2024 Business Developer Salary Guide

April 2024
7 Min

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Some Sales & Business Developers with > 5 years of experience earn up to 300K€/year. This concerns a limited number of individuals, but it is the reality! Especially within American companies based in Paris.

Want a position of general sales representative In a startup that pays off? The Business Developer (BizDev) develops business turnover by intervening in each stage of the sales cycle to optimizing commercial strategy.

This role PrenanT and versatile Is on the rise and the recruiters are not afraid of Put the price ! In some businesses, the remuneration can break records. The BizDev is a stance Attractive and especially Wanted.

The purpose of Akimbo Bootcamp is also to train these future BizDevs in two intensive months - don't forget to find out.

What is a Business Developer?

Let's start with a short reminder of the role of Business Developer : the main responsibility of a Business Developer is To increase the turnover of your company by identifying as many new business opportunities as possible and converting them into customers. To get there, the business developer must have some qualities and develop skills trades.

Son salary (especially variable) So will depend on his ability to achieve this goal. It is not steps one conductor Or a project manager, as you can sometimes read on the Internet.

Let's now decipher the salaries received by Business Developers, Sales & Account Managers.

The salary of a Business Developer in France

Le salaire d’un Business Developer en France

The package system

When you Negotiate your salary in interviews to become a Business Developer, you will quickly realize that we are talking about Package. What is it?

The package is simply your fixed salary and your annual variable salary (at 100% of your goals) added together. In short (No pun intended), the package shows your total compensation if you reach 100% of your sales goals.

Package = fixed salary + variable salary (at 100% of the objectives)

Thus, with a fixed rate of €35,000 and a variable portion of €10,000, the package amounts to €45,000. Simple and logical.

Découverte du système de package

The proportion of variable salary on a fixed basis

After negotiation, your future employer therefore offered you a certain Package.

Variable compensation is calculated by the Head of Sales and/or the CEO so that the 20% to 25% of the best performing employees receive 100% of this variable : a well-calculated variable must be 100% achievable (even 120%, 150%...) for successful Business Developers.

The variable part of a Business Developer can represent up to 50% of his salary, even if the average range is more around +/- 30% of a variable salary compared to a fixed salary (example: €35k fixed + €15k variable). The variable/fixed proportion is not necessarily an end in itself.

The high packages by Account Executives often revolve around 50% fixed + 50% achievable variable (example: €50k fixed + €50k variable). The same goes for start-ups that want to attract profiles ready to take a risk by joining them (e.g. €25k + €25k).

Make sure you understand How is your variable calculated : what are the KPIs (indicators) that will determine your variable? Is it a percentage of the turnover you made? A commission per number of opportunities (or appointments) generated? On what historical basis is your variable remuneration calculated? Also ask for a written record (e.g. email).

Be careful to think carefully about what you expect from your remuneration: a large fixed portion may be a motivating factor, but it can also be a stress pattern because you represent a high fixed cost for the company...

Once in office, if necessary, call your manager again each month to review your goals and results for the month together and validate them.

Formation Sales

Double your variable salary portion with the levels

Speaking of motivation, boosters (or Stages) allow you to add chili to the variable. They encourage Business Developers to surpass themselves by seeking performance that exceeds 100% of their goals each month.

They thus make it possible to obtain an even greater part of the variable when the objectives are exceeded. To keep its most efficient elements, companies do not hesitate to offer very attractive ranges of variables in salaries: the variable share can be doubled or tripled when a certain threshold is reached, for example! For example, the variable salary for a Business Developer in a SaaS startup may amount to:

  • 2% of the turnover generated up to 10 k€/month
  • 4% of the turnover generated from 10 k€ to 20 k€/month
  • 7% of the turnover generated from €20k to €30k/month
  • 10% of the turnover generated > 30 k€/month

Pay difference: Business Developer vs Account Manager

As explained earlier, there are several roles in Business Development. Thus, while the Business Developer often has a general role (creation and execution of prospecting sequences up to and including closing), the Account Manager also has a role of Loyalty : it develops the turnover of existing customers (up-sell and cross-sell).

