Each individual has their own vision of the world, strengths and weaknesses. It can be difficult to see your own behavior and to take a step back from that of others.
The DISC method is a tool forbehavioral analysis very intuitive that gives individuals, a Balance sheet General about their comfort and discomfort zones. It is a classic taught on the Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer.
These results aim to better Get to know each other And better manage interpersonal relationships. These personality traits are essential in sales. Sales people need to realize this, to adapt their sales techniques and maximizing their chances of succeeding in a business.
What are the 4 DISC profiles?
Created by William MARSTON, the DISC method is a personality test. The acronym describes 4 characteristics Who have their Clean color. These quadrants make up the demeanour And the reactions individuals.
The color red for Dominance
Red is used to illustrate a personality Direct and meticulous. It is a color that is wanted Powerful. Dominance is a character trait that is often linked to power and motivation.
Individuals of this type often demonstrate a leadership and a desire to scores. Often they like working in groups and make decisions. They are strong personalities Who like the challenge, and who put their heart and soul into what they do.
These profiles like the contact with the others, but they have a lot of expectations. They can Lose patience with erased or struggling behaviors within the group.
The color yellow for Influence
Yellow is a solar color. It represents individuals who like to intervene and animate groups. Influence refers to The impact What can a person have in their environment.
They are personalities sociable and Enthusiasts. They like to take part in lots of projects.
However, this character trait can become invasive when these profiles start to spread out in their work. They can be very Impatient, manipulators and their concentration is quickly limited if they are overstimulated.
The green color for stability
Green is a color that recalls quietness, thesighting. Stability describes people who don't act impulsively. They prefer Think before you act.
These personalities take the time toanalyze their environment And of s'adjust perfectly suited to the situations encountered.
This work of observation and this desire to always correspond to the context, requires time and energy. They are reliable, pleasant and are always Listening of others. However, they are extremely Sensitive and can't bear to run into obstacles Or to conflicts. They can be hard on themselves and seek validation from others at all costs. They are generally uncomfortable when the situation does not seem stable and escapes them.
The blue color for Compliance
Blue is associated with quietness. Conformity describes personalities organized and methodical.
These individuals Reflect to each decision and its consequences. They constantly want the perfection in their work. For them, the assurance of doing well is follow procedures And to do attention to detail.
These profiles do not leave room for improvisation, they are Serious and prefer to act independently, in order toHave control of his actions.
Very Careful, these personalities can be led to procrastinate on certain tasks, if they do not feel prepared enough. Their meticulousness may nettle his less conscientious colleagues and interfere with work dynamics.
What is the best DISC profile?
It does not exist with a DISC profile better than any other.
The point of this method is not to determine a ideal model or to encourageuniformity of behavior. There is a great diversity profiles, who will benefit the project in their own way.
The DISC method aims to Accept the difference by teaching individuals their strengths and weaknesses. Get to know each othermeans understanding codes in order to better adapt to your environment.
Each behavior is a combination of each characteristic, all of them are involved in different degrees. Moreover, this same behavior can evolve over time and intervene differently depending on the context. The aim is not to change, but to target his management or his arguments to the situation.

What does the DISC profile measure?
The DISC profile assesses the behavior of the individual according to its environment. The test takes the form of Situations of everyday life or work. Based on his answers, the test will determine the majority character traits which are reflected in the conduct of the interviewee.
Adaptability is the skill that allows individuals to change their characters depending on the people and situations encountered.
A person who adapts easily is a person who knows change their behavior In a way strategic. It's about the ability to analyze and understand your environment to comply. Great quality in a world where everything changes very quickly. These people are generally better suited to bounce back after a failure commercial and to Love the challenge.
An individual's flexibility characterizes his flexibility of adaptation, His ease and his ease in accepting change. People who have this appetite for facilitating their approach are able to Understand their surroundings and to enter the changes. With full knowledge of the facts, they will know dealing with complex situations Who are asking for the responsiveness. This character trait proves that the person knows how to keep their composure and make decisions that serve the situation.
Interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is encouraging Friendliness, The collaboration and Inclusion of all the actors. In an international and highly connected world, the communication And theoverture advocate.
Almost every project includes interactions with outside individuals. It is a very powerful character trait for create links. It favors theexchange of information, ofideas And the gathering of people. These people encourage a relationship of trust in the team and federate the smooth running of actions.
Leadership characterizes an individual who represents a Figure of influence for a group of people. Most of this character trait goes through the charisma And by the communication that the person can demonstrate. There are different types of leaders. The careful leader, supervises the smooth running of work. The motivator, encourages action and results. By combining a bit of both aspects, the leader can be a role model accessible and motivating.

