Job description - Commercial sport: salary, role, study

April 2024
7 Min

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Many passionate athletes seek to maintain a connection to their sport throughout their lives. Not everyone can become a professional player, coach, or PE teacher. The position of sales representative in sports is a good compromise to find new challenges around your passion.

Many positions are available in this field, companies such as Intersport, Decathlon, etc. are regularly looking for new profiles to develop their sales team. Maybe you'll be the next one selected? In any case, many sports salesmen then joined the Sales & Business Development jobs.

What is a sports salesman?

The sports salesman is above all a specialist in the marketing and sale of goods and services in the sports area. The latter must implement various sales strategies. The salesperson has a direct influence on the success or not of the various sales teams around him.

What is the salary of a sports salesman?

In general, salespeople have a fixed salary, but it can still vary depending on the size of the club, or the results they provide. Thus, based on their experiences and professionalism, they can get rewards. At the start of their career, the gross salary for sports salespeople is between €30K and €35K per years.

What is the role of the sports salesman?

A salesperson must first and foremost be a sales expert. He must be able to draw the attention of potential buyers to the items he is selling. With an ability to analyze, a spirit of synthesis and a creative and compensatory capacity, The sports salesman must be able to consider various actions to be put in place. These actions are mainly aimed at increasing turnover.

The role of this salesperson varies according to the structures. It can be a sports agency, a national or international federation,a private club or company focused on physical activities. Each structure mentioned does not develop common goals and does not have the same challenge to meet.

meeting de commerciaux dans le sport

What are the daily missions of a salesperson?

The salesperson plays different roles. He is responsible for carrying out the various sales of sporting goods. His expertise should allow him to increase turnover. Its sales strategy must be up to date in order to attract customers as best as possible and to retain them. For optimal management of the club, agency or federation where he works, the salesperson must fulfill certain functions.

Leading a team

Sales representatives can be put in the position of sports marketing manager or manager. When they are in such a position, their responsibilities become quite different. They must supervise their team while getting them to collaborate with marketing and event departments.

The sports sales manager has the duty to follow his team both within the company and on the ground. The manager must succeed in training each member of his team while explaining to them the various strategies put in place. He must act from a single perspective, detecting the difficulties and potentials of each salesperson he manages.

It is also up to the sales manager the animation sessions of the various commercial meetings. He must be able to monitor the individual and collective performance of each member of the team. To enable salespeople to work in good conditions, the manager must train and motivate them constantly.

The commercial strategy to be implemented

The sports vendor must draw up a commercial action plan. He must include the main objective of his club. This may be the acquisition of new partners, a specific amount to achieve an annual income, or better sales of sporting goods.

Be that as it may, the seller sets up a good commercial strategy at the same time effective, precise, achievable and sustainable. This developed strategy must guarantee the best application of the company's commercial policy. It is up to the seller to manage the negotiation of commercial offers and contracts.

He must succeed in finding various sponsorships and at the same time ensure the follow-up of his customers. The salesperson plays much more than a simple salesperson role, he must manage the animation of the partner network while conducting competitive and sectoral monitoring. To be a good salesperson, he must offer perspectives for identifying new challenges and play a role that is both informative and advisory.

The development of the network

This professional is also in charge of developing the network of the club or company for which he works. Far beyond an internal mission at its workplace, It must manage the development of networks of major accounts, both regional and national.. The salesperson is in charge of actions with institutional partners and public relations.

In order to promote its products, it is constantly looking for new strategic partners that will allow it to reach new prospects and at the same time to expand its customer base.

réunion commercial d'une entreprise dans le sport

What are the skills or abilities required to become a sports salesperson?

To be a good salesperson, you need to master sales techniques. Knowledge of commercial strategies is also a quality to be prioritized. You will need to know the sector of activity perfectly and have a good sense of commercial negotiation.

This salesperson must have a spirit of persuasion and above all, develop a good customer relationship. Rigor and the implementation of methodological and effective commercial strategies are also required.

What studies do you need to become a sports salesperson?

Passion is the first criterion required to be a very good sports salesman. But well beyond the passion or the desire to do this job, to qualify for this position, you will need training in the field. It is possible toAcquire the necessary notions and knowledge via a business school.

To apply, you will need to have a bachelor's degree or any other diploma of a valid level. It should also master one or more sports disciplines. This is an undeniable asset that will certainly appeal to recruiters looking for this profile. You still have the possibility of having a CAP from a trading course. In this case, a tray + 2 or + 3 remains preferable.

To become a sports salesperson, you can obtain diplomas such as:

  • The CAP: a multi-purpose commercial team member;
  • Professional bachelor's degree in business;
  • Sales consultant;
  • BTS in commercial management;
  • DEUST in sports animation and marketing;
  • Bachelor's degree in marketing products and services.

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