Typically, in the same company and for the same level of seniority, a Business Developer will often have a higher total salary (package) than the Account Manager, but a slightly lower fixed salary.

Différence de salaire : Business Developer vs Account Manager

The average salary of a digital business developer

1. What salary according to his seniority, his seniority on a permanent contract?

Intern/work-study business developer salary: 12K€ - 30K€

The Business Developer Intern will be able to come in supportive experienced BizDev who must manage a large number of prospects and customers. He will be able to take care of some administrative tasks Or of synthesis in order to lighten the work of BizDev. It is also a way for the intern to Train for the job in conditions with the help of a professional. Depending on his work, his recruitment may be considered.

Overall, the salary will be higher than on many other internships: from €700 unto €1,700/month.

Beginner/junior business developer salary: 32K€ - 38K€

One Junior Business Developer Generally has less than 2 years of experience.

The fixed annual gross salary of a BizDev Junior is between 32K € and 38 K€ including an additional variable portion that may vary from 30% unto 100% of remuneration.

Business developer salary after an Akimbo bootcamp: 30K€ - 40K€

These are individuals who have integrated the Key Elements of the profession thanks to commercial training Part-time fromAkimbo.

Thanks to our Bootcamps, an inexperienced Business Developer who has actively participated in our workshops and understands the mechanisms taught can hope for a remuneration more important.

The gross annual fixed salary can reach 30 K€ Up to €50 MILLION.

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Average startup business developer salary: 35K€ - 42K€

For Business Developers working in a startup, the gross annual fixed salary generally varies between €35K and 42 K€ with an additional variable volume varying between 15% and 30%.

In startups, remuneration will be strongly influenced by The average basket of the company and by the performance from BizDev. This is a key position in this type of company.

Senior business developer salary: 71K€ - 120K€

One Business Developer confirmed with advanced training and experience in this field, this is a profile with more than 5 years of experience.

Therefore, his seniority And its skills become a reference within the structure and often represents a figure of commitment and advice. This manager supports young salespeople and advises them.

The fixed annual gross salary of a senior BizDev can exceed €70K fixed + 50% unto 100% of variable.

Business Developer Manager (BDM) salary: 60K€ - 140K€

One Business Developer Manager benefits from a level of remuneration varying in a range between 60 and 140 K€.

These profiles have much more action managerial and global over the whole of commercial strategy.

Bizdev salary report according to seniority and seniority

Over the years, the seniority of workers and their experience become a reference within the structure. They become a Counseling figure. They are perfect knowledgeable about the environment and the business. As a result, they are often required to take responsibilities more important. So they get a financial compensation commensurate with the work done in addition to reward their loyalty at the establishment.

These Senior profiles often benefit from sought-after skills. During their activity, they were able to deal with numerous situations and learned from them. They often have a predisposition to remain calm in the face of a critical situation and to take matters into their own hands.

For companies, the challenge is to keep these profiles as long as they form the new generation. It is necessary to encourage a transfer of skills so that human and technical capital is not lost with the start of these long experiences.

Bilan du salaire Bizdev

2. What is the salary for a freelance business developer?

Freelance work is becoming more and more reachable thanks to the evolution of technologies. Les opportunities And the potentials are multiple. As a result, more and more Business Developers are getting started freelance.

Malt gives us the average daily rate (TJM) of a Freelance Business Developer based on his experience:

  • 0 to 2 years of experience : an average TJM of nearly 300€
  • 2 to 7 years experience: An average TJM of more than 400€
  • + than 7 years of experience: An average GMD of nearly 700€

Work asindependent Is a statute Who likes. The individual is the only one who decides to His work And of its availability. However, the missions And the remuneration are Uncertain. To be Employee on a permanent contract is quite different but nevertheless brings a certain professional and financial stability. Employee status also allows the worker to benefit from protections And of guarantees that are not provided if the individual decides to start freelancing.

The advantages of being independent are mainly related to the freedom of actions. That is to say, the freelancer has the freedom to Choose your pace as long as he manages to stay on course.

