Job description - Business manager: salary and missions

April 2024
7 Min

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A business manager develops and manages a client portfolio. Her job is to analyze and understand the needs and expectations of her customers.

A business manager acts as a bridge between a company and its customers. Among the Sales & Business Development jobs, the business manager is one of the key pieces. He must understand the problems of a prospect or customer and offer him the most suitable solution. It is a role that can include prospecting and that can be found in many types of businesses.

Business manager: definition

What is a business manager?

A business manager takes care of a customer portfolio. It ensures their satisfaction and offers them additional products or services. It has a key role in the company since it offers adapted solutions to the needs of its prospects while following the projects carried out by them.

In summary, a business manager represents the point of contact between customers and the company.

What is the role of a business manager?

A business manager can have a role of commercial classic in more traditional industries. Some sectors prefer to speak of a manager rather than a salesperson, such as in banking, construction or even industry.

In a permanent relationship with the sales department, he sells products or services to a large clientele. Within his company, he takes care of subjects related to commercial, technical and financial (ex: billing).

The missions of a business manager in business 

A business manager is shown by its versatility. It carries out various missions, the main ones of which are as follows:

Mission 1: Business Development

The business manager sets up strategies, in particular marketing strategies (communication, pricing, etc.) and uses tools (computer, digital, etc.) that will allow him to increase the turnover of his company. The commercial development of the company allows it to ensure its viability in the medium and long term.

Mission 2: Point of interaction between the various services

A business manager is in charge of writing the company's offers and quotes. It allows the management and monitoring of these documents. It also makes it possible to ensure the transfer of the various files to the teams in charge of production.

Mission 3: Customer Loyalty

A business manager is in charge of the customer loyalty. To do this, he uses several techniques such as active listening. Each technique used is adapted to a certain type of client. Long-term consumer loyalty is beneficial for the company and allows for a good commercial development of the latter.

Mission 4: Negotiating and drafting contracts

A business manager negotiates continuously with its customers in order to bring a maximum of (new) contracts to his company. It is thanks to his negotiation skills that the company gets the most out of a potential customer, before he makes a purchase.

Qu'est-ce qu'un chargé d'affaires ? 

The 4 qualities of a business manager?

A good business manager has qualities that allow him to support his clients throughout their activity. He knows how to create a relationship of trust, attract sympathy while being professional and rigorous.

What is a good business manager?

Quality 1: Autonomy

A business manager has many responsibilities. To execute them successfully, he demonstrates a great autonomy. This quality also allows it to adapt to different types of situations since the business manager seeks by himself to find this or that solution according to the context found.

Quality 2: An excellent sense of relationships

Being a point of contact between customers and company departments, a business manager must have good communication and good interpersonal skills. It is through this quality that he succeeds in establishing a climate of trust with customers and that he therefore allows the commercial development of his company.

Quality 3: Determined and ambitious

To carry out his missions on time, the business manager must be determined and ambitious. It is through his ambition and determination that he succeeds in achieving his goals and that he wants to achieve new ones! His ambition to evolve pushes him to always want to do better by constantly improving his performances.

Quality 4: Good organization

To carry out his missions on time, an account manager has a sense of organization peerless. It is through his organization that he manages to manage his stress and to perfectly honor his customer appointments.

How to be a good business manager?

To be a good business manager, it is imperative to have certain skills. Team spirit is first of all essential in this profession. To successfully carry out his missions, a business manager maintains good relationships with other salespeople of his company and with his customers. Without this cooperation, the work of the business manager is likely to be hampered and difficult to carry out in good conditions.

It is also by working in line with his interests that the business manager will be the most competent in his missions.

Les 4 qualités d'un chargé d'affaires ?

How do I become a business manager?

Skills of the business manager

A business manager has good knowledge of his business, its sector of activity, its market and its players. With this knowledge, he is able to convince his customers and negotiate new contracts.

A business manager also has large managerial skills. It is also thanks to them that he manages to manage and coordinate numerous projects while managing meetings with other members of the sales team.

