Job description - Online seller

April 2024
7 Min

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An expert in the web and in sales, the mission of the online seller is to improve the company's presence on the Internet and to increase its turnover. Discover more information about his activity and his training in this job sheet.

Nowadays, e-commerce plays a crucial role in the business world, and the profession of online seller is its backbone. Whether they act as independent contractors or within The sales team of a company, online sellers facilitate the act of buying on the internet as well as the delivery of products directly to consumers' homes. It is an important role among the Sales & Business Development jobs.

As marketing experts and online store ambassadors, they master the intricacies of the web to drive sales while collecting valuable customer information, thereby contributing to the continuous development of products and the platform.

Online seller: the definition

The online seller is a true e-commerce expert. His main objective is to increase sales within his company. To achieve this, he actively supports consumers throughout the buying process. This involves:

  • Provide them with detailed product information even remotely.
  • Simplify the payment process and guarantee simple and relatively fast delivery.

However, its role is not limited to attracting the interest of a large number of visitors in order to convert them into buyers.

His aim goes well beyond that: he strives to retain customers by offering them a pleasant shopping experience through its proactive presence and its support methods. By listening to the opinions of consumers, the online seller also analyzes opinions and reactions regarding prices, the perception of product quality, and traffic on each page of the site.

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What is the role of an Online Seller?

His role is not limited to that of a simple commercial advisor.

In fact, it plays a key role in creating strategies to optimize the consumer experience on websites of the company.

These websites are now real sources of income, comparable to physical stores.

Therefore, online sellers need to support the sales team by providing customers with all the information they need to facilitate their purchase, payment and delivery process.

Whether they work as freelancers or as employees within a company, they work closely with various company departments such as:

  • Logistics
  • The IT department
  • Customer service

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Main missions of the Online Seller

The role of an online sales professional includes various responsibilities aimed at providing an optimal shopping experience. These missions include in particular:

  • Support for consumers

The online seller guides consumers through their purchase process, tracking payments, deliveries, and providing clear instructions for potential returns.

  • Improving the customer experience

The professional ensures the proper functioning of the sales platform, optimizes traffic on each page and guarantees fast processing times for a satisfactory customer experience.

  • Competitive intelligence and performance analysis

This e-commerce expert monitors competition activities and analyzes sales performance to adjust strategies accordingly.

  • The development of commercial strategies

It adapts commercial strategies to market trends by adjusting product prices as well as the advertising channels chosen based on the results obtained and customer feedback.

  • The creation of customer supports

The online seller contributes to the creation of customer materials such as product demonstrations, explanatory videos, and promotional banners, in order to enrich the shopping experience.

Key qualities to have for this position

This profile is expected to:

  • That he has relational ease
  • That he knows how to be Listening of the customer and the needs of the market.

A good internet sales professional must also be creative and meticulous to increase the reputation of the company and increase its sales.

To be able to communicate with consumers internationally, it is also important that they know Speak English. In connection with logistics, commercial and customer service services, he must have a good synthesis and team spirit.

La proactivity And the ability to analyze are also crucial to enable it to establish strategies aimed at developing the activity of websites.

Finally, and even more so if he works as a self-employed person, he must necessarily be flexible and be able to adapt to different sectors in order to promote any type of product and satisfy various customers.

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What is the salary of an Online Seller?

How much does an Online Seller earn?

The salary for this type of activity depends on many factors such as his seniority, its turnover, its type of Contract Or even her geographical location. A post in Ile-de-France is in fact better paid than a position in the provinces.

A freelancer may have different salary expectations than a permanent contract, since it is he who sets his own rates. For his part, the employee can try to negotiate the remuneration offered at the time of recruitment based on his experience and qualifications.

Junior Online Salesman Salary

On average, it is estimated that the monthly salary at the beginning of a career revolves around 2000 to 2500 euros gross, or between 24,000 and 30,000 euros gross per year. A good training and specialized degrees can, however, weigh in the balance in interviews when it comes to negotiate a slightly higher salary.

Senior Online Salesman Salary

After a few years of experience, the remuneration received is much higher since it revolves around 5000 to 6000€ gross per month. So this corresponds to approximately €60K per year. Depending on the size of the structure, bonuses and a 13th or 14th month may also be added.

Les qualités à posséder pour ce poste

How do I become an online seller?

Contrary to popular belief, this job requires more qualifications That of sales consultant in store or store. In fact, it requires training. Bac+2 to Bac+5 minimum as well as a solid foundation in marketing, in computer science and some knowledge of Consumer code and good business practices.

Skills needed

Of legal concepts And of Commercial code are actually important in order to understand the obligations of sellers And the consumer rights, such as the right of withdrawal for example.

This job therefore requires knowledge of the world of commerce, to have a good Web culture (and of the functioning of commercial sites), and to master the office tools. He must also master the programming language to communicate with the technical services and be able to use the platforms of traffic measurement and analysis To interpret the customer behavior on a page given.

Finally, and obviously, it must be Unbeatable on articles sold by the company he works with and know Advise the consumer by bringing him the informations that he needs to move on to thepurchase.

What training courses to become an Online Seller?

To access this position, a minimum of training Bac+2 is indispensable. We thus count among the sales professionals Holders of a BTS Negotiation and Digitization of Customer Relations. En Bac+3, we recommend the professional licenses in trade, distribution, or e-commerce. Finally, side Bac+5, the Business school degrees and masters in e-commerce are particularly appreciated by recruiters.

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What career developments are there for this position?

We generally offer multiple possibilities of evolution for this profession, always in the management of an e-store with posts of digital director Or of e-business consultant, or at the head office with the functions of sales director or marketing director. It is also possible to move towardsother services more technical, provided you have specialized training ininformatics, or to integrate the Purchasing department.

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FAQ: Becoming an Online Seller

What high school diploma to be an online seller?

La Professional path Like the General road can both be suitable for accessing online sales jobs. However, it is advisable to opt for subjects oriented towards commerce and computing to acquire fundamental notions about French supply and demand market and master search engines and others digital tools.

What are the appropriate retraining profiles?

The management of a e-shop can apply to any retraining profile, provided thatLove the trade, to have a solid knowledge of the environment and the functioning of the web and possibly to enjoy working from his domicile. In fact, in fixed contract or as aThe auto-entrepreneurr, the function of online seller can be done from home.

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Our advice for entering the right job offer

Working hand in hand with e-sellers, its mission is to develop business strategies effective in ensuring business growth. This can happen through their online presence but also the conversion rate of their website - this position is therefore an ideal career opportunity for e-sellers experienced people who are looking to meet new challenges.

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This experience will also be a great asset when looking for a job. In general, all experience and training in the business environment will be favorable at the time of recruitment. To access this function, it is therefore necessary to be qualified, but also to be at theWatch for posted offers in the capital or in the rest of the france : as this profession can also be done from home, we advise you to do not limit yourself to one geographic area at the time of research.

Obviously, profiles already working within a commercial structure will be able to contact the human resources department and ask them about possible vacancies within the group. Les internal recruitments are sometimes overlooked by candidates but are however increasingly popular with firms that want to focus on their own talents and limit interview costs.

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