Account Manager Salary - Averagae Salary

April 2024
7 Min

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The Account Manager is in charge of developing and optimizing a portfolio of customers. He has a dual role as a salesperson and advisor who requires skills and who is rewarded, among other things, in his salary.

THEAccount Manager is the main point of contact for a company's customers. Its mission is to develop sales made by a portfolio of customers. For this, he Loyalty by supporting them and meeting their needs. Managing and optimizing its client portfolio allows the AM to receive a salary ranging from 32K € per year At more than 100 K€ for the most experienced profiles (bonuses included).

Many Akimbers become Account Managers after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

Often, the Account Manager receives a “package”: a fixed salary + a variable salary (bonuses). In this regard, the variable of an AM is often lower than that of a Business Developer. On the other hand, the fixed sound will be higher.

What is the salary for an Account Manager?

Account Manager Trainee Salary

It is a fairly rare position to find. There are 2 types of missions for an Account Manager internship:

  • On small accounts in terms of annual turnover.

A trainee Account Manager can take care of a few customers. However, these are small accounts that have little impact on turnover, and whose management requires less time and risk.

  • In support of an Account Manager, in situations where the AM must manage a large number of customers.

In this case, the trainee Account Manager can provide support. He can handle administrative tasks or tasks of a reasonable level of complexity. This makes it possible to lighten the work of the AM, and for him to focus on more strategic missions. The AM will be here a guide to teach the intern the missions of this position smoothly, while supporting him.

Overall, the salary will be higher than on many other internships: from €700 unto €1,200/month.

Junior Account Manager Salary (AM Junior)

These are profiles that have up to 2 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

The Junior Account Manager must be attentive to each of his customers by having particular attention and a relationship that is as personalized as possible. However, he must be careful not to be overwhelmed by the number of customers to manage and by their complexity.

We find on these roles a fixed gross annual salary between 32K € and €36K fixed with an additional variable portion of up to 25%.

Average Account Manager (AM) salary

This is the profile of 1 to 3 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

These PAs benefit from past experience in Sales that will be useful to them in their profession. They will apply their knowledge and skills in sales techniques and communication in order to achieve the objectives set. They are generally motivated by great perseverance and a strong desire to share and communicate.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between 34 K€ and 44 K € fixed + 20% of variable.

Senior Account Manager Salary (AM Senior)

This is a profile with more than 3 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

These Account Managers have an increased knowledge of the market and of the commercial strategies to be applied. They are often more reactive and more lucid in the face of a complex situation and know how to manage many different cases at the same time.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between 38 K€ and 55K € fixed + 15% Of variable

Key Account Manager (KAM) Salary

The Key Account Manager is responsible for commercial operations and the support of Key Accounts. That is to say, its action is focused on customers with high added value that require advice and particularly personalized solutions. It is a role in high responsibility because it is these accounts that represent the largest part of the turnover.

These are profiles with more than 2 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between €36K and 55K € fixed + 15% Of variable

Global Account Manager (GAM) Salary

The Global Account Manager specializes in international customers. Although he works a lot with the Sales team in general, he is however particularly attentive to meeting the needs of his customers by taking into account differences in cultures and languages.

These are profiles with more than 3 years of experience in sales and customer relations.

We will find on these roles a fixed annual gross salary between €40K and €60K fixed + 15% Of variable

Salaire Account Manager senior (AM Senior)

What factors influence the salary of an AM?

As with many commercial professions, the gross salary of an Account Manager depends on several factors such as the sector, Seniority or The experience of the individual. These are also professions whose remuneration is in the form of Package, consisting of a fixed part (an amount they benefit from at all times) and a Variable part (depending on the objectives achieved).

  • Level of experience of the profile and its ability to achieve its sales and contract renewal goals

An Account Manager has goals every month but also problems to solve. If he has significant experience or speaks several languages, he may be increased. Businesses and startups are looking for competent profiles adapted to the international and evolving context.

  • Average startup basket: the higher it is, the higher the remuneration.

The average basket, i.e. the amount spent by each customer, is an indicator and an element that makes up the salary of an Account Manager. In fact, the product or service sold determines the activity of the company and therefore its profitability. Since the work of the AM depends on these sales and contracts, it therefore also depends on them.

  • Industry: for the same reasons. Some industries involve high average baskets (e.g. cybersecurity)

In the same way as for startups, businesses market multiple products and services. Depending on the asset marketed, the objectives and the results will have a direct influence on the remuneration of the employee. Likewise, the size and structure of the organism can influence it.

  • Level of maturity of the company (and the possibility of associated up-sell and cross-sell)

A business that has been launched and profitable for years offers the Account Manager the opportunity to work on an already established portfolio of customers who only need to be supported. However, if not, he has the heavy task of retaining and supporting customers who do not yet have a strong interest in the product and service. A sufficiently developed organization allows up-sell and cross-sell because the range of proposals is wider and the possibilities more numerous.

Quels facteurs influencent le salaire d’un AM ?

What is the role of an Account Manager?

The Account Manager intervenes once the first contract has been signed with a customer. The Account Manager therefore retrieves the account once it has been signed by an Account Executive or a Business Developer (depending on the maturity level of the startup).

He is responsible for supporting existing accounts (generally) and his mission is to counselor And the build loyalty. He is responsible for a portfolio of customers that he monitors and optimizes throughout the duration of the contract, hoping to renew it if satisfied. The Account Manager thus scrupulously monitors the renewal dates of its customers' contracts.

A good Account Manager must have a lot of skills. While some hard analysis skills (CRM, data...) are in demand, it is mostly soft skills that make the difference. Indeed, the latter must perform multiple sales tasks requiring communication, motivation and organization.

