Job description - VRP: Traveller, Representative and Placier

April 2024
7 Min

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Often associated with corporate business and a real player in commercial strategy, the VRP meets individuals and professionals in order to present and sell the products of his company.

In a sales team, it's the field salesman. Having to show both motivation and determination, the VRP uses his negotiating skills and creativity to succeed in concluding all kinds of contracts.

Representative seller or usher: definition

What does VRP mean?

VRP Is the acronym for salesperson representing or usher. It can also be called sales representative, Placer representative, commercial and door-to-door salesman.

What is a VRP?

A sales representative or usher is a commercial land who meets customers in order to sell the products or services of the company he represents. The VRP focuses on professional customers. He also goes directly to businesses or shops in order to offer the items and services he sells. He goes off to meet a department manager, of a purchasing supervisor or even managing. Initially, the VRP also met with individuals but prospecting techniques, and employment difficulties linked to the negative reception reserved for canvassers, have significantly reduced this part of the activity.

What is the role of a sales rep?

Its mission is therefore to carry The company message and defend its products with customers to cause a sale. To do this, he Prospect and gait new customers, builds sales arguments, which he then adapts in the field to the specific case of each customer. Then, he presents the company's offer, answers questions, negotiates prices and conditions of sale and ensures after-sales follow-up. The specificity of the VRP lies in its mobility. He also plans tours according to the addresses of the customers, in order to optimize the time spent on the go. Subsequently, he wrote reports regular to its direction.

VRP vs VDI difference

Contrary to VDI, the VRP Is not independent. A company employs him and designates him to complete sales.

What status, what employment contract in a VRP?

Unlike the independent home salesperson (VDI), the sales representative is employed directly by one or more employers and is therefore an employee. The employer can offer him different types of contracts (CDD, CDI) as well as a fixed remuneration.

Why become a sales rep?

There are various reasons that can convince you to become a sales representative. For example, this profession ensures a financial stability and occupational. VRPs have access to the same regime of social security than any employee and can benefit from unemployment insurance. This is one of the biggest advantages of this job compared to the independent home seller for example. They also generally benefit from the Business insurance.

Beyond these financial advantages, the position of Sales Representative allows you to organize your schedule yourself, by managing appointments with customers in particular. This position offers a great freedom. 

The Salaried Sales Manager - CDI

A VRP on a permanent contract operates under the status of employee. Therefore, their remuneration can be fixed according to several alternatives. The employer can offer a fixed salary paid every month, a fixed salary And commissions or commissions only. Thus, the profession of VRP allows you to claim an average salary of between 2 K€ and €3 K gross per month, or 23K € unto 35 K€ per year.

In most cases, the conditions for the termination of employment contracts apply to the profession of sales rep. So, the VRP can be licensee by his company and he can, in the same way, give his resignation. As for leave, the VRP can take advantage of 2.5 days of leave per month worked, in the same way as other employees in the company.

Vendeur représentant ou placier : définition

What are the qualities of a good sales rep?

What is the profile of a good sales person?

Above all, a sales rep must have an appetite for The negotiation and The sale. His job is based on his ability to convince his prospects, that is to say his speeches And her Persuasiveness .

A VRP must also be provided with a Meaning of communication and a good relationship. As its missions are based on contact with customers, a profile that is comfortable with communication is essential.

In addition, to know speak several languages is an advantage for this position. Above all, a good sales representative must know how to communicate information quickly and effectively. Whether it is with customers or company teams, the smooth running of business depends largely on him. It must also be provided with a Great curiosity to allow him to prospect new customers or partners without hesitation and with an open mind.

Finally, The organization and rigor are essential qualities to have a good sales representative profile. Whether it is to plan appointments, establish an action plan or manage the client portfolio, the sales attaché must be able to find himself easily and respond quickly to what is asked of him.

What are the benefits of a sales rep?

Being a VRP allows you to benefit offered by the company that hires you. Given the numerous trips that VRPs have to make, companies often provide them with a company vehicle. Other benefits such as Restaurant tickets are appreciated by investment representatives. One Transport allowance may also be provided for by the employer.

Les qualités d'un bon VRP ?

How do I become a VRP?

The skills of an autonomous salesperson

Recruiters are waiting for candidates for the VRP position, some commercial and relational skills. Because every word counts during a negotiation, the VRP must mobilize all of its general skills, also called Soft Skills, namely:

  • creativity,
  • taking initiatives and a spirit of conquest
  • Adaptability
  • Determination
  • Good organization
  • Sense of listening
  • Commercial fiber
  • Critical thinking
  • Mastery of commercial negotiation
  • Mastery of sales and prospecting techniques
  • Relational ease
  • Mastery of office automation tools and social networks
  • Ability to learn and challenge
  • Demonstrate resilience

In order to optimally develop these soft-skills, he must become an expert in customer relations. In this sense, Akimbo offers training courses to acquire these skills and become a 2.0 salesperson. You will have the opportunity to opt for various training and support programs. The topics covered during this training will cover prospecting techniques, the improvement of the commercial posture, the management of customer appointments or even the management of customer accounts. Discover Akimbo Bootcamps.

Degrees and training required

The profession of sales rep is accessible with a degree in commerce. Among the various RESUME of candidates, recruiters often seek the presence of a Professional Sales Bac, a BTS negotiation and customer relationship, of a BTS commercial technician or even a BUT TC (marketing techniques). Professional licenses”trade and distribution”,”marketing of products and services” or”Sales engineer” are also training courses leading to the profession of VRP. Finally, a diploma from a school of business and management or a professional master's degree in marketing and sales are assets for this profession.

