Job description - Business Manager

April 2024
7 Min

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The Business Manager thinks like an engineer in the business world. His technical and analytical vision of sales improves the profitability of the company and the productivity of the teams.

The Business Manager puts his expertise in business engineering at the service of commercial strategy. Among the Sales & Business Development jobs, he finds ways that allow the company to achieve its goals. He manages and organizes commercial activity by taking part in managerial and commercial actions.

Business Manager: the definition

Meaning of the word and translation

The title Business Manager can be translated as Business engineer. This job is very similar to that of a Business Developer 360. The two differ in terms of their fields of action. Indeed, unlike the Business Developer, the Business Manager works in a Digital Services Company (ESN).

Beyond their place of practice, the two professionals have the same objective: optimize business activity through technology. Their thoughts focus on the best strategies to adopt to increase the company's turnover.

Definition of an ESN

ESNs are companies specialized in provision of computer services.

Many businesses have been surprised by the acceleration of digitalization. So these structures were created to help them deal with it. We could even say “reinvented” because long before the arrival of digital technology, this type of organization was called Computer Engineering Services Company (SSII).

ESNs offer the traditional services of an IT services company by complementing them with new activities made possible by digital technologies. We generally find:

  • Maintenance of computer systems
  • Software development
  • Outsourcing
  • Digital strategy advice
  • Project management
  • Cybersecurity
  • From Data Science
  • Cloud computing

Several sectors of activity can use them such as finance, industry, industry, telecommunications, health, trade, etc.

What is business management?

Business management aims to optimize performance of a company to achieve its growth and profitability goals. Business management encompasses all activities related to the direction and management of an organization.

This generally includes:

  • Operations planning and management
  • Decision-making
  • Human resources management
  • Financial management
  • Marketing

What are the role and missions of a Business Manager?

The role of a Business Manager is to steer And of supervising the commercial activities of a company.

Its missions consist of elaborate and to implement The commercial policy.

To do this, he manages commercial operations on a daily basis through financial optimization and resource management. He is often required to analyze and interpret data. This information is used to make informed decisions in order to improve the productivity and profitability of the company. He guarantees the budgets of the company that he seeks to optimize.

The Business Manager is also responsible for the management and team management, of the establishment of strategic partnerships and communication with internal and external stakeholders. Its main objective is to maximize the growth of the company according to the objectives and challenges communicated.

The role of Business Unit Manager or BU Manager

The Business Unit Manager supervises and manages one specific business unit within a company.

That is to say, he defines and applies the commercial strategy according to certain constraints specific to his activity or sector. So it is attentive to the management of daily operations in order to achieve the objectives of profitability, growth and customer satisfaction specific to this unit.

The role of the International Business Manager

The role of the International Business Manager is to develop and manage the commercial activities of a company internationally.

He is responsible for implementing the trade policy applied to foreign markets and to coordinate operations. In each country, he must ensure achieve goals and identify opportunities while complying with international regulations.

To succeed in this role, he must have a thorough knowledge of global markets, solid management skills and be proficient in Foreign languages (English in particular).

The tools of a Business Manager

The Business Manager needs many different platforms and tools to fulfill his daily missions.

Commonly used tools include:

  • Les project management and tendering software
  • CRMs (SalesForce, Hubspot)
  • Communication tools (Slack, social networks)
  • Les Lpresentation software (Powerpoint, Tableau)
  • Data analysis software (Google Analytics, Excel).

The Business Manager must know and master these tools that will be used to monitor, analyze and communicate information effectively.

Why become a Business Manager?

Becoming a Business Manager means taking on responsibilities within a company. In addition to strategic decisions, this position is directly involved in their implementation.

By occupying this job, the individual is committed to a team in order to achieve the goals set. It is a role incurring, vibrant and stimulating that contributes to the growth and profitability of the organization.

What are the qualities of a good Business Manager?

Les qualités d'un bon Business Manager

The human qualities sought in a Business Manager are those that will be able to highlight a strong, tenacious profile With a real A taste for the challenge. We are looking for personal skills that can link an engineering profile to a sales profile.

  • Know how to make decisions

The Business Manager gets the strategic guidelines from his hierarchy but it is he who decides to manage and plan his activities in the field. He independently supervises the entire operational part. So it must be persevering and creative in order to always be Strength of proposal.

  • Be curious and watchful

For To optimize commercial activity, the Business Manager lives day by day. He plans, budgets, and mobilizes resources on a daily basis based on events. He must analyze and interpret current performances but also Seek beyond Of traditional methods.

  • Managing and working in a team

The Business Manager is a leading Who has the ability to federate And of coordinate The shares of several individuals. He must be a good communicator and have a good sense of relationships to guarantee a climate of trust, without tensions, in his team but also with external actors (suppliers, customers etc...). He must have an open mind in order to actively listen to the information that is given to him.