What are the missions of an Account Manager?

  • Understand the customer environment and its challenges

In order to ensure a personalized service adapted to each client, the Account Manager must analyze and interpret his environment. He must follow the trends and evolutions of the market, but also take into account the desires of the customer. He must synthesize all this information into innovative solutions so that each profile feels listened to and helped.

  • Develop revenue (cross-sell, up-sell)

Using sales techniques such as cross-sell and up-sell, the Account Manager must not only take care of his customer portfolio but also develop and optimize it. In general, the contract covers a single service, the aim is to renew it but also to include new elements.

  • Retention and maintaining customer relationships: guaranteeing a high NPS (satisfaction rate) alongside the CSM

The main challenge of the Account Manager position is to succeed in combining growth and satisfaction results. With good relationships and the right approaches, he must succeed in supporting all his client files and constantly encourage new opportunities.

  • Discovering needs as they emerge

The Account Manager anticipates market developments and the wishes of his accounts as much as possible. If he identifies a need, he must respond to it quickly in order to avoid it turning into a shortage. He is attentive to the slightest opportunity that could bring him.

  • Ensure the annual renewal of the contract

A contract renewal reflects a desire on the part of the customer to use their services or products again. For the Account Manager, this is an absolute goal to achieve because it means both customer satisfaction and a new sale.

  • Report feedback shared by customers

In order to improve his performance but also that of the company, the Account Manager retrieves, synthesizes, communicates and analyzes customer feedback. Whether at the level of product/service or after-sales service, these remarks will be used to improve the efficiency and functioning of the organization.

Quelles sont les missions d’un Account Manager ?

What are the qualities and skills required?

  • Great sense of interpersonal skills and customer listening

The Account Manager must demonstrate good oral and written communication skills. In order to offer the most innovative and personalized support and solutions possible, he must listen actively. He must know how to listen, synthesize but also transmit, with his customers but also with his employees.

  • Commercial sense to detect opportunities

The Account Manager analyzes the market continuously (CRM, data, trends, etc.) in order to identify growth drivers and exploit them. It must meet current objectives but also anticipate market developments and try to retain and renew existing contracts for the benefit of the long term.

  • Organizational and rigorous qualities

Managing such a portfolio over time requires a great deal of organization and time management. The Account Manager must listen to any account that asks for assistance in order to guarantee good collaboration and not create a break.

  • Perseverance because it is a commercial role

An Account Manager can deal with complex situations and significant workloads. He may encounter failure, and experience episodes of conflict and stress. As a salesperson, he must constantly demonstrate empathy and resilience in order to overcome these problems.

  • Strategic vision for its customers and the product

For the company as well as for the customers, the Account Manager is responsible for good commercial relationships. He must develop a strategy for each of the accounts he faces. It adapts to the context, the product and the profile encountered in order to have the most rigorous and effective follow-up possible.

Quelles sont les qualités et compétences requises ? 

What training courses are required to become an Account Manager?

If there is no specific path to recruiting Account Managers, commercial training or experience in this field facilitates their integration. Indeed, this job requires skills and knowledge that the individual will especially learn in the field and then apply in his future roles. Several possibilities are then possible.

If there is no typical profile or career path, some jobs correspond to the expectations of the Account Manager position. For example, an individual who has worked as a project manager or sales person will be a good candidate for such a role. Indeed, he will be able to meet the expectations of reactivity and satisfaction with his mastery of the art of communication and project management.

  • Arriving with an attractive background and strong sectoral expertise (finance, cybersecurity, digital marketing...)

Generally a business school-type diploma (bac + 3 to bac + 5), an Account Manager must however have experience in a commercial specialization. Even if other courses are always possible, a certain course of study and field training remain relatively requested prerequisites.

  • Have taken the Akimbo Bootcamp

For individuals wishing to train as an Account Manager, Akimbo offers a Bootcamp full-time for two months. The aim of this training is to teach the skills and methods necessary to access the positions of Business Developer, SDR, BDR or Account Executive, a first step towards Account Management. Participants will benefit from interview preparations and a network of 250 startups to launch their careers in this field.

Quel est le rôle d’un Account Manager ?

Account Executive vs. Account Manager

The Account Manager intervenes after the Account Executive, i.e. he retrieves the accounts that AE has signed to support and retain them throughout the duration of the contract. Unlike its predecessor in the sales process, it takes care of existing customers and ensures their satisfaction through personalized follow-up.

Wage difference between AE and AM

Like many commercial jobs, AE and AM are paid according to a package system composed of a fixed portion and a variable portion that depends on the objectives achieved.

Compared to the Account Executive, the Account Manager has a lower variable share because although he must worry about his performance and his client portfolio, he has less margin for prospecting and exceeding than AE. Account Executives therefore have a higher variable salary because they have greater variable potential (prospecting, negotiation, etc.).

However, the fixed salary is higher for AM for junior positions (up to €40K in fixed employment).

Despite these differences in missions and salaries, these data then finally tend to be balanced over the years with experience.

Account Executive Salary

  • The fixed annual gross salary for a Junior Account Executive (0 to 2 years of experience for sale (SaaS) is between 33K € and €40K with an additional variable portion varying from 30% unto 100% of remuneration.
  • An Account Executive with 2 to 5 years of experience In sales SaaS will be awarded a fixed annual gross salary between €40K and €60K In fixed with in addition 50% unto 100% of variable.
  • The fixed annual gross salary for a Senior Account Executive (more than 5 years of experience for sale (SaaS) exceeds €60K fixed + 50% unto 100% of variable.
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