Job description - Commercial negotiator: salary, missions

April 2024
7 Min

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Negotiation is an essential step in any sale. In order to successfully develop their business, many companies hire specialized commercial negotiators.

In order to perform in this position and to best support a sales team, it is essential to train and acquire the necessary experience to be effective with your prospects. If you are interested in this profession, you will discover here the role, the missions, the qualities, the salary as well as the process to become a negotiator. It is a key role among Sales & Business Development jobs !

Commercial negotiator: definition and roles

The commercial negotiator is a profession that is increasingly in demand within companies. Before engaging in this position, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the role and missions carried out in this position.

Definition - Commercial Negotiator

Above all, a trade negotiator is a person responsible for discussing the conditions for concluding an agreement. He can work solo or as part of a sales team. On this basis, a conciliator, an arbitrator, an intermediary, a commercial agent or even a real estate agent can be considered as a negotiator.

For this purpose, a commercial negotiator can be defined as a person responsible for developing a commercial strategy for selling a company's products or services.

What is the role of a Commercial Negotiator?

Based on his definition, a trade negotiator has a very specific role. It's about marketing a company's products. This role can be combined with the work of a sales agent.

However, the work of a trade negotiator is much deeper. In addition to marketing, he must be in charge of prospecting, negotiating sales conditions, but also choosing suppliers.

Négociateur commercial

What is the salary of a Commercial Negotiator?

The rapid career development from this point is a fairly positive point for salary development.

How much does a Commercial Negotiator earn?

For this purpose, a commercial negotiator can earn an average of 2,000 to more than 5,000 euros gross per month. This gives a total of 24,000 to more than 60,000 euros gross per year. Thus, the hourly rate for this position is 10 to 13 euros net. Be aware that this salary depends on the place of practice, the sector of activity, the skills and the size of the company that employs you.

Junior Sales Negotiator Salary

At the beginning of his work, the negotiator will be mainly paid based on his performance. Thus, a beginner or junior can claim an average salary of 1100 to 1600 euros gross per month.

Senior Sales Negotiator Salary

The Senior Commercial Negotiator is a person with several years of experience in this position. These performances and his skills no longer need to be demonstrated to his employer. Thus, the senior negotiator has a monthly salary that can exceed the bar of 3900 euros. This gives it an annual interval of 46 K€ At more than €60K crudes.

In short, a commercial negotiator's mission is to prospect, negotiate and sell the products or services of his employer. To reach this position, several qualities, skills and training are required. At the end of the phone, the good negotiator can be paid 24K € At more than €60K gross per year for this professional title.

Missions principales du Négociateur commercial

Main missions of the Commercial Negotiator

Main missions of the Commercial Negotiator

The missions of the trade negotiator extend over several levels. In his work, he has the obligation to follow the company's commercial plan to the letter. Indeed, it is possible to summarize its missions in two main parts: canvassing and The sale.

At the prospecting level, he is responsible for experimenting with original and innovative practices to attract the largest number of customers in his geographical sector. After that, he has the obligation to contact remotely or directly any natural or legal person who may be interested in his products or services. Finally, he must develop a strategy to meet the needs of the prospect in accordance with the omnichannel sales and marketing strategy of his manager.

In addition, at the sales level, the commercial negotiator is responsible for:

• to draw up a business plan to convince potential customers;

• to make various commercial proposals and their management and evolution over time;

• to negotiate commercial procurement proposals;

• to negotiate the proposal of the customer's terms of delivery;

• to complete the sale properly.

Beyond these missions, he is also responsible for meticulously monitoring customer supplies; for analyzing the results of his various negotiations and for evaluating all his commercial performances.

Know that it is also responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. With all these missions, it is important that the commercial negotiator has the right qualities, skills and training.

Qualities to have for this position

To perform in this position, it is essential to develop a few main qualities such as listening, patience, interpretation, foresight and organization.

Indeed, it can be difficult to find a common agreement that satisfies both parties. To do this, the technical commercial negotiator must consider his interlocutor as a potential long-term partner. In addition, he must have the words he needs to convince his potential customer. Hence the need to be eloquent and proactive with a good commercial proposal.

Finally, he must listen to the client's needs and know how to interpret them well. Thus, he will be able to establish a good omnichannel commercial strategy to sell his services and products.

Comment devenir Négociateur commercial ?

How do I become a Commercial Negotiator?

To become a commercial negotiator, you must acquire the basics of selling and above all, the basics of commercial negotiation.

What are the skills of a good Commercial Negotiator

The skills required for this professional title are a direct extension of its qualities. So, it should have a:

• good mastery of various negotiation and sales techniques;

• good knowledge of the products and/or services of their employer;

• excellent listening skills;

• good customer relationship quality;

• good intercultural experience.

In addition to all these skills, the commercial negotiator must also have a good command of the English language.

competences d'un bon Négociateur commercial

What training to become a Commercial Negotiator?

First, it is important to understand that a recent graduate cannot become a trade negotiator directly. A person in this position has already shown their negotiation skills in more general positions. Above all, it is important to start with a good commercial education, here are some study opportunities:

• BTS commercial technician

• BTS in international business

• BTS in Operational Commercial Management

• DUT in Marketing Technology

• Akimbo Bootcamp, training in two months

The negotiator may also have a BTS in negotiation and digitalization of customer relationships. Apart from these bac +2 or even bac+3 level courses, you have the possibility of having a professional license in business and sales recognized by the state.

In addition, with master's degrees specializing in purchasing and business school diplomas are excellent courses recommended for this job. You must also have a professional level in English to enhance your technical negotiation course. Think about financing as much learning as possible with your CPF.

Of course, there are many paths that can lead to this job, find the one that suits you.

What career developments are there for this position?

To gather the necessary intellectual background, the commercial negotiator has a very specific career development. After his training as a negotiator, he needs to do alternating internships to learn directly in the field. Thus, with a BTS or a DUT, he is eligible for the position ofBuyer assistant. After a few years of experience, this assistant can be promoted to the position of technical commercial negotiator.

On the other hand, with a few internships or an apprenticeship in large companies, a negotiator with a license or an advanced master's degree can directly apply for the position of sales technician. In addition, after a few years in this job, you had the opportunity to evolve into a “manager” position. At this professional level, you will be able to apply for the position of procurement director, purchasing director, development manager or even group leader. Your evolution in this position will depend on your skills, experiences, results and motivation.

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