Job Description - Sales Promotion Manager

April 2024
7 Min

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Sales promotion managers ensure the defense and promotion of the products, services and brands for which they work, they seek to trigger the act of purchase.

Having become a must in most sectors, the job of sales manager is carried out in large-scale distribution companies.

Within a sales team, the sales promotion manager is responsible fordevelopment of a commercial strategy aimed at attracting consumers. To evolve in this field, he must work in collaboration with marketing professionals as well as salespeople active in the field. Here is a detailed overview of the missions, training and skills required to exercise this profession.

What is the mission of the sales promotion manager?

The promotion manager must above all seek to increase the visibility of the services or the property he wants to sell. Sa Mission is to successfully create an attraction around these items, through operations or promotional offers.

The various actions undertaken by these managers must have a positive and direct influence on sales figures. The effect must be almost immediate so that the distribution center succeeds in making a very good turnover.

For best results, the manager should constantly refer to business results for assess your performance level after each sale daily. To obtain better monthly and annual sales figures, the manager's mission extends to three different areas.

mission du responsable de la promotion des ventes

Promotional operations

Promotional operations represent the best method to put in place to reach as many customers as possible. These promotional offers are made throughdistribution of discount coupons, beach tours or even press conferences.

Some companies prioritize promotional events that highlight contests or the distribution of promotional items. Any idea or initiative that goes in the same direction is possible.

However, the ideal would be to establish a coherent commercial strategy that allows a better positioning of the items for sale. LThe budget allocated for the success of this project must be prefixed and rigorously respected in order to avoid shortcomings or unnecessary expenses.

The management of the sales team

The sales promotion manager must take care of the management of his sales associates. These The latter must travel on the ground and at all points of sale in order to negotiate optimal visibility for a better flow of their products.

The mission of the sales manager is therefore to support, train and monitor sales associates. He must be able to give them support, guide and enlighten them when they encounter certain difficulties in carrying out their respective tasks.

Sales impact analyses

The manager's role is not limited to monitoring or developing marketing and sales strategies. He must be able to prove how the plan or strategy he would have put in place could have been used toThe flow of products.

The sales promotion manager must be able to prove that the money spent could be offset by a real and substantial increase in turnover. To achieve this, the manager can go through a thorough and meticulous analysis of results sales and marketing skills highlighted.

Analyses de l’impact sur les ventes

What are the skills required for a sales promotion manager?

For the smooth operation and regular sale of products, the manager must necessarily have a certain quality and competence. He has to be both convincing and extroverted. The sales promotion manager is a fine negotiator endowed with the most rigorous spirit of analysis.

Since he occupies a managerial position within the team he leads, he must have a sense of responsibility in order to carry out everything he undertakes or all the decisions he makes.

Mastering quantitative marketing strategies is also a very important skill that every promotion manager must have. For better management of the tasks that will be assigned to him, the manager must have certain qualities.

Be imaginative

In order to propose actions that are both innovative and effective, the sales manager must use his imagination. He must be in a constant search for the little extra that can make his campaign perfect.

This worker must succeed in Mark the difference between its promotional offers and those of all its competitors. The names of the brands or products and items they promote should be at the top of the list.

To arouse the desire and desire to buy in his potential customers, he must set up interesting and unusual actions that could arouse the curiosity and surprise of buyers.

Être imaginatif

Be rigorous

The sales promotion manager must be rigorous for the smooth running of his business. He must take into account the various budgetary constraints in order to stay within the margin imposed by the store managers.

To do this, he must be thorough when dealing with figures in general and managing information in particular. The manager must have knowledge of commercial law and marketing techniques in order to successfully analyze statistics during his various missions.

Be a good listener and persuasive

Accessibility, listening, persuasion are the fine words that define a good sales manager. He must be able to motivate his sales team, train his staff and find the minimum amount of time required to explain their task to them.

Gifted in commercial negotiations, he must be an animator and must know how to use media tools. Fluency in the English language could be a plus for him.

The career and the possibility of development

Promotion managers must have years of experience in this field, whether as a salesperson or as a department manager. Depending on his hard work, turnover that he succeeds in making after each sale, the promotion manager can rise to the position of sales or sales manager. This is an ideal and appropriate springboard for the future and especially for the development of one's career.

carrière et possibilité d’évolution

What training is required to become a sales manager?

There are numerous business courses available at all levels. They must then obtain their BTS after 2 years in the commercial sector. However, they can complete their skills with a professional license lasting one year.

Although graduates of BTS and DUT are the best appreciated because of their curriculum offering a path to professionalism, The trend is more directed towards graduates in Master of Commercial Management.

Business school graduates are also likely to be promoted to sales promotion managers. They are more effective in the field and manage their tasks successfully. To graduate from a business school or to obtain a master's degree in marketing, they will have to do 5 years of study in the field.

The sales promotion manager works methodically and in an organized manner. He is a worker with a capacity for exchange, sharing and a spirit of creativity. THEThe exercise of this profession requires regular work in the field, in stores for better realization, promotional operations and for an increase in the entity's turnover.

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