Customer Success Manager Salary (CSM) - Average Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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The average salary for a Customer Success Manager (CSM) in France is on average €40K gross per year. At the start of a career, the average salary is €38,000 and rises to over €70,000 per year for the most competent Customer Success Managers.

The Customer Success Manager is responsible for customer satisfaction and loyalty (e.g. via the NPS). It ensures that customers are able to make full use of the products and services purchased, and identifies opportunities for improvement. The Customer Success Manager also collaborates closely with development and marketing teams to provide feedback on products and customer needs.

Many Akimbers become CSM after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

What is the salary for a Customer Success Manager?

Junior Customer Success Manager Salary (CSM Junior)

The salary for a CSM Junior is generally around €30K unto €35K per year.

Customer Success Manager (CSM) Salary

The salary of a CSM depends on his experience, the size of his company and his field of activity. A Customer Success Manager wins between €50K per year.

Senior Customer Success Manager (CSM Senior) Salary

The salary of a confirmed CSM can be up to €60K taking into account the variable.

Head of CSM salary

A Head of CSM can touch up to €80K per year.

Quel est le salaire d’un Customer Success Manager ?

What factors influence the salary of a Customer Success Manager?

Several factors can influence the salary of a CSM such as: the size of the company they work for, their industry, the location of the business and the manager's level of experience.

On the other hand, candidates for a CSM position should have solid sales experience, excellent communication, project management skills, and strong motivation.

- Solid experience in the field of sales: Candidates for a CSM position should have a good understanding of the sales process and be able to advise customers effectively.

- Excellent communication: CSMs need to be able to communicate clearly and concisely, whether in person or in writing.

- Project management skills: CSMs must be able to effectively manage the various stages of a project, from planning to implementation.

- A strong motivation: CSMs need to be motivated to achieve business goals and provide excellent customer service.

What are the 3 areas in which a CSM should be trained?

1. A training in project management, which will help you better understand software development and delivery processes.

2. A training in communication, which will help you better understand the challenges of internal and external communication in a company.

3. A training in informatics, which will help you better understand the technologies and tools used in software development and delivery.

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