The 6 key skills of a Business Developer

April 2024
7 Min

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Developing turnover and managing the sales cycle is a matter of work over time. The Business Developer does not improvise, he uses his skills to serve his mission.

The Business Developer (BizDev) exercises shares in 360°, from prospecting new accounts to conversion, and this until closing. Many Akimbers become Business Developers after their Bootcamp at Akimbo.

Unlike most traditional positions that focus on a task or a type of customer, BizDev manages the entire sales strategy of the company.

To develop the structure in which he operates, he must therefore master a large number of techniques for sale, of prospecting And of Closing. Sa versatility is his strength and his driving force on a daily basis, he is never bored.

1. Demonstrate relational intelligence

THErelational intelligence is the ability to understand The communication codes And to the enforce. To perform over time, the Business Developer must know himself first selves. That is to say, he must understand How it works and His position in order to be able to adapt one's own behavior to that of one's interlocutor.

A BizDev must be interested in others. Indeed, to be efficient, he must know well its prospects. To demonstrate relational intelligence, he must therefore be attentive, know how to listen to others but also understand them. The business developer must also be comfortable with non-verbal communication and know how to manage different types of relationships.

Rational intelligence allows BizDev to know Take a step back on one position and turn to the other. At most the coping reflex is swift and naturalness, at most the communication establishes and promotes a climate ofconstructive exchange.

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2. Have a good sense of listening

To be able establish a relationship of trust And a lasting partnership, listening is the key. The challenge is to keep a professional distance and respect feelings of each one. Through active listening, BizDev will seek to understand intents And the viewpoints of the opposite party to build its strategy.

Thus, he must use the techniques ofActive listening. It is a communication technology which makes it possible to improve the understanding between the interlocutors. It consists in giving back most of what you have heard to your interlocutor, by adding its own interpretation. This technique makes it possible to clarify ideas and to better understand the needs of the other person.

Disposer d’un bon sens de l'écoute

3. Mastering prospecting techniques

To develop your business and limit the risk of financial difficulties, you must Conquering new accounts and diversify them. It's about finding a opportunity And of the Transform into a customer. The development of customer base is essential to develop the business and make it known to as many people as possible. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful levers.

The Business Developer is a”huntsman”. He seeks to identify new potential customers and then initiates the prospecting. She can be telephonic, in Face-to-face or even by email. Therefore, the BizDev needs to know Whom to contact and how.

Prospecting does not take place linearly. It can evolve and change depending on the context encountered.

The BizDev has the heavy task of taking the time to discuss with the prospect and see if he corresponds to the offer. This key step requires organizing and mental.

4. Mastering sales techniques

The Business Developer is called upon to intervene throughout the sales cycle. He must then understand his customers, reassure them, transform them and close them (commercial jargon). The key to its success lies in its ability tolocalization.

The Business Developer Needs to Know analyze your market and your customer in order to choose the right ones sales techniques and have the good behavior who will know how to reach the prospect. He must bring worthiness in its proposal and in the way in which it was presented. Son argumentation And the solution proposed must meet the needs of the prospect.

As the exchanges progressed, he Refine its offer and offers the most Personalized possible. A tailor-made solution is more likely to convince because it will have been designed for this particular case.

Maîtriser les techniques de prospection

5. Mastering commercial negotiation

BizDev must master The art of negotiation. Negotiating requires a readiness in advance of the objectives and techniques to be used to achieve one's goals. In order not to be surprised and destabilized in the face of customer objections, he must absolutely understand and know your arguments. For this he can use The SIMAC method or The SPANCO method which aims to be as prepared as possible to the objections of prospects.

Negotiation goes through the verbal And the Non-verbal. There is no aspect to be overlooked.

At the end of the exchange, he must know how to conclude at the moment when the partnership perspectives are satisfactory. The BizDev must at the same time keep in mind its objectives of scores but also of satisfaction customer. He must therefore ensure the satisfaction of both parties: his prospect and his company.

6. Know how to work in a team

To succeed in this role, the Business Developer must represent a Counseling figure and Of commitment For his team. It's a profile gracious Who knows the importance of internal and external communication. He is in relationship with numerous actors different throughout the project.

He must be able to Pitch its solutions, of introduce its projects and to ensure transmit all information. Son Sense of listening And her ability to communicate are essential for increasing the efficiency of its work and that of its employees, and therefore improving results.

Savoir travailler en équipe

How to be a good business developer?

Recruiters can expect numerous candidates technical professional skills Around the Business Development but also Soft Skills. Skills interpersonal which are the sole property of the BizDev person. Certain personality facets are favorable to be exploited in the context of one's work.

What are the personality traits that will make you the best Biz Dev?

Each Business Developer action can have repercussions across the entire sales cycle. It is the trigger in the company performance, its growth. BizDev cannot afford to be lax in its business. Some qualities are necessary.

  • Understand your environment and its new tools

The Business Developer must be sensitive to the business and digital sector. Listen and understand sound environment is a key element in its strategy. This knowledge makes him want learn new techniques and to think about new innovation ideas.

  • Know how to organize your time and work

BizDev's work extends throughout the sales cycle. The missions are Numerous and he has no choice but to have to Get organized. Thanks to tools such as CRM, it records its offers, its activities and their follow-up. He works on numerous files simultaneously and there is no dimension to favor. Its action is intended to multiple.

Sa thoroughness will allow him to manage his work by autonomy As in team.

  • Be able to adapt to situations

Despite objections and failures, BizDev must be ready to take on new challenges. It is a job that requires determination.

He must build a mental enduring and conquering in order to put emotions aside to Focus on your goal. It feeds on its experiment and of its teachings To build his future and that of the company.

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