Discover the commercial technique for analyzing the needs of a prospect in order to adapt your sales speech according to their customer profile.
Establishing a customer discovery plan is essential for the smooth running of a sale. Indeed, it was during this discovery phase that we can gather crucial information about the customer, his business and his situation. This will allow you to use real persuasive arguments when it comes to presenting a solution without facing premature objections.
La FOCA method Is therefore a sales technique which precisely allows you to ask relevant questions in order to target the needs of the prospect and understand their expectations. We love talking to the Akimbers about it on the Bootcamp !
What is the Foca method?
Based on a series of questions asked in a specific order, it makes it possible to highlight the gap Between the current customer results, and the desired results during a sales interview. This commercial technique is thus based on the discovery of needs of the customer through discussion and the creation of a relationship of trust. We often use it at Akimbo.
Definition of the Foca Method
FOCA is an acronym for the use of questions from Facts, questions d'Opinion, questions from Change and questions Of Action. Asked in this order, these questions allow the salesperson to discover informations on the needs of its client in order to adapt its sales speech. At the same time, they also make it possible to highlight the problems associated with the current environment. of the customer to encourage him to look for a solution helping him to optimize his results.
Why use the Foca method?
While many salespeople don't spend much time on the customer discovery phase during a sales interview, this step is essential. The FOCA method is one of the ideal commercial techniques for collecting valuable information on the prospect and his company, which will be used to identify the customer's situation and thus set up a negotiation plan and a convincing argument.
The 5 questions of the Foca sales method
1. Identify the current situation
The first phase is to analyze The environment in which the customer and his company find themselves based on facts and by asking them about their current processes. This therefore makes it possible to know what tools he has at his disposal and how to use them, but also to assess the difference between the expected results and the results obtained.
Example questions
If the objective of the sales interview is to offer the customer a training solution for his team, the first Questions of fact to ask him could be for example: “How do you organize the training of your recruits?” “How often do you train your employees and how long does the training last?”
2. Know the position of the interlocutor
The second step in the plan is to interview the customer On his opinion as to its current processes and techniques. This opinion, which must necessarily be based on proven facts such as the results obtained and the possible problems he encounters, should not be given to him by the salesperson, but must come from the interlocutor himself. It is important for the latter to be able to distance himself from his own methods and make an objective judgment on the results of his sales and the impact of his processes on them.
Example questions
To continue with the example of training, we can thus ask the customer: “What do you think of your training techniques current?” “Do you think your sales team is sufficiently trained to effectively carry out the missions you entrust to him?”
3. Identify your expectations
The third phase consists in subtly and ingeniously encouraging the customer to distance themselves from their current processes, in order to understand their expectations and push them to seek a better solution to their problems. By using questions of change, the objective is to highlight that there is a difference Between the rOptimum results desired And the results obtained.
Example questions
To better understand these expectations, we can therefore ask the customer “What do you expect from your team and the next internal training session?” `.
4. Verify the will to act
The penultimate step in the plan is to encourage the customer to take action, and to do so, to ensure that they are genuinely ready to face and find a solution to their problems. It is therefore necessary, based on the shortcomings identified in its current processes and results, that the commercial can come back with the shopper On the various tools and techniques to optimize to get the results you want.
Example questions
At this stage of commercial discovery, it is crucial to listen to the intentions of your interlocutor in terms of improving his situation. One can thus ask him: “How do you plan tooptimizing The training Of your sales team to reach your sales goals?”
5. Formulate our proposal and get the support of the prospect
Establishing a relationship of trust based on listening and reformulating customer responses is essential to build a solid argument and overcome any objections when presenting the product and its benefits. Having identified the Situation of shopper, the commercial can in fact help him take distance On his tools and techniques current ones to then make him a offering that allows it to optimize its results.
Example questions
In the context of offering distance training, the salesperson can for example ask his interlocutor about his knowledge of the advantages of the product: “Have you already used the training of your teams? remotely ?” “Do you know the profits Of a asynchronous training adapted to the pace of each person, in particular through the use of video and pdf documents ?”
Review of this sales technique
In conclusion, this discovery plan allows the salesperson to easily decipher the needs of his interlocutor and to adapt his arguments to avoid any objections when presenting the product and its advantages.
It is therefore based on relevant questions and the reformulation Responses from shopper to help him identify the stream of the gap between the desired results and his obtained results, and push him in this way to set up corrective actions - such aspurchase of the proposed solution.