The BATNA method (MESORE in French), Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement, is used in negotiation in the face of a failed agreement between two parties.
This sales technique comes after an initial attempt at negotiation that was unsuccessful. This term is introduced by Roger Fisher and William URY for the first time in 1981.
It is a classic taught on the Akimbo Bootcamp to become a Business Developer.
What is MESORE/BATNA in negotiation?
Definition of MESORE/BATNA
During a negotiation, the BATNA method offers a second chance to salespeople by allowing them to provide new arguments. While the latter may prove to be less powerful than the previous ones, they have the merit of bringing more strength to the commercial proposal. Negotiation often requires time and commitment.
BATNA will define new so-called reserve conditions, that is to say the limit of what can be offered. It is difficult to agree on terms that are appropriate for both parties in such a context. That is, agreements that cause as few losses and disadvantages as possible.

How to do a MESORE/ BATNA?
THEanticipation And the readiness of MESORE are essential to protect the parties' options and ensure the best possible results. This reasoned negotiation comes into play at a time when exchanges with potential customers begin to deteriorate and when the conclusion of a contract seems compromised.
How do I use the BATNA method?
In a sense, the BATNA method is the last resort. It is a security Who is trying to reconciling mutual benefits that everyone is looking for in the contract.
It consists of various steps:
- List the proposals for alternative arrangements that could be done in order to have an optimal vision of the various possibilities in case of failure of the negotiation. The question to ask is, “What if the negotiation fails?”
- Evaluate each of these alternatives (availability, prices...) by asking “What can each of these situations bring me?”
- Select the alternative that represents the greatest value, or “What is the most convenient situation?”
- Determine the lowest price you are willing to accept by asking yourself “What is the last offer I can make?” This threshold protects the needs of actors in the face of pressure but can however hinder discussion if it is poorly evaluated or prevents any room for manoeuvre.
Some decisions taken at a given point in time may be reassessed during negotiations. The context and The evolution exchanges may reveal more appropriate solutions that were not previously addressed.
When should I use the BATNA method?
BATNA represents the last opportunity to optimize your chances of success and to obtain the signature of the contract in view of the context. This fallback solution is used when the negotiation takes a turn that is no longer profitable.
If it only really intervenes in the event ofNegotiations failed At the outset, however, it is no less present throughout the duration of the argument. It is thought up front and constantly examined depending on the progress of the deal.
Knowing your BATNA is know its value. Indeed, a perfect knowledge of its objectives and its limits allows the salesperson to choose his arguments in such a way as to avoid or minimize the last resort alternative. He will put it in place in case of failure of his other attempts.
Assessing the alternatives of the opposite party can also help guide your remarks. The search for a proposal that would make all parties win is a complex task because it depends on a lot of criteria.
How do you define BATNA before starting a negotiation?
- Before starting a negotiation, it is necessary to understand exactly what you are trying to achieve. Depending on the type of product or service you are trying to sell but also the parties involved, negotiation and BATNA will be different.
- Once the method is clear and the objectives are defined, we must ask ourselves if we have other possibilities of achieving our goal other than the expected solution. If the answer is no, your BATNA will not have Not much impact. Finding alternatives to your main arguments is critical. It is this source of persuasion and motivation that constitutes the negotiating force.
- With these alternatives in mind, we can already establish the pros and cons of each and decide on the best one. Indeed, if the main argument does not work, these situations must be quickly mastered and presented in order not to lose weight in the negotiation.
- It may also be interesting to try to Find the prospect's BATNA, or at least its various scenarios. This idea can guide arguments and make them more effective.
In summary, BATNA is a precautionary measure, a concept to be taken into account. At best it is not required, at worst it is prepared.

Examples of BATNA in a negotiation
How to negotiate well: reflexes and habits
- Take the time to separate issues from people
Negotiating is a long process that involves a social dimension. A good commercial relationship must be maintained. It goes through theActive listening and the expression of his needs and fears. We can also discuss here the prospect's BATNA, that is to say the search for each alternative considered by the other party.
- Do not block positions
In the event of an obstacle on the part of one of the parties, one should focus on their interests. By asking him about the reasons for his withdrawal, we can discover hidden benefits to be exploited to get out of this context.
- Stay open
It is a question of comparing our proposals with those of the other party. The aim is to reach a satisfactory solution for all (win-win). The status quo is not a desirable situation. It is possible to realize that there are other possible alternatives that were not considered.
- Clearly express your criteria
A profitable and lasting agreement can only be concluded with the clear and sincere expression of everyone's wishes. After understanding everyone's interests and considering the various possibilities, the best solution can then be taken. Obviously, negotiations take place without the presence of unfair behaviors. Communicating can be the signal of a concession and of progress on the part of one of the prospects.
End your negotiation with a signature
In knowledge of BATNA, negotiations are carried out to obtain a result greater than that represented by the last sales proposal. It is then necessary to seek an agreement in the Zone of Possible Agreement (ZOPA), the area between the minimum possible agreements of each party.
Negotiation is a long process that does not always lead to the desired situation, but BATNA at least makes it possible to avoid too big losses for the salesperson and his customers.
With this fallback tool and other negotiation techniques, the exchange can finally lead to a beneficial agreement rather than an abandonment of the deal.

