Real Estate Agent Salary - Average Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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A Real Estate Agent receives an average salary of €50,000 gross per year. At the start of a career, the average salary is €25K and rises to over €80K per year.

One real estate agent can play several roles in the process of buying or selling a property. In general, they will take care of all administrative tasks and documentation, marketing properties for sale, and writing offers. They can also play an advisory role in helping you determine the right purchase or sale price for your property. Many real estate agents become Business Developers after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

What is the salary of a real estate agent?

Real Estate Agent Trainee or Intern Salary

An intern in a real estate agency will be paid between €10 and €15 Of the hour

Junior Real Estate Agent Salary

At the beginning of a career, a real estate agent will earn between €18K and €30K per year.

Real Estate Agent Salary

After a few years and getting a bit more experience, a real estate agent will earn on average €50K per year.

Senior Real Estate Agent Salary

A competent Senior Real Estate Agent can get a salary of up to €80K per year.

Quel est le salaire d’un Agent immobilier ?

What are the career opportunities for a Real Estate Agent?

A real estate agent can advance in terms of salary and responsibilities by taking on management positions in a real estate agency, teaching real estate at university, or moving on to a career in real estate consulting.

What factors influence the salary of a Real Estate Agent?

1. The level of experience of the real estate agent is an important factor that influences his salary. The more experience the realtor has, the higher his salary will be.

2. The region Where the business is located is also an important factor, as realtors in big cities generally earn more than real estate agents in smaller cities.

3. The size of the real estate agency is also a factor, as real estate agents working in the largest agencies generally earn more than the others.

4. The type of property : Real estate agents who specialize in selling luxury properties generally earn more than those who don't.

5. Sales volume is also an important factor, as real estate agents often have a very large share of variables.

How do I become a real estate agent?

To become a real estate agent, you must obtain a diploma of professional studies (DEP) in real estate techniques. The DEP in real estate techniques is offered by several educational institutions in Quebec. Training in real estate techniques is composed of theoretical and practical courses that allow future real estate agents to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to practice their profession.

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