Alternation Business Developer in 2024 - The Ultimate Guide

April 2024
7 Min

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‍ Both student and employee, the work-study business developer is a real Swiss Army knife within the company. He lends a hand to the sales team to develop sales and thus achieve sales goals.

Discover the job of Business Developer

The profession of Business Developer attracts more and more young profiles who want to join the Sales world. Moreover, many Akimbers become Business Developers after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

Link the human contact, The impact On a daily basis and the use of new digital tools makes the job attractive. Doing an apprenticeship in this field is an excellent way to discover if this job is right for you.

What is Business Development?

The Business Development (Biz Dev, business development) refers to the set of techniques and knowledge that aim to develop a business commercially, its profitability and its performance.

Unlike Sales, Business Development intervenes in Upstream of the sales cycle to validate the positioning of an offer on the market, start prospecting and qualify the needs of prospects (Leads) in order to best meet demand. Sales then takes over.

Business Development has truly emerged at the same time as new computer and communication technologies. In essence, the various commercial practices he sets up are also aimed at growing the company.

We find the job of Business Developer (Bizdev) internally within of innovative companies, of startups, of digital agencies Or of consultancy firms.

In addition to sales techniques and methods, numerous marketing techniques are used in Business Development (e.g.: Inbound marketing).

What is the role of an apprentice in Business Development?

The role of an apprentice in the position of Business Developer is to work in collaboration with the sales team, and most often: an SDR or an assigned BDR or Business Developer.

The Business Developer position may be similar to commercial functions. In general, the title of the work-study position in Business Development is Assistant Business Developer. His role will therefore be to execute, alongside the Business Developers, the business development plan, which is in turn aligned with the company's strategy.

He will thus essentially be responsible for find new business opportunities. In other words, prospecting. At the margin, he can help find new growth drivers, pilot projects or even negotiate commercial agreements.

In order for these actions to take place in the best possible way, it will help to monitor the progress of operations. An apprentice in business development will learn how to become a good negotiator.

If the work-study went well, the work-study student will be offered A CDI offer at the end of the apprenticeship contract. Business Developers being highly sought after, businesses are not going to miss out on a good element!

What are its missions?

The Business Developer has numerous missions and can entrust varied tasks to the apprentice, based on his experience and the trust he places in him.

Initially, an apprentice in Business Development will benefit from a (often brief) training and a Onboarding with the company. This training may focus on commercial, legal, financial, administrative knowledge... It is therefore essential that the student has a thorough knowledge of all this before starting operational missions.

He will be required to work with customers for example to:

  • conduct cold-calling campaigns (teleprospecting);
  • create, develop and retain a customer portfolio;
  • listen to customers and meet their needs;
  • once experienced, negotiate contracts;

At the margin and if his performances are good, the internal apprentice may also be involved in more strategic projects of the Business Development team such as:

  • negotiating contracts; conducting studies to reduce fixed costs;
  • offer savings plans to the various departments;
  • set up dashboards to monitor actions;
  • participate in meetings to present business development actions and their progress;
  • conduct competitive monitoring on the company's market;
  • prospecting customers or brands;
  • exploiting commercial data;
  • identify potential markets;

Why do an apprenticeship in commercial development?

The work-study program has many advantages. It allows students to have a professional experience pushed while continuing their studies. In France, it is an increasingly recognized path that allows financial independence : the company pays the student and covers the student's tuition fees.

It is also interesting to study as an apprenticeship since the contract provides for several benefits in kind that can be partly covered by the company: housing, food, transport... Employee status allows you to benefit from paid leave, works council, etc.... The salary is also not taxable. The contract is more interesting than a Business Developer Internship since work-study lasts longer and therefore allows for greater responsibilities.

Apprenticeship very often leads to an employment contract (CDD, CDI) because the company will have trained the student in the profession and in company policy. If this is not the case with the apprenticeship company, getting a job is still easier, since work-study allows you to acquire significant experience compared to students following a traditional course.

The business development profession is very attractive for work-study students since there are many job opportunities, the missions are varied and the remuneration attractive. This profession is feasible in various sectors, which leaves a significant choice.

alternance en développement commercial

What are the qualities of a good apprentice in business development?

In addition to asking for motivation And of the rigor, A good Business Developer should To listen : whether it's his customers or the sales team, marketing... He must have a good relationship to express his ideas and present them in the best possible way during meetings or appointments. So he must be kind.

A good Business Developer must be autonomous since he has many tasks to do that he cannot always delegate.

How do I get an apprenticeship in Bizdev?

To get an apprenticeship in Bizdev, look at the cities that recruit the most: Paris, Lille, Lyon... There are many requests and the offer varies according to the seasons. If that's possible for you, be mobile.

Then, clearly define your project according to the Business Developer profession: sector, size of the company... to be sure that it meets your expectations and that your application is adequate.

Highlight all your skills and experiences related to the position presented in the offer or to the job if you are applying spontaneously. Whether individual or in a team, each experience should be valued. For example, if you have already completed an internship in this field, do not hesitate to detail your missions. The recruiter must immediately see your commercial streak and that you are not afraid of responsibilities.

