What are the steps to carry out a commercial diagnosis?

April 2024
7 Min

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Whether you're running a small startup or a large company, regularly evaluating your business organization is crucial. Immerse yourself in our guide to learn how to make an effective diagnosis.

Achieve a Diagnosis of its commercial organization is an essential step in understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can influence your business performance. Here is a step-by-step guide to diagnosing your business maturity.

Define goals

Clarify the goals of your diagnosis. What do you want to achieve by evaluating your sales team? Identify the specific areas you want to look at, such as sales, customer management, sales processes, resources, KPI's of your salespeople, etc.

diagnostic commercial
Two sales professionals who carry out a commercial diagnosis

Data collection

Gather information about your business. This may include financial data, sales data, performance reports, customer information, product or service data, etc.

Diagnostic commercial gratuit

Internal analysis

Internal analysis involves understanding the internal aspects of your company's business, which will allow you to better understand the workings of your business. Here are the key elements to consider during this diagnostic phase:

Sales team structure

Take a look at the makeup of your sales team. Analyze the number of members, their roles and responsibilities, and the distribution of tasks. Ensure that the structure is appropriate to the goals of the business.

Sales skills and training

Assess the skills of your team. Identify strengths and weaknesses in individual and collective abilities. Make sure your employees have the training they need to succeed in their sales development roles.

Conseil performance commerciale

Sales process

Review the sales processes in your business. Analyze each stage, from prospecting to closing, including negotiation. Identify potential obstacles, delays, and inefficiencies.

Use of tools (CRM, software, etc.)

Evaluate the use of technological tools in your company. Are customer relationship management (CRM) systems and other sales software fully exploited to optimize salespeople's performance?

performance commerciale audit
Two sales managers who discuss performance

If your sales machine is not implemented or optimized, call on our Akimbo support (Scale offer).

Pricing strategy

Analyze your pricing strategy. Is your pricing model competitive and adapted to the market? Is it in line with the value you offer to your customers?

Customer relationship management

Evaluate how your team manages customer relationships. Review customer satisfaction policies, loyalty programs, and returns and complaints management.

Sales channels (online, physical points of sale, etc.)

Review the various sales channels you use. Evaluate the performance of each channel, taking into account online sales, physical points, partnerships, etc. Ensure that these channels are in line with your overall strategy.

diagnostic commercial : évaluer votre force de vente
A salesperson who measures the performance of the past months

This commercial audit makes it possible to identify the assets to be strengthened, the areas to be improved, and the aspects that deserve particular attention. This serves as a basis for defining corrective actions and business improvements to be implemented as part of your overall action plan.

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External analysis

Evaluate external factors that affect your business, such as:

  • The market and the competition
  • Industry trends
  • The regulations
  • The reputation of your business
  • Customer feedback
  • Strategic partnerships

SWOT analysis

Use the SWOT method (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to summarize the information you have collected. Clearly identify what you are doing well, where it can be improved, opportunities to seize, and potential threats.

Interviews and feedback

Talk to key members of your sales team to get their perspectives on the organization. They can provide valuable information about problems and opportunities.

Benchmarks and comparisons

Compare your company's business performance with that of competing businesses, if possible. This can reveal areas where you can improve.

Diagnostic report

Compile all the information into a clear and concise business diagnostic report. This report should include a summary of your findings, recommendations for improvement, and an action plan to implement these recommendations.

Implementation of recommendations

Once you have identified areas for improvement, set up a retroaction plan to make the necessary changes. This may include process adjustments, training, reorganizations, a commercial tool, etc.

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the activity

Monitor the results of your improvement efforts. Ensure recommendations are implemented effectively and readjust your strategy as needed.

diagnostic commercial grâce aux données
A professional who studies business performance using data

A commercial audit of your business is a continuous process. It allows you to identify areas for improvement, to capitalize on your strengths and to remain competitive in the market. Hiring management or consulting experts to help you through this process can be beneficial.

Outsourcing the commercial maturity diagnosis

Akimbo has developed a tool, 100% online and free, very complete for all ambitious businesses. Completing this diagnosis will allow you to assess your commercial organization to accelerate its development. It has 25 questions, all related to our Akimbo equation:

Accelerate = Talents x (Skills + Processes + Tools).

All the answers are intended to be as factual as possible in order to generate relevant analyses. Make sure you have ten minutes in front of you and you will receive your personalized diagnosis by email! We also offer you tailor-made support with our performance offer.

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