Sortlist customer case

User case
June 19, 2024
7 Minus
Akimbo x Sortlist

Akimbo x Sortlist

Sortlist customer case
Business detail
101-200 employés
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About Sortlist

Sortlist was founded in Belgium by a team passionate about digital issues: from Thibaut Vanderhofstadt (co-founder and CEO), Michael Valette (co-founder and Product Manager), Charles De Groote (co-founder and CTO) and Nicolas Finet (co-founder and Marketing Manager).

It is a platform for connecting B2B companies of all sizes with service providers in marketing, communication, advertising design and web development. In addition, Sortlist supports service providers such as agencies and freelancers in the development of their projects and their online visibility.

With a reach that extends across Europe and the world, Sortlist collaborates with international customers.

Presentation of the interlocutor

Laura Moissant joined Sortlist 4 and a half years ago and now holds the position of Global Head of Account Management.

Its mission is to manage income retention so current customers.

With her team, Laura follows very specific business goals, namely the renewal of contracts, of The Up Sell And of Cross sell and the reactivation of customers who left the platform in the past.

Sortlist background

At the beginning of the collaboration with Akimbo, Sortlist was in the midst of commercial restructuring. The company consisted of a marketplace with a Supply part and a Demand part, all of which was marketed in the form of SaaS model.

The objective was to support the Agency team (Supply) so that she can benefit from in-depth coaching in such a way as to accelerate commercial performance. It is an international team that follows an Account Management logic.

The aim of the support was to set up a global methodology And ofalign all countries on the same Customer journey, the same tools and the same commercial coaching.

The support chosen

All Account Management teams by Sortlist in five different countries (France, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Belgium) participated for several months in Coaching Ramp For Success.

This program, customized to Sortlist's needs, included a segmentation of the customer portfolio, a account qualification, the creation of a mutual action plan to increase engagement, control of commercial presentation, management of objections and the risk of losing customers (Churn).

The teams learned how to map their account, how to align the customer with their offer, and how to manage Level 1 and Level 2 objections. Coaching has also focused on identifying and managing at-risk customers to avoid their loss.

Improvements as a result of support

The support of salespeople has had noticeable effects on two levels : a logical and structural impact, as well as an impact on individuals and teams. It allowed:

  • Reorganization of the customer journey to fundamentally reorganize the framework of the usual sales cycles.
  • Strengthening and improving team practices through the active participation of members, and the sharing of common working methods
  • Thanks to the contribution of external expertise, the provision of feedback with high added value that facilitates significant changes.
  • Facilitating consensus At the time of taking decisions.
  • Observation of a concrete impact of support, in particular for managers, and rapid implementation of learning.
We have benefited twice from the expertise of Akimbo, with a rich and very comprehensive support. It included a theoretical part, a practical part and personalized follow-ups with Akimbo coaches. We also had the opportunity to follow this support with other companies, which allowed us to absorb different methodologies and feedback.


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