Job description - Business Development Manager

April 2024
7 Min

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A business development manager is a strategist who works on analyzing and monitoring the various markets of his employer for which he builds a commercial strategy.

To implement a commercial strategy that meets the numerical objectives of a company, it is necessary to use certain professionals. The business development manager is one of its major players who are essential to its proper functioning. It is a key profession among Sales & Business Development jobs.

What is a business development manager?

A business development manager works with a company to help it implement its commercial strategy. Also known as a business developer, the business development manager analyzes and deepens sales strategies.

Its intervention contributes actively to the growth of the company. Associated with its function are multiple and highly important responsibilities. Of course, as a result of this stressful and rigorous work, the commercial developer receives an attractive remuneration.

What salary for a business development manager?

Several elements are taken into account when determining the salary of a business developer. These factors include:

The performances achieved in the field;

Seniority in the company; The position held;

Experience in the profession;

The bonuses received for achieving the objectives.

Thus, a business development manager with a beginner profile is paid on average around €30K per year. By gaining experience, the remuneration increases and can vary between €55K and €75K.

In the development of their career, a commercial developer can rise to the rank of business director and receive nearly €90,000 in net annual salary. In addition, the location of a business is also a factor that can increase the amount received by the business development manager.

négociation commerciale

Main mission of the business development manager

The main mission of the Business Development Manager is to implement the company's commercial policy. Thus, it is a central pillar for all sales staff. Its role is to recruit, inform, organize, and assess salespeople.

It is also his responsibility to recommend a tailor-made training program for salespeople, even if it means obtaining better performances. This main mission involves the commercial developer in the implementation and execution of trade marketing, merchandising strategy and category management.

With the digitalization of the business world, the business development manager is also linked to the company's digital marketing. In other words, he works online to increase brand visibility. Together with the IT, human resources and corporate compatibility divisions, he actively contributes to the development of the business.Secondary missions of the Business Development Manager

In addition to applying the company's own commercial policy, the sales developer is also given other missions. Although these are secondary, they are no less important, as they aim to strengthen the action of commercial agents in the field.

The business development manager can work in a team. In this case, the company's management expects him to coordinate the movements of his team members and to report regularly on progress. Thus, the business developer must provide a qualitative and quantitative report of the operations carried out in the field.

Analyzing the achievements made by the teams in the field, it proposes tools and sales programs to improve sales figures in the next review. It is a time-consuming job that requires this professional to consider the opinions of the marketing management.

To establish new strategies, he must also take into account the point of action of each commercial agent who has taken care of a company client. The work of a sales manager does not only take place behind a screen.

He is also committed to the prospecting of new customers. The business developer is responsible for observing the competition and changes in the market in order to detect opportunities for his company. In addition, he is in charge of writing commercial reports to boost sales and convince large customers.

The contents of merchandising plans and advertising programs serve as a reliable source of information for his arguments. The business development manager has an obligation to be informed of new trends in his field of activity, because the next opportunity could come from there.

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How do I become a business development manager?

To become a business development manager, you must have a university degree. Companies that hire are looking for aspirants with at least an upper undergraduate level, i.e. a Bac + 3.

Anyone interested in this profession must go to business school or a sales and marketing school. Thanks to a professional license or a bachelor's degree in Business Development, it is possible to work in any sector of activity. Brands will be able to entrust the holder of this diploma with the promotion of their services and products.

At the end of the three years of bachelor's degree training, the aspirant has the knowledge required to assist the company in its commercial strategy and to offer it the opportunity to open up to more convenient markets. In more detail, a future commercial developer learns the following concepts in the first year:

The fundamentals of business development and marketing;

The basics of oral communication, in particular public speaking;

Proficiency in foreign languages; Introduction to business management;

Introduction to legal culture.

During the second year, for a foretaste of the profession, the student benefits from a professional situation. This year of experimentation promotes the employability of the future graduate. Then, the last year of the bachelor's degree marks that of professionalization.

The aspiring business developer discovers and becomes familiar with the daily life of a company through a limited-time internship. At the end of the course, a valid diploma is awarded to access the position. It can be a BTS in Negotiation and Customer Relations or a BTS in Business Unit Management.

In addition, applications with a higher degree are encouraged. It is better to have a Bac + 5. This ideal profile combined with years of experience maximizes the chances of landing the commercial developer position and working in the best conditions.

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What are the prospects for a business development manager?

The profession of commercial developer is in high demand on the job market and this reality concerns all sectors of activity. Generally, he works for large commercial or industrial companies.

The administrative route is also an option open to the commercial development manager. Because of the missions he is given, he may work in a limited geographical space or be forced to travel frequently.

Relative to his career, the business developer can evolve over the years. After the position of sales manager, it is possible that he will be promoted to commercial director, a function that involves more responsibilities.

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