Tinubu customer case

User case
April 29, 2024
7 Minus

Tinubu customer case
Business detail
Banks and insurance companies
101-200 employés
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About Tinubu

Tinubu is a French company specialized in software publishing, especially SaaS platforms.

The company was founded over twenty years ago by two founders, who are still active in the company today.

She is dedicated to managerial, at the digitalization and at theautomation of business processes in the fields ofcredit insurance And of theQuotient insurance.

Tinubu operates in a market on an international scale, where it currently occupies a leading position with more than thirty major account customers on different continents. In addition, it collaborates with the entire ecosystem of these credit insurers, working with “brokers” and agents in order to offer a fluid connection between the various stakeholders in the insurance, quotient and credit ecosystem.

About the interlocutor

Sophie Riottot Is the regional sales manager (Chief Revenue Officer) by Tinubu on the region that covers Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia.

She joined Tinubu 4 years ago with the priority mission of structuring And ofsupporting international growth from Tinubu.

The regional management position includes both business development, management and customer satisfaction as well as marketing activities.

Sophie has spent her entire career in business development. She has worked in tech companies, in software and B2B.

The context of Tinubu when launching the mission

The choice to start this collaboration with Akimbo comes from A crucial moment for Tinubu. At the beginning of 2022, after two years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic, the company found facing significant changes.

The need for adapt to a fully digital work environment, as well as the reorganization into two distinct geographic areas, require finding a catalyst for build a dynamic team and take on new challenges.

It is in this context that the strategic decision to call on Akimbo has been taken. Expertise and an innovative approach From Akimbo were determinants in this choice. The aim was tosupport Tinubu in its growth phase and to overcome future challenges.

The support chosen

Tinubu chose the support Ramp For Success over a period of 4 months, in a 100% remote format to accelerate its commercial performance.

The main focus has been on negotiation aspects, on the closing aspects and on the engagement aspects of the success plan with customers.

The goals of coaching
  • Adopt an opportunity qualification model (BEBEDC) to validate and prioritize business opportunities once the 1st appointment (R1) is positioned.
  • Master the different levels of active listening to adopt a consulting sales position for your prospect or customer.
  • Adopt the Mutual Action Plan method to build a strategy for signing a business opportunity.
  • Master no-code tools for data extraction and process automation to improve productivity on commercial tasks.
The skills developed
  • Distance selling and selling via digital channels.
  • Pre-qualification and qualification of business opportunities.
  • Prioritization and monitoring of business opportunities.
  • Consultative selling.
  • Business opportunity closing strategy.
  • Commercial negotiation.
  • Business productivity.

The effects of support

First there was several immediate effects, of which Team building. Coaching created team cohesion and a sharing of common methods. This was especially important because team members came from different backgrounds and hadn't always worked together before.

With respect to The commercial aspect, the impact has been significant. One better structuring was put in place, which made it possible toincrease the level of predictability of sales forecasts And ofadvance more effectively in the sales cycle. Using a common methodology, including qualification, stakeholder mapping, and success plans, allowed the team to share the same language and better anticipate results.

We also find the team feels more confident in their approach. This harmonization allowed them to meet the challenges of the sales cycle and to meet customer satisfaction expectations more effectively.

“The fact that I myself lead a team, and that I participated in this training, is a beneficial practice that I highly recommend: it allows you to be actively involved and to be a stakeholder. This choice makes it possible to be a part of the adoption of the effort and the methodology. It's something I may not have considered before, but it turned out to be a great fit.”


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