Job description - Account Manager (AM): missions, salary, etc.

April 2024
7 Min

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The Account Manager's #1 mission is to manage a portfolio of existing startup customers. It identifies their needs in order to excel in its main mission: to meet their expectations and above all... Develop their sales!

Account manager definition

Meaning of the word and translation

Within The sales team, the Account Manager (AM) manages a customer portfolio. Depending on its seniority, the size of the company or the profile of the customers, an AM can manage a few “big” customers, several dozen or even several hundred customers. Of course, in the latter case, he will prioritize his accounts according to their size and potential. For example, it will divide them internally into categories like Elephants, Lions, Gazelles and Souris. An Account Manager is also called an account manager, or customer manager in the “traditional economy”. Not to be confused with The Account Executive !

This position can be found in numerous sectors : SaaS startups of course, but also in consulting companies, industry, fashion... Within a company, he represents the key to a good customer relationship.

He is in charge of communication and commercial relationships with the company's current customers. It ensures that they are satisfied with the products or services offered and aims to meet their multiple needs. Her role is to understand the needs of customers in order to make their lives easier and to raise issues internally.

What is Account Management?

Account Management refers mainly to the marketing sector. It is based on customer satisfaction. The objective is to offer customers tailor-made listening to retain them and encourage customers to buy regularly. The account manager mainly uses two sales methods: Cross-selling and Up-selling.

What is the role of an Account Manager?

The AM advises clients on the strategy and actions to be implemented. In order to carry out his work effectively, he has perfect knowledge: of his company's products and services, of the expectations of his customers and of his sector of activity. He Take care essentially relationships with existing customers. However, it may happen that he will look for new ones.

The AM ensures the quality of the services offered to the customer and seeks innovative solutions to better satisfy him. He is responsible for providing personalized follow-up to the customer. As a customer relationship manager, he informs the customer about the evolution of his company and the news that may be of interest to him.

In summary, the AM has various missions, which are as follows:

  • Respond to and identify the various expectations of the customer;
  • Bring commercial solutions and innovative strategies to customers;
  • Maintaining a good customer relationship - loyalty;
  • Have a perfect knowledge of products and services for its customers;
  • Monitoring the evolution of its sector of activity;
  • Sales and monitoring of objectives;
  • Offer additional services or products.

The tools of an Account Manager

An AM uses various tools during his missions. La Mastering certain programs is therefore essential for him.. Some tools make it possible to gain in efficiency, performance and productivity. For example, we find LinkedIn which is an essential professional tool nowadays. Thanks to this professional social network, AM can look for new potential customers at any time.

Like many Sales, AM makes particular use of CRM of his company to manage the follow-up of his customers.

Why become an Account Manager?

An AM has diverse and varied missions, which allows it to be constantly enriched and to constantly develop new skills.

An AM focuses on customer relationships and must create a strong relationship. Unlike more aggressive salespeople like SDR and BDR who prosper and must attract new prospects, AM maintains a long-term relationship. It's up to you to see what works best for you.

Currently, the PA position is in high demand. Numerous opportunities are available on the market. Just like an SDR, BDR, or Business Developer, you won't have a problem finding a job.

Account Manager définition

What are the qualities of a good Account Manager?

What is a good account manager?

The Account Manager (AM) manages a portfolio of customers, whether strategic, direct (consumers) or indirect (distributors). It represents the real point of contact between the customer and the company and its role is to develop and maintain a long-term relationship of trust between the customer and the company.

Its role is therefore essential. within a company. For this reason, to be a good Account Manager, you need to have multiple skills:

A great capacity for organization and analysis

During his various missions, he must be organized, have a Good ability to synthesize and analyze to make the right decisions quickly. Faced with impatient interlocutors, it is essential for the AM to know exactly what to do.

One good organization Bring a good time management. Organization is the key to good work. Thanks to her, a relationship of trust between the customer and the AM is established. Indeed, without organization on the part of the latter, the interlocutor may believe that he is not being listened to. This situation could create a divide in the relationship of trust, which would lead to the departure of the customer.

Stress and conflict management

An AM is constantly faced with complex situations that can bring him intense stress. However, thanks to its ability to apprehend change, he manages to identify new development opportunities there. Sa stress management Faced with situations that put him to the test, allows him to optimize his performance.

It is possible that an AM will find itself facing certain conflicts between the customer and the company. He must then show tact, benevolence and imagination to manage this type of problem.

Ability to adapt and take initiatives

Faced with reluctant customers, AM manages to adapt his speech and his behavior in order to effectively manage this situation. Depending on the client's sector of activity, AM's words will not be the same. It is through his ability to adapt that he manages to gain the trust of his interlocutor. Indeed, each customer feels listened to at their fair value and a good customer relationship can then be established.

In complex situations, AM takes the lead and offers various solutions to its customers. He takes various initiatives, which allows him to be efficient in his work.

How to be a good account manager?

A good Account Manager has many qualities that will be useful when he comes into contact with a customer and needs to develop new innovative strategies for the latter.

In other words, a good AM should:

Have the ability to listen and have interpersonal skills

This relational and commercial ease facilitates the relationship he maintains with his customers. Her ability to listen allows her to best meet the needs of her various customers. He succeeds in identifying the expectations of each interlocutor and in implementing the right strategies.

Have a great curiosity

A good Account Manager has The desire to learn. To carry out his missions successfully, he must have a perfect knowledge of the needs of his interlocutors and of the service offered by the company. In the opposite case, the work carried out by the AM will therefore be doomed to failure.