In addition to offering an interesting working environment, the wage turns out to be very gravitational. Indeed, freelancing allows the candidate to going beyond borders without having to travel. This multiplies the potential customer market and his salary has every chance of exceed its equivalents at the local level.

It is a profession with strong development opportunities, work increases in value with experience. There are no freelancers Wage limit And the Business Developer Negotiate contracts directly and its offers with its customers.

Quel salaire pour un business developer freelance ?

3. What salary depending on the city?

Business Developer Salary in Paris

For Business Developers based in paris, the capital of France, the average salary is between 32 K€ and 74K € annual gross.

Paris is the largest city in the country. Numerous national airlines and Internationals are installed there for local radiation. It benefits from a rich economic ecosystem And of a dynamic market.

Therefore, she is very Attractive for the businesses that set up there, and for the workers. The cost of living on site is relatively important but the wages gross earnings are on average higher than for the rest of the country on this same type of post.

Business Developer salary in Marseille, Lyon, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, etc.

For Business Developers located in Major cities of France such as Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse or Lille earn an average annual salary of between 26 K€ and 58 K€ raw.

These cities are among the most populated from France. These areas are widely dispersed geographically across the country. It's about the most major regional metropolises Who have a strong Force of attraction within the agglomeration. Like Paris, which is relatively diverse, some cities have specialty areas around which a employment area is created.

Business Developer salary in small towns

For the Business Developers based in the small towns, the average annual gross salary is between 28 K€ and 48 K€.

The province offers a good living comfort at the price of lower salary. The economic and industrial development of these areas is less strong but may represent an opportunity.

8 determinants of the salary of a digital business developer?

Two SDRs or two Account Executives in two different startups can have very different packages. Your future salary actually depends on six factors:

The Business Model of your start-up

Business Developers who market complex digital solutions with long sales cycles generally get the highest salaries. Simply because the average basket on which part of their variable is based will be higher. But as their variable can be decided by 1 or 2 deals in a year, they are also the most difficult and risky positions to occupy. They also often require a desired level of studies or previous experiences. In terms of a variable, it's often All or nothing.

When your average basket is high, for example with annual licenses > €50k, and you have a sales cycle of up to several months, your salary will be more important.

Le Business Model de votre start-up

Junior or Senior?

An accumulating Business Developer several years of experience obviously does not receive the same salary as a junior Business Developer (less than 2-3 years of experience in a position). He will earn between 5 and 10 k€/year in addition by changing positions often.

Especially since more senior profiles will be more likely to be entrusted with “Key Accounts” and will therefore have larger average baskets: the variable affected will be proportional, hence the explanation of part of the difference in salary between a junior and a senior.

Les fonds levés, vous observerez

La startup que vous convoitez a levé des fonds ? Les recruteurs en interne ont la pression. Avant une première levée de fonds, les salaires des collaborateurs sont souvent plus bas que la moyenne. Une première levée de fonds permet d’étoffer l’équipe et de s’aligner voire souvent de dépasser les prix du marché, en France comme ailleurs.

Il faut donc bien se renseigner sur les différentes levées de fonds, elles donnent souvent plus de flexibilité lors de la négociation des salaires.

La taille de la start-up

Il est très important de prendre en compte la taille de l'entreprise où vous postulez pour savoir à quoi vous attendre.

Alors que les startups early stage proposent des postes plutôt couteaux-suisses, les startups en forte croissance (phase de développement ou de saline) laissent place à plus de spécialisation. Elles commencent alors à diversifier leurs équipes, du marketing aux différents Sales de l'équipe commerciale. Attendez-vous donc à des variations de salaire en fonction de la croissance de votre entreprise.

Le Zidane de la négociation

Si votre salaire est différent de celui de votre collègue, la question s’est peut-être jouée sur la négociation dudit salaire. Une partie des Sales et Business Developers ne négocient pas leur salaire durant leur recrutement : c’est un très mauvais signal envoyé. Et de l'argent perdu...

Dans un poste comme celui de Business Developer, on s’attend à ce que vous n’ayez pas peur d’aborder les sujets financiers. Il est attendu que vous négociiez votre dû ! Commencez dès l'entretien à faire vos preuves.

