Job Description: Business Unit Manager (BUM)

April 2024
7 Min

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The Business Unit Manager (BUM) is an expert responsible for improving the financial returns of his company. To carry out his mission successfully, he takes the time to analyze the system in place and highlight its shortcomings.

This officer is in charge of the training and management ofsales team of the company. Determined to ensure the profitability of his team, he evaluates each of his agents and defines objectives corresponding to their various levels. What are the responsibilities of the Business Unit Manager? How do I get to this position?

Business Unit Manager: the definition

The Business Unit Manager is a professional in charge of business budget planning and personnel management. He analyzes the finances, identifies the shortcomings of the strategy in place and makes the necessary adjustments with his team.

What is the role of a Business Unit Manager?

The Business Unit Manager takes on two jackets simultaneously. On the one hand, he plays the role analyst and consultant. It assesses the company's performance, identifies its shortcomings and proposes the ideal strategy to fill them. It thus contributes to the boost of the company's finances.

On the other hand, he is a team leader. He is in charge of the selection personnel and task allocation. His role is to ensure the cohesion, efficiency and performance of his team members. That is why it is considered to be a bridge between hierarchy and agents.

Business Unit Manager et son stagiaire

What is the salary for a Business Unit Manager?

The Salary of a Business Unit Manager is not fixed. It is likely to vary considerably depending on The professional's experience And of business budget. The salary difference is all the more noticeable between junior BUM and seniors.

When a junior Business Unit Manager is hired, they are eligible for an annual remuneration varying between €40,000 and €60,000. After having proven himself or reached a new level in terms of results, he can claim a salary increase.

A senior Business Unit Manager receives an entirely different treatment. He is considered an expert in his field and benefits froma salary varying between €90,000 and €130,000. In addition, he is automatically among the agents consulted first when a promotion is possible.

Main missions of the Business Unit Manager

The Business Unit Manager has two main missions. First, it takes care of the planning of the company's commercial operations. It analyzes the current needs of customers and highlights the company's products that are likely to satisfy them. In this way, he succeeds in establishing an effective, flexible strategy that corresponds to current market realities.

Second, it is in charge of the training and management of its team. He teaches his agents the fundamentals of the sales profession, observes their evolution and offers them the opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. He also takes the time to motivate his agents and stimulate their competitive spirit through intermittent rewards.

Qualities to have for this position

The position of Business Unit Manager is very demanding. This is why certain qualities are required for optimal performance. First of all, the BUM must have a blossoming emotional intelligence. This characteristic allows him to have perfect control of his emotions and to understand those of the staff more easily.

Then he must have a natural gift for pedagogy. This quality is essential to learn concepts and then instill them in your team. Finally, this position requires pragmatism and unparalleled judgment. Without these qualities, it is impossible to respond rationally to the various difficulties encountered and to propose the most appropriate solution for the well-being of the company.

Business Unit Manager en visio-conférence

How do I become a Business Unit Manager?

La Value of a Business Unit Manager comes down to his professional expertise. That is why you need to undergo specialized training. This allows you to acquire the skills required to apply for this position and makes you eligible for several long-term career developments.

What skills are needed to become a Business Unit Manager?

Several skills are required to become an accomplished Business Unit Manager. First of all, you have to be able to combine the roles of strategist, financial analyst and personnel manager. It is therefore essential to be at the same time multitasking and versatile. Then, the Business Unit Manager is responsible for leading his team. To take full advantage of the potential of its agents, it must find the balance between communication and leadership.

The BUM must also demonstrate total self-control in the face of stress or pressure. It can thus exploit 100% of its capacities in all circumstances. Finally, it is impossible to become a Business Unit Manager without being organized. This last skill allows you to make optimal use of the previous ones.

What training courses to become a Business Unit Manager?

To become a Business Unit Manager, it is necessary to follow a bachelor's degree (Bac+3) or a master's degree (Bac+5) at a business school. Companies are particularly keen on nationals of the Grandes Écoles specialized in finance, management and marketing. They also appreciate graduate students who are work-study students or who have already worked in the commercial sector. This shows the importance of professional experience acquired in parallel with theoretical concepts.

What career developments are there for this position?

The Business Unit Manager can claim several career developments within the company. To begin with, he has the possibility of being given an equivalent position but in one of the company's international branches. He may also qualify for the management of several units simultaneously. He thus benefits from an increase in salary equivalent to the quantity of additional work.

Business Unit Manager en meeting

FAQ: Becoming a Business Unit Manager

The job of Business Unit Manager is one of the most demanding and profitable professions in the commercial industry. Do you think you have the qualities and potential needed to aim for such a position? If so, this is an opportunity to learn more about the baccalaureate to obtain to become a BUM and the retraining profiles adapted to this profession.

Which baccalaureate to become a Business Unit Manager?

The position of Business Unit Manager is one of the most important components of a company's sales team. That is why the most suitable baccalaureate to access it is undoubtedly The Bac Pro Commerce. Choosing this path allows you to acquire the basics as early as high school and gives you a head start on the majority of business school students.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

One of the main functions of the Business Unit Manager is promotion of company products. Professionals specialized in marketing are therefore able to retrain without difficulty. In addition, the BUM is regularly required to negotiate agreements with the company's suppliers. Being experienced in the field of sales can therefore help during the retraining.

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