Adapted conversion profiles

The reconversion profiles are multiple and far from being similar. We can find restaurateurs, of servicemen Or communication officers. These profiles may also come from the sector of insurances, of the mass distribution Or of theindustry. In general, relational jobs make it possible to retrain into sales representatives because they require the same skills.

What career developments are there for this position?

When you are a VRP, you evolve quickly in your career. Indeed, after several years of practice, the VRP can hope to become Head of sector for example. Afterwards, he may consider becoming Sales manager, sales manager or sales manager in order to gain more responsibilities within the company.

Comment devenir VRP ?

What is the salary of a sales rep?

What commission for a sales rep?

Through its role as a business provider, a sales representative can reach commissions based on the number of sales made. These can be added to a fixed salary. The total of these commissions is often specified in the job offers themselves or when the contract is negotiated.

Other commissions may return to the VRP, in particular in the event of a breach of contract. Commissions concerning the return on sampling are always due to the VRP, regardless of the mode of termination of the employment contract.

The VRP salary breaks down into salary fixed and variable depending on the success of the objectives sought. It is therefore quite difficult to determine an average hourly rate based on the length of service of the employee. The amount of salary also depends on the size of the company and the sphere of activity.

VRP Junior Salary

At the very beginning, a junior sales person (less than 2 years of experience) will receive a salary of between €20K and €30K gross per month.

VRP Senior Salary

A senior sales rep (more than 10 years of experience) will be able to receive a salary of €60K unto €75K gross per year.

Quel est le salaire d'un VRP ?

Jobs similar to VRPs

The titles to know (result to be developed)

The profession of sales representative as described here is particularly broad and encompasses many aspects. However, certain specificities need to be added. Indeed, this profession exists under other names and several specialties. Some job titles take up the basic functions of a sales representative but work in specific areas. Thus, some titles deserve to be known in order to fully prepare for the profession of commercial agent. For example, we can highlight the profession of Multi-card VRP, Exclusive VRP, Real estate sales representative, commercial agent or technical sales.

What is a multi-card VRP?

A multi-card VRP is mandated by several companies. As such, he has concluded an employment contract with each of them. He is then subject to the same regime as any employee and in the event of a conflict, he must turn to the labour courts. Being legally attached, he must respect the rules of the company and he cannot, for example, sell a product without the company's agreement. Because of its status, a multi-card VRP generally receives a salary per commission, which means that his remuneration depends on the number of deals he does during the month.

What is an exclusive sales representative?

The exclusive VRP is a Salaried sales representative Who works for a single employer. This is a sales representative who benefits from the status of employee and works for a single employer in order to prospect and take orders from customers.

What is a real estate sales representative?

The real estate sales representative exercises his profession in exclusive title on behalf of a real estate agency. Unlike some of its colleagues, the real estate sales representative does not do business for its own accounts. His employer assigns him a geographic area with (or not) a specific customer base; however, this sector is not necessarily exclusive.

Sales agent vs sales agent, what's the difference?

The sales representative and the sales agent work in completely different ways. The VRP is an employee under contract, while the commercial agent is a intervener outside the company. The laws that govern employment relationships therefore fall under different texts.

The method of remuneration differs: the sales representative receives a salary subject to social security contributions, while the commercial agent is paid by commissions. A commercial agent is not subject to no minimum wage requirement while the VRP, for its part, touches on Minimum the SMIC. Indeed, the VRP is dependent on the will and the rules imposed by the company in its employment contract while the commercial agent exercises his activity independently.

Les métiers proches des VRPs

Find the right job offers in sales representatives

The offers to become a sales representative are numerous but to successfully get the job, it is necessary to highlight the qualities required for this job and to highlight yourself. Adapt your resume to the characteristics of the position and the company, highlighting your previous experiences in the commercial and administrative field. Experience in connection with the services and products offered in the company where you are applying will be an asset. VRPs are sought after in various structures. Apply in fields that you master or that you want to know.

You can also integrate a Graduate program within a company that offers career development.

To facilitate your job search, think of sites offering job offers. For example Welcome to the jungle or Jobteaser are real tools. A lot of sales assistant offers are posted every day.

How do you recruit the right sales rep?

You are looking for a sales rep and you have many candidates. We offer you some tips so you can be sure of Hiring the right person.

To recruit a good sales representative, you must ensure that he has the skills corresponding to the job. A key person in the commercial process, negotiations and contract conclusions will be carried out by him.

- Autonomy and organization.

He must be able to work in autonomy And in a way curated. Indeed, it will be the intermediary between customers and the product to be sold. He will have to ensure the smooth running of the commercial process and ensure that the negotiations go well.

- Relational sense

As the first speaker of customers, the sales representative must therefore have a very good relationship. Communication should not be a barrier for the candidate. You have to make sure that he knows how to communicate both in writing and orally and that the social aspect of the job does not frighten him.

- Mobility

To conclude contracts and prospect, the sales representative will have to spend a large part of their time traveling. A good candidate must not be hampered by travel and must be able to drive (vehicle, license)

Beyond these skills, be sure to ask The key questions. The answers the candidate will provide should help you better understand the personality of the person. After the usual questioning, you can interview the candidate more thoroughly. For example, you can ask him:

- What skills do you think are essential to succeed with us?

- What makes you a good sales rep?

- How do you explain what our company does to someone who doesn't know it?

Skills and experience are not everything. To find out what a candidate can bring to your company, it is possible to challenge him with different tests such as a group interview, a practical case or a Business Game.

Comment recruter le bon VRP ?
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