Job Description - Business Development Manager (RDC)

April 2024
7 Min

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The business development manager seeks to make the business more successful and profitable. How? By analysing the market and proposing relevant strategies.

The business development manager defines the Procedures to follow to ensure theAdaptation and The growth of the company in the face of market changes. This role is part of Sales & Business Development jobs. He manages a team that follows his instructions and applies his advice. The DRC supervises The whole of business development process.

Business Development Manager: the definition

In the image of a Business Developer (BizDev), the Commercial Development Manager (RDC) has a key role inactivity of a company.

The DRC has an important role for Any type of sectors. A company always needs to increase its visibility Or her performance. To do this, the DRC will ensure develop sales and His image.

It is a Central station in the company. The DRC has challenges of success very important. It is he who determines the draft strategy that the company will have to follow to develop your business in accordance with the market.

What is the role of a Business Development Manager (RDC)?

To develop the commercial activity and growth of a company, the field of action Of the DRC is important and very diverse. It may be required to act on strategic missions, of negotiation of contract or of Management.

To do this, he works beforehand with thecommercial management team. Its aim is to develop the company's turnover by harmonizing The internal policy and goals With the external trends.

Once the commercial objectives have been set, he accompanies his sales team to apply them. The DRC has a role ofparses important because he needsobserve the sales process For theoptimizing.

Responsable Développement Commercial

Main missions of the Business Development Manager

  • Development and implementation of the marketing strategy

The DRC monitors and parses constantly the environment internal and external of the company. Les market trends And the competition activities constitute its basis for study to decide on the strategy to be adopted.

  • Prospecting and acquiring new customers

The DRC is working with the sales teams to organize trade missions. Its objective is to make the company's actions as profitable as possible. It is therefore important to ensure that the offers, the sales pitches And the negotiations be well conducted.

  • Retention of existing customers

The activity of the DRC extends over the whole of the company's activity. For this, it ensures the commercial follow-up of its customers. Its role is to ensure the satisfaction customers with respect to the offer and the service through reporting. It uses this assessment on buying behaviors to perfecting its long-term strategy.

  • Team management

The DRC structures the conduct of commercial actions And the team collaboration. He may be required to animate a large number of meetings that serve to mobilize the technical and commercial professionals.

Missions principales du Responsable Développement Commercial

Qualities to have for this position

  • Mastering the art of negotiation

The DRC has missions similar to commercial ones. He knows the sales sector and its workings. To achieve his commercial development goal, he must succeed in building sales arguments effective.

  • Demonstrate resilience

Finding the right development strategy is no easy task. It is a job that requires patience And of theorganizing. The DRC will have to almost constantly adjust its commercial strategy in view of internal changes and external developments. He must be able to stay motivated And of keep your cool throughout the process.

  • Listening

Upstream, the DRC works with thecommercial management team to setting business goals. Downstream, he directs and supports a sales team unto apply the strategy adequate to reach them. To do this, the DRC must demonstrate a real Relational ease and with a good capacity to communication.

  • Have a taste for challenge

The DRC needs to know managing stress that he can experience on a daily basis in his work. Sa performance is conditioned to sales results. However, these depend directly on the strategy that he has decided beforehand and on his team management.

Les qualités à posséder pour ce poste

How do I become a Business Development Manager?

To be a Business Development Manager is to be a central element of the commercial strategy. For increase sales of a company and participate in its growth, the DRC must master technical skills essential to its success.

Skills needed to become a DRC

  • Analyze the internal and external business situation

The DRC must have a good Meaning of analysis. Its role is toobserve And of understand The market trends And the internal developments to determine the right business development strategy. The challenge is to succeed in anticipating and to make the right decisions before the competition. To do this, he must also know how to master the computer tools (like CRM) and stats that help it conduct its analyses and manage its organization.

  • Immerse yourself in the entrepreneurial spirit

Commercial development must correspond to values and at thepicture that the company perpetuates. In this logic, the DRC must take appropriate decisions that can be part of the continuity of actions already implemented by the company. This action role requires To know The trade and tariff policies in force. The DRC is a very versatile job that requires a decisionmaking fast and effective. To do this, he must know the business law And the production procedures.

  • Mastering the art of communication

The DRC supervises a sales team responsible for applying the recommended procedures. It must therefore be in a position to communicate clearly on his ideas, instructions and advice. It has a role of manager which requires him to express himself and to organize his work, often in English. For the transmission of information be effective, it must be able to be able toparse And of synthesizing all of his words.

  • Know how to manage pressure

The market is constantly evolving and the need for new guidelines is significant. The DRC has a fundamental job for the survival of the company. A failure on his part would represent a shedding important in terms ofpicture And of market share for the company.

What training courses to become a Business Development Manager?

The RDC function is generally available to candidates with a Bac + 3 diploma but more generally of Master (bac + 5). The latter may come fromBusiness school, ofengineers And ofuniversities. They often specialize in Sale, in Marketing Or in Commercial Management. This level of study generally proves that the individual has a good ability tobusiness analysis, oforganizing And of market knowledge.

It is also possible to access this position with a degree of Level bac+2, as with some BTS.

To be a Business Development Manager, it is often required to complete these school courses by professional experiences in the field of commerce.

What career developments are there for this position?

An individual who held the position of RDC for a few years proved that he mastered the commercial strategy. He Knows generally good culture and activity of his business.

As such, he can apply for a position of Commercial director, Sales Director or Marketing Director.

FAQ: Becoming a Business Development Manager

- What baccalaureate to be a Commercial Development Manager?

Hiring may differ by company, but most recruiters ask for a bac +3 or +5. They often come from a General economic baccalaureate (or even scientific) or a vocational baccalaureate in commerce.

- Which BTS for Business Development Manager?

Les short courses in bac + 2 as the BTS are a way to access the DRC station. Courses such as BTS Operational Commercial Management Or the BTS Negotiation Digitalization of Customer Relations are interesting paths. This type of training provides the necessary skills and knowledge to the environment. They are even more trainers when they are carried out in alternation Or in learning. Recruiters appreciate operational profiles.

- What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

The qualities required in sales are very numerous and often exist in other professions. However, businesses often require a Prerequisites in business. To ensure that the candidate Know the sales community and knows the manager skills, they will prefer profiles that have had a professional experience Of commercial.

Comment devenir Responsable Développement Commercial

What is the salary of a Business Development Manager?

The Business Development Manager generally receives a good salary in line with his major role in the growth of the business. Given its responsibilities, his salary reflects his level of investment.

How much does a DRC earn?

On average in France, a Sales Development Manager earns between €30K and €60K gross per year.

Business Development & Sales jobs generally receive remuneration in the form of a Package. It is composed of a fixed part And of a Variable part.

The fixed portion is paid regardless of the performance of the DRC.

The variable portion depends on goals achieved And modalities of the company.

Here the fixed portion is between €28K and €40K.

Junior Business Development Manager

En Early career, the average salary for a Business Development Manager is generally in the range between €30K and 45 K€ annual gross.

Senior Business Development Manager

After several years ofexperiment As a Business Development Manager, the individual can qualify for a salary ranging from €50K up to more than €60K gross annual.

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