What are negotiation techniques? - 6 lines
There are numerous”Negotiation Tactics” that can be considered and mastered during an argument. Depending on the company's business but also on the customer, the strategy must be adapted to the context encountered.
There are sales tactics that are more cooperative, enjoyable and sustainable for both parties:
- The opening: It starts with the obvious openness of a prospect who shows his Willingness to cooperate. The challenge is then to maintain a good commercial relationship and to respond to this request until a contract is concluded.
- The win-win: It is based onMutual contribution the expertise of both parties. They need each other to move forward (sales advice, answers to questions...). The relationship is Cordial and compromises are crucial for everyone to get the best possible benefit.
- The request: it gives the advantage to prospects who are contacted by sales representatives for information. Some have the information, others don't. This is a case where salespeople will make concessions in order to motivate prospects to provide them with answers and to cooperate with them.
There are also other forms of tactics based on more competition, leading to more suspicious or even harmful relationships:
- The forced transition: the manager takes precedence in the commercial relationship. He has an inordinate weight and his negotiating strength allows him not to consider no concessions to the other party.
- The defense: It represents a case in which each party defends its point of view giving the other person as little margin as possible. Each gain for one is a loss for the other.
- Bargaining: in a case where the negotiation results in a relationship and disappointing terms, she agrees to minimize losses.
What is distributive negotiation?
Distributive negotiation believes that in the search for an ever more important result, there will always be a winner and a loser in the negotiation. In other words, the The gains of some make the losses of others, such as defensive strategy.
This competitive vision seems to oppose the win-win tactic that BATNA could allow. However, it has the merit of proposing a solution that seems to reconcile mutual interests. The imbalance that distributive negotiation generates encourages each party to build an ever more effective argument. It often has the consequence of generating numerous conflicts, the challenge here is to get everything or nothing. This is why it is most often a short-term relationship because it is destructive over time. Moreover, the balance of power is often unequal or even incompatible.
It will be more difficult to defend your BATNA in this case because each individual defends their position by agreeing. The fewest possible concessions.

What are the 4 types of negotiators?
Between a Hard negotiation And a soft negotiation, the reasoned negotiation seeks to satisfy the parties as much as possible. Each individual adopts a behavior that is specific to him in order to achieve his goals. It is not only a question of adapting to your behavior but also to that of the person in front of you.
The avoidant
Commitment can scare the avoidant profile. He prefers Do not express yourself in order to avoid any source of conflict that could alter decisions and lead to an uncomfortable exchange.
With an avoidant prospect, you need thehelp express feelings and Its positions. By encouraging this type of profile to communicate, it is possible to obtain the answers needed to move the deal forward.
The warrior
The warrior profile approaches a more Direct and aggressive. He plays a lot of balance of power in order to prepare his guard. His fear of giving in and of losing in the negotiation game sometimes makes him take radical measures.
With a potential warrior type of customer, you must Control your words and negotiate with him in order to make him understand that we are pursuing a common goal. While compromises can be made, there is no question of giving in to pressure.
The diplomat
The diplomatic negotiator shows composure in his relationships. Although he is not direct in his approaches (words, arrangements), he has all his indirect strategies in mind. His peaceful attitude could make him seem like a facilitator when he is a Perfect connoisseur on the subject.
With a diplomat-type interlocutor, you have to negotiate through a clearly formulated action plan. Each decision requires a fair effort in order to maintain the fair and balanced formation of negotiations.
The Uncontrolled
The uncontrolled negotiator is impulsive in his exchanges. Sometimes his behavior can cause him to do or say crazy things during the negotiation. Very or even too expressive, it can be difficult to evolve in the face of its instability.
With an uncontrolled interlocutor, you have to beempathy. The challenge is not to get carried away destabilize or deviate from one's goals under pressure. Sometimes it requires Resume exchanges from zero And ofidentify a potential source of discrepancy that is hampering negotiation.