Have a good level in foreign languages

The AM can be brought to discuss with interlocutors from all over the world. Thus, a good command of English, the international language par excellence, is essential in obtaining this position. Of course, everything will depend on the sector of activity of the company in which the AM works and on its size.

Les qualités d'un bon Account Manager ?

How do I become an Account Manager?

The skills required

The Account Manager must have a wide range of skills. He has a perfect knowledge of his product or service in order to perform multiple sales tasks: negotiation, Up-selling, Cross-selling, etc.

An AM is in contact with various interlocutors. Possess communication and negotiation skills is therefore essential in this position. In managing a wide range of customers, he must demonstrateorganizing and manage your time effectively.

To be eligible for the position of AM, it is therefore necessary to have a great relational ease.

In other words, the skills required to be an AM are as follows:

  • Good organization, time and stress management;
  • Ability to listen;
  • Taking initiatives;
  • Mastery of commercial negotiation;
  • Relational ease;
  • Good analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Control of the sectors of activity of its customers and its company;
  • Mastery of sales and prospecting techniques;
  • Be comfortable with numbers;
  • Good legal knowledge.

Degrees and training required

An AM Usually comes out of business school and has a diploma bac +3 to bac +5. Current AMs generally have years of experience in the field of management, marketing, web or communication. However, although specialization in business is essential, other paths are possible. This position is mostly available after a few years of experience.

Akimbo offers training to individuals who want to become an AM. These are short but intensive courses in the form of Bootcamps.

Indeed, we find the formations Full Time Bootcamps of 9 weeks. Thanks to these Bootcamps, who offer preparation for interviews while putting trained individuals in contact with more than 250 partner startups, the “learners” are becoming the AMs of tomorrow.

Découvrez le Bootcamp Akimbo et devenez business developer

Adapted conversion profiles

There is no no typical profiles to become an AM. However, some jobs, which require the skills mentioned above, are perfect candidates. Indeed, generally, one accesses the position of AM after having occupied an operational position as a project manager or a commercial position.

What career developments are there for this position?

After being an Account Manager, some people move on to operational management or consulting positions. Others become Global Account Managers and manage increasingly large and international customers.

In other words, after a few years of experience, an AM can aspire to many other positions :

  • Global Account Manager
  • Sales engineer
  • Sales manager
  • Sales assistant
  • Commercial
  • Account Director

Comment devenir Account Manager ?

What is the salary for an Account Manager?

The Account Manager salary Can range from 32 K€ to more than 100 K€ gross per year.

Junior Account Manager Salary

One Junior Account Manager can start his career with a wage from 32 K€ to 50 K€ gross per year.

It is essential to specify that an AM, like many salespeople, has a fixed & variable salary. :

  • The fixed, a salary that is paid on a permanent basis.
  • The variable, which depends on the number of goals achieved.

In France, for this profession, the gross salary is influenced by many factors such as seniority in the company or the number of years of experience.

Senior Account Manager Salary

On average, a Senior Account Manager has a salary ranging from 45 K€ to 100 K€ gross per year.

Quel est le salaire d'un Account Manager ?

The different Account Management jobs

The titles you need to know

  • Key Account Manager
  • Global Account Manager
  • Sales engineer
  • Sales manager
  • Sales assistant
  • Commercial
  • Account Director
  • Technical Account Manager

What is a Key Account Manager (KAM)

The Key Account Manager, account manager or manager manages all commercial transactions related to its accounts and engages in numerous ways to maintain them sustainably within the company. As a manager, he makes it possible to promote a certain understanding between the client and the company by bringing together all the actors necessary for this good cooperation.

What is a Global Account Manager (GAM)

The GAM Is a commercial responsible for a portfolio of international customers. He generally works in pairs with Sales Manager teams and is responsible for creating good loyalty with the company's customers.

What is a Technical Account Manager (TAM)

The Technical Account Manager manages the relationship between a software publisher and an end customer. He provides technical support to customers throughout the sales cycle. The technical account manager makes it possible to establish a good customer relationship by ensuring their satisfaction.

Les différents métiers de l'Account Management

Account Manager job offer: our advice to get the job

First of all, before starting your job search, it is essential that you Understand the job in which you want to work. So find out as much as possible about Soft Skills, the skills to have when you want to work as an AM.

Ask yourself what exactly you are looking for in your job and what type of business you are interested in.

First, start by looking for offers through platforms like JobTeaser, LinkedIn or Welcome To The Jungle. Indeed, these platforms offer a certain degree of security since they check the origin of the offers before publishing them.

Not all job offers match your profile. Here is some essential information to take into account when looking at a job offer:

  • Details about the company: values, vision, team;
  • The sector of activity;
  • Company size and culture;
  • Products or services offered by the company;
  • The missions;
  • The experience requested by the recruiter for the position;
  • The type of contract and its duration (CDI, CDD...);
  • The skills and qualities required;

Offre d'emploi Account Manager : nos conseils

How do I recruit the right AM?

Hiring a new PA should not be taken lightly. Indeed, it is necessary to remember that a AM plays a key role in a company. Thus, wanting to hire any AM would put the company in which they worked at a great risk.

If you choose to hire an intern or a Junior AM, you should make sure to coach them as soon as they join the company in order to obtain good results.

In order to hire a competent AM, be sure to conduct several interviews with your candidates. Ask him a lot of questions and make scenarios. For example, you can ask your candidate to make cold calls or ask situational questions like, “If a key, long-time customer tells you that they are considering ending our business relationship, how would you change their mind?” ”.

These scenarios but also practical cases will allow you to discover the skills, qualities but also the shortcomings of your candidates, which will be very useful for choosing, at the end of your selection, your new AM.

Comment recruter le bon AM ?

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