BEBEDC method - 6 steps to sign your customers

April 2024
7 Min

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It's time to boost your productivity and profits by increasing your sales. To do this, you don't have to work more, you just need to work better.

Although there are a large number of sales techniques, if you are looking for efficiency, the BEBEDC method is the first method to start with. For example, it is in a very good position among the methods taught on Bootcamp to become a Business Developer. It is easy to use and provides you with the essentials to close your sale in six key steps.

The BEBEDC method, signing your customers through active listening

What is the BEBEDC method?

The BEBEDC method is a commercial sales method aimed at helping salespeople to be more effective in their work. She helps them find the right people to talk to in order to bring the negotiation to a conclusion.

Definition of the BEBEDC method

Faced with the threat of American companies that tend to gain market shares by taking the place of French companies, the BEBDC method allows them to be more effective by essentially entering the deals that will bring them more profits while being able to identify those that will never end in sales. The challenge to take full advantage of the BEBEDC method is to focus on customer discovery in particular by practicing theActive listening.

In order to create a favorable climate To the exchange and attract the trust of the interlocutor, the salesperson must listen to him. Above all, he should not monopolize the word about his product.

la méthode BEBEDC 

What is active listening?

Listening to your customer is the basis of any commercial approach. THEActive listening Is a method of communication theorized by the American psychologist Carl Rogers. Its principle is simple: all you have to do is put yourself within reach of your interlocutor. The aim is to listen to him without influencing him in any way. As a salesperson, it is not you who is in charge of the interview but him. The aim is to show your prospect that youlisten sincerely. In addition, it will allow you to refocus on needs And the objections essential items expressed by the customer without first taking into account your needs or goals.

Why create a relationship of trust with your prospect?

First of all, if your prospect feels confident with you, he will be more likely to listen to you and be convinced by your arguments. Earning the trust of your customer ensures the possibility of a future sale. If you have successfully sold your product and your customer is also satisfied, they will probably want to talk about you and recommend you to others.

Thus, by establishing a relationship of trust with your prospects, you ensure a lasting relationship with your customers and profitable in the long term. To take this step, do not hesitate to use the CRM or customer relationship management system, which promotes the establishment of a commercial-customer relationship both during the marketing stage and during sales.

créer une relation de confiance avec son prospect

How to use the BEBEDC method?

The BEBEDC method takes its name from the six letters that compose it and which correspond to the six key pieces of information that you will have to look for about your customer in order to determine whether or not you have a chance of successfully completing the commercial sales process.

BEBEDC method - B for Need

A salesperson must make sure that he has fully understood what the customer wants, even if the customer does not know it himself, in order to find and then be in a position to propose exactly an offer that will meet this need while respecting the customer's objections. In case the customer is not very sure what he wants, it is up to the sales representative to Guide him using questions that are initially broad and then more and more targeted in order to identify a specific need.

A good salesperson must know how to value his offer compared to his competitors by showing that his product will meet the specific needs of his customer. In case of difficulty, it is also possible to use the SONCAS method to determine purchase motivations of his interlocutor.

BEBEDC method - E for Challenge

It is essential to identify the issue. What does that mean exactly? The customer who comes to see you may have specific requirements or objections such as budget restrictions or a short deadline for example.

To buy or not to buy, what are the consequences for the customer? This is where it is important to play to convince a reluctant customer: show him what the company has much to lose or can gain as advantages by not buying or buying your services.

Identifying the issue allows you, as a seller, to be in a position to offer your customer a scenario of their problem. That way, your customer can end up saying, “That's exactly what I need.”

Comment utiliser la méthode BEBEDC ?

BEBEDC method - B for Budget

It is about being able to quickly determine the budget of your customer. It is indeed important to know from the beginning whether or not you will be able to find common ground. If from the start, the price range stated by your customer is very far from the price at which you sell your product, you can then consider the negotiation to be obsolete. However, be careful not to consider that selling at a very competitive price is necessarily an advantage. Indeed, this can then give the impression of poor quality. Bring your questions in a subtle way so as not to put the customer in a difficult situation.

BEBEDC method - E for Due date

As before, the stage of defining the deadline is crucial. Depending on what the customer requires, you may be able to determine whether or not you will be able to deliver the product or service in the requested time.

In the event that the answer is positive, the next step is to keep a clear and precise calendar in mind. For you, this is essential in order to be able to deliver the requested product on time. However, this deadline is also useful to define for the customer in order to define the customer's deadline. How long will it take for him to buy the product? Until then, what exactly does he plan to do? This step should allow you to define your priorities for the coming weeks so as not to waste your time with a proposal that is not ready to succeed.

client exigeant

BEBEDC - D method for decision makers

The decision maker is the person with decision-making authority for whether or not to buy the product. It is absolutely essential to identify it as quickly as possible. Certainly, without him, any prior negotiation is not necessarily certain to succeed.

Remember that in the decision-making process within a company, five different roles are involved:

  • the technician : it gives purely technical advice on the product or service,
  • The influencer : it influences the purchase because it has an interest in the company buying this or that product,
  • The buyer the one who manages the entire purchasing process, from negotiations to the formation of the contract,
  • The coach : person who can be contacted at any time in case of need of information,
  • The decision maker that we mentioned earlier.

BEBEDC - C method for Competitors

It is possible toidentify the competition by questioning the customer. This can help you refocus your proposal by taking into account what may have attracted him to your competitors or, on the contrary, what did not convince him. However, sometimes this method can be a bit tricky.

In this case, it is better to proceed by meticulous observation of the competitors. This competitor analysis aims to better distinguish the strengths of competitors in order to be more prepared for them so that when you present your offer to your customer you are in a position to respond to the same problems.

commerciaux en groupe de travail

How to qualify your prospects?

One Prospect is an English word for a potential customer. A prospect is said to be “qualified” once you have enough information about a prospect to know if it is interesting to offer him your offer. Ask questions, do research, study what they buy, It's about whether or not you have a chance of closing a sale. The aim is to push discovery to its maximum in order to take advantage of all the possible benefits of the news. informations.

Find out in advance about the company he works for to find out if you are used to selling to businesses in this sector. Also, find the right contact person. If you see that your customer is struggling to answer your questions, maybe the real prospect is somewhere else in the business.

Validate the relevance of your solution for the prospect

It is said that you have validated the relevance of your solution for the prospect when you agreed that a typology of your offer should answer the prospect's problem. From then on, your customer is ready to engage in the various stages of the commercial sales process and then your chances of concluding the sale are assured.

What are the differences between BEBEDC, Value Selling and MEDDIC?

The BEBEDC sales technique focuses on creating relationships with potential customers and understanding their needs before giving a commercial presentation. For its part, the Value Selling focuses on creating a unique selling proposition for each potential customer and on demonstrating how the product or service can meet their specific needs. Finally, The MEDDIC method focuses on qualifying potential customers based on specific criteria and then developing a sales strategy to finalize the transaction.

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