phase that the customer must identify yourself with your product And if projecting with the latter. Be hard-hitting and authentic. It is through good communication of pros of your offer so that the sales process can continue.

SIMAC - C for Conclusion

This final step in your sales pitch is decisive, It impacts the your prospect's decision making. Your potential customer makes a decision and chooses whether or not to make a purchase. Ask a question with a choice proposal Claire and unsophisticated in order to more easily complete your sale. The customer should feel that they are playing a decisive role in the sales process.

Comment utiliser la méthode SIMAC en vente ?

What are the different sales methods?

In order to encourage a potential customer to buy, various sales techniques exist. Among them, we find in particular active listening, Spanco method or even the SONCAS method. Each of these methods has its own characteristics but all have one main objective: to sell.

Active listening - the main tool in your toolbox

To communicate well, he is It is essential to listen well. Active listening is a sales technique that allows you to listen to your interlocutor while responding to his expectations. A large part of your attention is focused on your prospect, which allows you to quickly understand And finally To assess what he's telling you. It is by a Full listening that you identify the needs of your potential customer and that you manage to offer them a personalized and adapted solution.

Listen carefully to your prospect. Have a real attentive and authentic listening! Active listening makes it possible to establish a climate of trust with your customer. The latter will deliver more to you during your exchange thanks to this listening and will lead you to a more certain sale. By finding the right solution, you maximize your chances of selling and retain your customer.

SPANCO for effective commercial prospecting

La SPANCO method is composed of 6 steps: Suspect, Prospect, Analysis, Negotiation, Negotiation, Conclusion, Purchase Order. It represents a technique of commercial prospecting which aims to identify all the sales stages through which a potential customer goes through before making a purchase. Following a process of prospecting, it thus allows a conversion of the prospect into a customer. In summary, the SPANCO method considerably boosts the impact of your commercial negotiation and the conversion rate from prospects to customers. It also makes it possible to build a concrete sales pitch that will take into account all the possible sales objections of your prospects.

SONCAS - understanding the needs of your customers

La SONCAS method is a sales technique particularly used by Commercials. Elle analyzes customer behavior in order to best identify their needs and expectations. In summary, it allows Understand buying motivations of each customer! This method consists of 6 steps: safety, pride, novelty, comfort, money and sympathy.

Each pillar makes it possible to push your prospect more widely towards a possible purchase. For example, the first “security” axis makes it possible to quickly reassure your potential customer by responding to their possible fears about buying your product. The SONCAS method is mainly used during discovery phase of a customer and therefore plays an essential role in the sales process.

CAB - Take care of your sales pitch

La CAB method is a sales technique that makes it possible to detect adapted arguments to the expectations of your potential customer. It allows you to build a powerful and personalized sales pitch. It is a communication tool accurate and easy to understand, whose objective is to push the prospect to buy, i.e. Convert potential buyers into customers. This sales technique is based mainly on three pillars: characteristics, advantages and benefits. Using this method, the salesperson succeeds in improve its results and performances.

Precise and structured, the CAB method offers a good overview of your offer and considerably broadens your commercial discourse. Thanks to it, every feature of your product becomes a real selling point potentially pushing your prospect to buy!

Quelles sont les différentes méthodes de vente ?
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