Vary the applications and do not stay fixed on the offers of companies. Since Bizdev's job is digital, don't hesitate to use LinkedIn to stand out from the others on this professional network.

Once you are contacted for interviews, be prepared for all sorts of questions. Here are a few Tips for excelling in your dirty interviews.

How to be a good Business Developer?

A good Business Developer is oriented towards the growth and results of their business. He is constantly looking for innovations and new opportunities. It must be:

- Versatile

A true Swiss Army knife, he must master commercial techniques and methods, marketing, communication but also in the legal and financial fields. He will often have to use these different areas on a daily basis.

- Organized

Since its missions concern different areas and times, it is essential to be organized and to reconcile activities well. For example, this means prioritizing tasks.

- Persistent

The Business Developer must absolutely have a good resistance to stress and fatigue. He must know how to adapt despite the various changes. He should not be discouraged when faced with the refusals of his prospects.

- Overall and strategic vision

His overall vision of the various areas of the company will enable effective results to be obtained.

Les qualités d'un bon alternant en business development ?

How to become an apprentice business developer?

Skills required

Numerous skills are required, whether technical or human. With regard to technical skills, it is necessary for the apprentice to master the following tools:

- Statistical analysis for data cross-referencing;

- Office tools and in particular Excel with the VBA;

- Sales techniques (commercial negotiation).

In terms of soft-skills, the work-study student must have:

  • an entrepreneurial spirit

The work-study student will often have to make important decisions and see beyond their missions. He must be a source of proposals to bring innovative ideas to the rest of the team.

  • a logical and rigorous mind

A logical mind is very important since the work-study student will be required to work with various stakeholders (internally or with customers) on numerical aspects.

  • A cool head

A Business Developer, even on a work-study basis, is not afraid of responsibilities. He needs to learn to make important decisions quickly.

Training, studies and experiences required

It is essential for a Business Developer to complete his training in sales or sales. In general, a bac +5 level is required in Business school or University (IAE, master specialized in commerce or e-marketing).

Numerous BTS and DUT in commercial management can be completed by a specialized Master. It is possible to graduate from an engineering school but always complete a cycle in finance, management or marketing.

What career developments are there for this position?

After an internship as an Assistant Business Developer, the objective for a student is to get a Business Developer contract with the same company for which they worked.

However, after gaining experience as a Business Developer, it is possible to evolve into positions ofAccount Manager, Sales Manager, Partnerships Manager, Pre-sales, etc.

Comment devenir alternant business developer ?

What is the salary of an apprentice business developer?

Whether on an apprenticeship, in a Junior or Senior position, the Salary for a business developer possesses one fixed and one variable. The variable part is calculated according to the turnover generated by the Business Developer. It depends on the market in which the company is located but also on the type of product or service sold. The variable part can therefore be important depending on the performances.

The alternating salary depends on the company's policy, the collective agreement, or the agreement of the branch that determines the conventional minimum wage. You should know that the salary of an apprentice varies according to age and the number of years of apprenticeship. It can range from 27% of the SMIC to 78% of the SMIC, i.e. from 429.16€ to 1250.3€.

Junior Business Developer Salary

As a Junior Business Developer, the salary can easily reach €45K gross per year. It is estimated that the variable part can reach €12K.

Senior Business Developer Salary

As far as the Senior Business Developer is concerned, his remuneration can range up to €61K to €80K gross annually. It is estimated that 5 to 8 years of experience are needed for a Senior position.

Quel est le salaire d'un alternant business developer ?

Our advice for finding an apprenticeship

There are numerous job sites for work-study programs. Get closer to your school, which will probably have partner companies offering positions.

Several sites refer verified apprenticeship offers. There are institutional sites such as The Alternation portal, The Apec of young graduates, The Good Alternation which are managed or supported by the Ministry of Labour or Pôle Emploi. Or even the more well-known general sites; Keljob, Indeed, Monster, JobIRL...

Take care of your application and make sure that it best meets the published offer or that your spontaneous application corresponds to the company's DNA. Adapt your cover letters and resumes each time and meet the people you are talking to. For example, presenting yourself directly to the company or at recruitment fairs.

Be organized in your search: you can keep a document with your application dates to follow up. You can also monitor companies that could recruit or simply follow the companies you like to see their offers. In general, the offers appear in spring (March-April) or in summer (July) for a start in September.

It can be difficult to find an apprenticeship, especially when you are more a student. To do this, we have set up completely free training courses for all that allow you to learn everything about Sales & Development, without going through the apprenticeship box. You will still have all the skills required to apply for a Biz Dev position.

Our Business Developer training is spread over 12 weeks (part-time) or 9 weeks (full-time). It is suitable for candidates already in position who want to learn more about the job. At Akimbo, courses are based on flipped learning and allow you to study with 70% practice.

Nos conseils pour trouver une alternance

How to recruit a work-study student: Paris, Lyon, Marseille, etc.?

It is obvious that recruiting an apprentice has many advantages and allows them to be trained for your company for a future contract. However, there are numerous candidates who have been trained by Akimbo to the Sales and Business Development profession, thanks to our Bootcamps. They are ready to work immediately and the fact that our training is free is based on the commitment of our partner companies to offer permanent contracts.

Do not hesitate to contact us to find the best profiles for your business!



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