Why take a DISC test?
Personality tests like DISC may seem childish, but they're actually very concrete and useful. Les scores can be interpreted as such or compared to other profiles. These analyses make it possible to better understand your own reasoning and lead to reflect on the consequences on other factors and actors.
Becoming a Communication Ace
By discovering our main character traits, we better understand our internal and external reactions. Thus, this knowledge further encourages individuals to adjust how they communicate with their team. They understand the strength that lies in The art of handling speech.
Understand and consider behaviors different from ours allow us to promote exchange and inclusion where there would have been conflicts previously.
Les interactions are much more Effective and each person feels listened to and respected. It is easier toget information And to do advance the project.
Improving your sales pitch
Understanding your strengths is also Take an interest in your weaknesses, but also to those of others. An exchange can never be concluded on a deal if the two parties do not agree. Everyone can make the effort to Understand the position of the other and Anticipate your impressions or questions.
Knowing your DISC profile means knowing that certain character traits are work according to the profile you meet And so, to know if we want to move forward in the relationship.
The DISC method makes it possible to better identify the customer or the prospect. The position of interlocutor requires a certain Adaptation effort to best serve the needs of the company and customers.
Manage your teams more effectively
Each individual has its strengths and weaknesses. It is the combination of all these character traits that forms the strength of a team.
The DISC test is a good way to better identify your colleagues. Depending on the characteristics of each person, the manager can favor training and group work, but also prevent conflicts.
Managing by knowing the profile of employees promotes motivation And the satisfaction at work. Personalities are diversified and encouraged to work together. This structure makes it possible to emerge much more creativity And in productivity only in a competitive context where members do not understand each other.

The plurality of the DISC method may seem intricate. There are colors, profiles, character traits... Like the human being studied, the test is complete and detailed. Don't worry, this behavioral analysis is easy to pass and the results are easy to use.
How do I know my DISC color?
To know your DISC color, the test will offer individuals several Situations with different answer choices.
The participant must stay True to himself in order to have the most real description possible. At the end of the evaluation, the test will have detected his major character traits Who will constitute its profile and color.
Color is the main element, but it's worth taking the time to Understand other types of profiles and the elements that can compose the behavior of individuals in a number of ways.
How do I pass the DISC test?
Passing the DISC test is not complicated.
First, the individual must be in a room In the quiet and single. He has to make his own choices. He must also take the times to perform this test. If the individual has an imperative, stress can cause him to lose his resources or even force him to interrupt the analysis if there was a lack of time.
Once in condition, it can Start the test. There are several, free or not, registration or not. However, MyDiscProfile is the most important one. Once on the platform, the participant can start the test and answer the series of questions.
How do you react to a red person?
The red personality characterizes a person Dominant. These people tend to Lose patience Faced with more erased or hesitant profiles that slow down the team's progress.
Faced with an influential individual of the red type, he is No need to go to conflict. They often get carried away very quickly. One way to do this is to first Shut up as a sign of listening and preparing your response.
However, this power ratio Maybe soon detrimental. Afterwards, the important thing is to Asserting yourself without assaulting him. The idea is to introduce yourself and find a way to combine your strength of action with the perspective of the other members in order to find balance.
How do you communicate with a dominant person?
In his work, the dominant is very attached to reactivity of actions and at theimportance of results. It's a strong style profile leading who likes to lead a team to the point of feeling successful.
For capture his attention, you have to be concise and direct. The dominant person does not like to waste time and is not very patient. It is important to introduce yourself confident and assertive. Surely he will have more attention to pay to the exchange.
It will then be necessary prepare your proposal In a way Impactful in Explaining the gain that this could mean for his work.