  • Be persistent and versatile

The Business Manager has both technical capabilities and commercial. He must constantly juggle different points of view and different issues. He must apply his expertise daily and maintain the efforts of his team until achieve goals.

What the Business Manager is not

A Business Development Manager

Les Business Development Managers focus on developing strategies aimed at expand the customer base and the company's turnover. They typically work with sales and marketing teams.

While Business Managers are responsible for the daily operations of the company. They manage teams and resources, establish budgets and financial forecasts. They also ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

A Sales Manager

The Sales Manager participates in the development of strategic and commercial objectives based on the company's overall strategy. That is to say, he will delineate The commercial policy and supervising its smooth running. At his level, the Business Manager sets the goals of his team based on his directives. He ensures its implementation and will seek to optimize it with its tools at your disposal, its parses and its technical expertise.

The Business Manager is closer to the teams and the field than the Sales Manager.

How do I become a Business Manager?

Comment devenir un bon Business Manager

Skills required

  • Know and master sales techniques

A Business Manager must be operational in the sales and negotiation process. He must therefore be comfortable both in commercial interactions. in B2B and in B2C.

He is involved In the prospecting process, of negotiation And of vending in order to better the optimize and achieve goals established by trade policy.

  • Have a sense of leadership

The job of Business Manager has the dual mission of manage a team but also its resources. This professional must be able to recruit good profiles and is responsible for them. follow up throughout the projects. He makes them intervene on different tasks depending on the strategy, needs and their profiles.

  • Know how to manage projects and analyze activity

Its missions require a good understanding the issues ofthe sector of activity And of marketplace. Beyond technical and commercial management, he is called upon to contribute his expertise on questions of budget, financial analysis and data analysis.

  • Mastering technological and bureaucratic tools

Business Managers justify a certain Technical culture oftentimes related to the use of software. They have a bigger vision scientific in how to develop the activity and manage the business. They are responsible for optimizing the strategy and tasks of the teams, often via new technologies. To do this, they are required to use customer relationship management platforms. (CRM), digital tools and even social networks.

What studies and training should you follow to become a Business Manager?

Business Managers generally come from a background bac +3 (license) or Bac +5 (master) in Business school Or in University. It may happen that some individuals graduate from engineering schools, BTS or DUT.

The position of Business Manager requires scientific and technical knowledge of business. The candidate must prove a Training in business engineering. Then have a commercial experience is an undeniable advantage because it complements the curriculum of candidates who are learning the fundamentals of business.

‍ Adapted conversion profiles

Business Manager profiles generally have experience as a consultants, Business Developer, Business Manager or Business engineer. These courses allowed them to acquire good technical and strategic skills.

They were also able to discover and understand the commercial environment and discover its codes. This multidisciplinary approach gives them a rich profile combining scientific and commercial skills that will be useful in this position.

What are the career developments for this position?

After a few years of experience, the Business Manager may want to evolve and take on new responsibilities.

Son technical and commercial expertise allows him to apply for various positions:

  • It can continue to evolve as Confirmed Business Manager or Key Account Manager, that is to say specialized in major strategic accounts.
  • He also has the possibility of accessing commercial management positions such as Agency or Regional Director, Head of Sales or Business Development Director.
  • It is possible for him to specialize in technical field As Business Unit Manager or Business Developer.

How do I find a job as a Business Manager?

Expectations and the experience required depend on the size and structure of the business.

Generally, the candidate will have to ensure that substantiate Of experience and relevant skills. It will have to identify and highlight its scientific and commercial capabilities.

He will have to make sure that his RESUME, sound LinkedIn profile And his speeches Be Up to date and prepared. The candidate will then be able to apply for the numerous job offers. online or use its network.

Many companies are setting up a follow-up support when taking office. Training can be offered so that the new Business Manager can understand his functions.

What is the salary for a Business Manager?

Le salaire d'un Business Manager

How much does a Business Manager earn?

On average in France, a Business Manager earns between 45 K€ and 65K € gross per year.

However, this amount may vary depending on sector Or the waistline of the company as well as the town where it operates.

Business Development & Sales jobs generally receive remuneration in the form of a package. These salaries are composed of a fixed part And of a Variable part.

The fixed portion is paid regardless of the performance of the Business Manager.

The variable portion depends on the sales objectives achieved and the terms and conditions of the companies.

Junior Business Manager

At the beginning of a career, the average salary for a Business Manager is generally in the range between €40K and €50K annual gross.

‍ Senior Business Manager

After several years of experience as a Business Manager, workers can earn up to €70K annual gross.

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