It also has the ability to identify opportunities and the potential of its market thanks to its innovative spirit and initiative. To achieve his goals and carry out his projects successfully, he manages to assess the feasibility of his actions, especially in the technical and financial aspects.

What degree to become a business manager?

We can't find no specific training to become a business manager. However, to exercise this profession, he is preferable to have followed a training course in the field of logistics or even trade.

To become a business manager, several training courses are finally possible. Here are a few examples:

In Bac+2:

  • BTS Negotiation and Customer Relations

Bac+3 :

  • Professional license in business


  • Business or engineering schools.

Although Akimbo does not train directly for the position of business manager, we do offer a training in similar but digital-oriented jobs: Sales and Business Developer jobs (sales representatives in start-ups).

Adapted conversion profiles

Professionals from business sectors such as banking or even The insurance frequently decide to move on to a position of business manager. So recruiters are often interested in these types of profiles. Having experience in the fields of sales and management can be a real plus and this is generally required to become a business manager.

Jobs similar to that of business manager such as Account Manager or even business manager in industry can be an access path to that of sales representative, for example.

What career developments are possible?

After a few years of experience, an account manager can aspire to many jobs as a commercial director or even an international negotiator. These skills allow him to stand out and be very popular with many recruiters . Son Great sense of relationships can also offer him access to numerous positions such as that of customer relationship manager. He can also keep his position as a business manager while dealing with more complex sales and files.

Comment devenir chargé d'affaires ?

What is the salary of a business manager?

Depending on his level of experience, the Salary of a business manager can vary greatly.

Junior Business Manager Salary

A junior business manager starts with a salary around €25K - €35K gross per year.

Senior Business Manager Salary

The average salary for a Senior Business Manager is €45K per year But he can go over €60K for the most experienced.

The various related jobs and positions

Several professions related to that of business manager are worth knowing. So do not hesitate to broaden your horizons and discover new perspectives for the future!

The titles you need to know

- Commercial

- Business Developer

- Account Executive

- Sales engineer

- Business engineer


What is a business engineer?

A business engineer takes care of the commercial development of his company. He looks for new customers and negotiates new contracts. The business manager takes care of the fundamentals of sales while the business engineer is in charge of more complex sales.

What is a business manager?

A business manager pilot and coordinate actions of his team while responding to calls for tenders, whereas the project manager instead has a strategic role in the company. Indeed, he plays a technical, financial but also commercial role within the latter.

What is a business developer?

A business developer (BD) is also in charge of commercial development of the company. A 360 Business Developer is in charge of the entire sales process: from prospecting to closing.

Quel est le salaire d'un chargé d'affaires ?

Find a job as a business manager

Finding the job offer that's right for you can seem particularly difficult. First of all, start by focusing your research on verified sites like JobTeaser, LinkedIn or even Welcome To The Jungle. This will prevent you from wasting time with offers that are not reliable. See you in salons to meet numerous professionals and to familiarize yourself with the position you want. Finally, do not hesitate to make spontaneous applications. Contact recruiters directly via professional networks like LinkedIn or send an email!

How do you recruit a good sales manager?

Before recruiting your new account manager, he is necessary that you ensure that your candidate has the skills and the qualities that are appropriate for this position. In particular, he must know how to manage projects, prospect and detect opportunities. To check if he has the capacity, you can have him do scenarios or case studies. Create a accurate and attractive job description. This will allow you to arouse the curiosity of many candidates.

Focus on sourcing to meet as many candidates as possible and create a standard selection process. In order to best select your candidates, give importance to the speed and responsiveness of candidates.

How to recruit a business manager for a start-up? 

To recruit a start-up business manager, make a clear and precise job offer. Base yourself on the soft skills of your candidates. A salesperson who understands quickly and who learns easily will be able to progress quickly and develop at the same time as your startup grows. To ensure that your new business manager is in line with the values of your start-up, make sure that he has the same corporate culture as your company. Question him. Test it out. Is it ambitious or is it not ambitious?

Comment recruter un bon chargé d'affaires ?
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