Job description - Commercial Key Accounts

April 2024
7 Min

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Commercial Key Accounts is a salesperson who works with large customers to develop business between different companies.

The position of Key Account Sales is a key commercial function within a company. These professionals are an integral part of a sales team and are responsible for developing and managing relationships with the company's customers. Their main objective is to maximize revenue by identifying and developing new sales opportunities.

What is the role of the Commercial Key Accounts?

The very first responsibility of the major account salesperson relates to the management of the client portfolio. Indeed, the salesperson has the duty to properly monitor the portfolio of the company's major customers. These are mainly those that represent real or potential turnover for the company. In other words, The sales professional must focus on the smooth running of transactions which take place between the commercial establishment where he works and the purchaser.

This role involves the use of an effective commercial strategy. In addition, the major account salesperson is responsible for maintaining the regular and optimal customer relationship. This will make it possible to retain their customer base, but also, and above all, to better satisfy them.

It is for this purpose that the sales professional must negotiate various contracts while offering new items that will allow the maintenance of the interest of their customers. To carry out its role successfully, The salesperson must come to terms with his colleagues. He must be present at commercial or financial meetings.

The salesperson must also seek to mobilize key account business players. It must respond to tenders and Know how to negotiate to find great opportunities for your business. The sales professional is also responsible for following up on files and carrying out an after-sales check for each of his customers.

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What are the missions of a Major Account Sales Representative?

A salesperson does not only have one mission, but he has several that he must perform not for the sake of form, but for a concrete result. Thus, for each of his roles, the salesperson must have a work strategy that allows him to surpass himself and above all to act effectively. He must be able to act tactfully, skilfully and prove his expertise on a daily basis.

Strategy development

A salesperson who wants to obtain a good result must necessarily go through a study and the realization of a Account plan. Its interest lies in preparing for possible situations or actions that may interfere with the management of Key account portfolio. To do this, he must do a very first analysis that will lead him to in-depth investigations into the account.

This maneuver is more than useful, as it makes it possible to highlight all the information that would allow the development of the account plan. From this information collected, the salesperson will be able to identify the type and condition of the market concerned. It will also be able to Know your competitors and will therefore be able to establish perspectives.

The salesperson will assess the requests of his customers, then compare them to the various existing production possibilities. That said, it will need to be present at meetings with its managers in order to better define the goals that should be in line with the company's commercial policy.

Creating a plan counts

Among the missions to be carried out, that of creating the account plan should not be taken lightly. After going through a thorough study of the accounts, the sales engineer must draw up a specific plan.

He will have to succeed in shape the identity card of said account in order to have an overall perception on commercial transactions. To do this, it must prioritize the targets.

Communication of the account plan

Although the account plan is an initiative of the salesperson, he must have it validated by his superiors. The latter are in fact the ultimate decision-makers who are in a position to accept or refuse all projectsS.

The negotiation

Doing a commercial negotiation means finding a consensus with the needs, resources and disposition of customers. The salesperson must know the actors, both visible and invisible, in order to identify the issues related to this negotiation as best as possible.

Debrief meeting commercial grands comptes

What is the salary of a Commercial Grand Compte?

The remuneration of this type of salesperson is in a range varying between €30K unto 80K€. Employees with a profile of more than ten years of experience can receive a gross remuneration of approximately €54,000.

Key account managers benefit from additional benefits in kind and their gross salary. These various salary estimates are not fixed and may vary depending on factors related to the establishment of the company, annual turnover or even the professional results provided by each salesperson.

The key account salesperson is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the loyalty of customers who are likely to: increase the company's turnover. To carry out his role successfully, he must be driven by a spirit of adaptation, persuasion and must be able to make very good negotiations that will be as favorable for the client as for the company.

What skills are required?

The salesperson must have a spirit of adaptation and a good relationship with his superiors, colleagues and customers. He must be able to adapt his speech to each need, customer or prospect profiles. A good sales representative for large accounts must have specific qualities: be a good conductor And a good communicating during interactions with the company's divisions. In this case, this is the marketing, communication, logistics and even sales department.

The sales professional must be a fine negotiator and must master the products and services marketed by the company. A spirit of anticipate the needs of the client is required to manage this position well. During negotiations, the salesperson must know how to manage stress. He must succeed in holding out, before, during and after negotiations. The sales professional must be available for possible regular as well as periodic appointments.

Compétences qu'un commercial grands comptes

What are the training courses and diplomas to be a Key Account Manager?

Anyone applying for a major account sales position must have a higher education diploma at the bac+5 level. For more credibility during recruitment, he must prove that his degree was obtained from a higher business school or a commercial engineering institution.

Some people occupy the position of sector manager before migrating to that of major account salesperson. It is just as possible toHave a license or a BTS in the marketing and sales sector. In this case, to become a major account salesperson, the evolution will take place gradually.

To access this position, the various candidates must justify their professional expertise when they have accumulated at least three years of experience in the field. The major account sales function is reserved for experienced profiles.

What career developments are possible?

A major account salesperson can very quickly take on the position of sales manager. For this, he will have to present the best results when carrying out his tasks. To get there, this person must have a spirit of leadership And a ease of adaptation, regardless of the situation.

The salesperson can evolve to a position of regional sales manager. He also has the option of becoming sales manager of the company. To successfully obtain these positions and maximize your chances, it is important to do additional training.

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