Le Zidane de la négociation

Le secteur de l'entreprise

Les salaires proposés dans les secteurs de la Tech, et du logiciel sont en général dans le haut du panier. Il est d’ailleurs difficile pour des entreprises d’autres secteurs de proposer des packages aussi compétitifs que ceux proposés dans la Tech. Pour les salariés les plus performants et arrivés au bon endroit au bon moment, on parle parfois de rémunérations après 10 ans de carrière de plusieurs centaines de k€…

Par ailleurs, dans le secteur SaaS, il y a une pénurie de profils de bons Business Developers. Résultat : les salaires pour un junior sont jusqu’à 35% plus élevés que dans un autre secteur.

Do you speak english ?

La rémunération dépend aussi de l’internationalité de votre poste. En France, un Business Developer maîtrisant l’anglais (voire une autre langue) se verra offrir des perspectives d’évolution à l’international et donc un meilleur salaire. Par ailleurs, la maîtrise de l’anglais est considérée comme un prérequis pour les startups de plus de 100 salariés. Au moins approximative... Si vous parlez allemand couramment, vous prenez automatiquement 5 à 10 k€ de plus qu’un autre candidat équivalent...

Paris et ailleurs

Les startups digitales étant principalement basées à Paris, on trouvera un grand nombre d'offres sur cette zone. Les offres hors de la capitale auront potentiellement des salaires ajustés au niveau de vie de la zone en question. Néanmoins, de plus en plus de startups proposent des emplois en remote (à distance). Vous pourrez alors trouver des packages annuels tout aussi intéressants avec de belles perspectives de carrière, pour exercer votre activité même en dehors de Paris.

Les startups digitales

Salaires des autres métiers du Business Development

Salaire Business Development Representative (BDR)

Pour un BDR Junior, la rémunération moyenne en France est comprise entre 35 K€ et 60 K€ brut par an. 

Avec plus de 5 ans d’expérience, les BDR Seniors peuvent prétendre à un salaire allant de 60 K€ jusqu’à 100 K€ brut annuel.

Salaire Sales Development Representative (SDR)

Pour un SDR Junior, la rémunération totale est de 30 à 50 K€ brut par an.

Les SDR Seniors sont rares car ils évoluent vers des rôles d’Account Executives. Mais avec plus de 5 ans d’expérience, ces derniers peuvent prétendre à un salaire allant de 60 K€ à 100 K€ brut annuel.

Salaire Account Executive (AE)

Après plusieurs années d’expérience, le SDR peut devenir Account Executive (ou avant Team Lead SDR). Ainsi, après 2 à 5 ans d’expériences en tant que Business Developer, le salaire (package total) annuel varie entre 50 k€ et 90 k€, avec un fixe allant de 37 k€ à 50-60 k€. 

Salaire moyen de Account Manager (AM)

Un AM Junior peut débuter sa carrière avec un salaire de 32 K€ à 50 K€ brut par an.

Un AM Senior possède en moyenne un salaire allant de 45 K€ et pouvant atteindre 100 K€ brut par an. 

Salaire moyen Customer Success Manager (CSM)

Un CSM Junior qui possède moins de 2 ans d’expérience gagne en moyenne entre 32 K€ et 41 K€ par an + jusqu’à 5 K€ de variable. 

Après 5 ans d’expérience, un CSM Senior peut prétendre à un salaire total (salaire fixe et salaire variable qui représentent un package) allant de 50 K€ unto €70K.

Average Head of Sales salary

Who says big responsibilities says salary accordingly: the total package of Head of Sales extends from €70 million at 200 k€ gross per year according to its experience and past results, with a fixed amount ranging from €50,000 to €100,000.

In conclusion, Sales & Business Development jobs pay very well and it is possible to see your salary increase very quickly. But it's not easy: you have to be efficient and master the best tools, methods and processes to achieve it. Spirit of conquest, listening, rigor are indispensable allies. Your future salary will also depend a lot on the industry you join (EdTech, HealthTech, FinTech...).

How to negotiate your Business Developer salary? Marin Lévesque

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