Job description - Freelance Commercial

April 2024
7 Min

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A sales professional, independent freelance salesperson helps companies to develop their turnover and sell their products.

Within the environment commercial, this agent is at the service of the support ofventure In his projects, the development ofthe turnover and the signature of contract for the sale of products and services. Working with several patrons, his missions can be spread over several weeks, or even over several months, depending on the needs of each society. He has often previously occupied a role among Sales & Business Development jobs.

Freelance Freelance Sales Representative: the definition

AsSelf-employed, it offers its services To multiples undertakings and is therefore characterized by its flexibility and independence. Autonomous, it alone fits its timetables and prices and it determines the patrons with whom he wants to collaborate.

This position therefore offers a certain liberty : that of choosing the commercial projects to which he wants to devote himself. For each project, it takes a commission corresponding to the provision of services which he is engaged in, according to the tasks defined in advance with the shopper.

What is the role of a Freelance Sales Representative?

The independent salesperson mainly helps undertakings To find patrons and to sell products. It thus plays the role of intermediary between theventure And the prospects, allowing Negotiate the best deals And of facilitate communication While taking his commission.

Autonomous professionale, its schedule of the week are more flexible, which allows him to carry out his missions in a timely manner and to ensure the business development in record time. Depending on his specialties, he can work in real estate, food, automotive, textile sector... or in several at the same time.

commercial heureux après l'annonce de ses chiffres du mois

Main missions of the Independent Sales Representative

The tasks of this Self-employed are quite varied but similar from one position to another. They are based first of all on prospecting : he researching At the same time of new businesses with whom to work, but also to patrons for its mandatary.

Then come the Sales : via product demonstration, ofthe service presentation or evenoffering marketing solutions. It must also ensure the administrative management Of his own venture since he must be able to juggle between his various patrons. In the same sense, it ensures The creating and managing customer files And the sales tracking. Finally, and to be able to make a living from his activity, It must be constituted a genuine professional network in order to ensure missions every week.

Qualities to have for this position

As with any profession in vending, it is important to have a certain commercial fiber, which implies a sense of negotiation and good abilities to communication. THEcommercial agent is also a rigorous person who knows organize your projects to satisfy its customers in the allotted time.

Patience and relational ease are also required to ensure a good customer management and to ensure the developing your own business over the long term.

Finally, versatility is an essential quality at the beginning of a career: before developing your own professional network, It is not uncommon to have a very diverse activity, for customers from multiple sectors.

construction de la stratégie commerciale

What is the salary of an Independent Sales Representative?

How much does a Freelance Sales Representative earn?

The salary of a agent may vary depending on his seniority, the structure with which he works as well as the location of the mission. In fact, a Mission to Paris is generally better paid than a mission in the provinces. Note that since each professional chooses his own rates, it is difficult to estimate a real average salary for this job.

The remuneration of an independent salesperson can take several forms, often depending on the sectors of activity and the size of the company. Within a product company, industrial company or supermarket, remuneration is more regularly at commission (percentage of turnover made). Conversely, in the world of start-ups, remuneration can take the form of a TJM (daily rate) evolving throughout the salesperson's career.

Junior Freelance Freelance Commercial Salary

A junior freelance salesperson can therefore have a very different salary depending on the sector of activity, his ability to sell himself and his skills. This salary can go 1500€ gross per month to more than 3000€ for the best.

Senior Freelance Freelance Freelance Sales

At the middle and end of a career, the salary of a freelance freelancer can reach more than €100K per year. Indeed, with experience and a good professional network, a agent Increase its tariffs and favors recurring customers, which allows him to benefit from a more attractive remuneration.

étude des chiffres du mois

How do I become a Freelance Sales Representative?

For a independent employment, it is first essential to obtain your status asSelf-employed. This allows Commercials to exercise without constraint and to manage their business as they see fit. To build a professional network and ensure the missions required, it is also necessary to have certain skills and certain diplomas.

Skills needed to become a Freelance Sales Representative

Knowledge in business, in web And in customer relationship provide a solid foundation for carry out this activity. Les Commercials must also master office tools and have some computer skills to ensure the management and creation of customer files, as well as for analyze sales of their agents.

Their profession based on the provision of services, they issue invoices and process them themselves, which means that they need to know a minimum of bookkeeping to manage the finances of their own company. Finally, the mastery of a Foreign language can be very useful to get a Offer abroad or to deal with international customers structures they work with.

What training courses to become an Independent Sales Representative?

Unlike other jobs, it is not necessarily expected of contestants That they have a diploma in the upper level to become Commercials successfully. If the job offers prefer profiles with a Bac+5 in marketing, or of a BTS Technical-commercial, only the tray is essential for carry out this activity.

Note that the Trade route, in secondary and/or higher education, is very strongly recommended for development of solid knowledge and useful in carrying out the tasks incumbent on this post.

What career developments are there for this position?

One agent can choose to work independently throughout their career to develop their own business and possibly recruit other salespeople, or decide to join a structure to evolve into positions of responsibility, such as those of technical sales engineer Or of marketing director.


closing - deux commerciaux se sert la main

FAQ: Becoming a Freelance Freelance Sales Representative

Which baccalaureate to be an Independent Sales Representative?

As with all commercial professions, both professional and general courses can be very suitable. This activity nevertheless requires a certain amount of ease with numerals (since the agent makes his own bookkeeping) as well as communication facilities both in writing and speaking.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

While it is not necessary to have special training to work in this profession, contestants Having a good professional network And a strong ability to adapt will have a much easier time making a living from their activity even at the beginning of a career. Also, versatile profiles with an appetite for trade will therefore be the most suitable for this type ofemployment.

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